
Infinite Power Cultivation

The future unfolded on a magnificent scale into the interstellar age. The biology of living beings have evolved to the next stage of evolution across the universe. The universe is now filled with countless tyrannical and unusual creatures. Humanity in the age of distress have discovered the power to evolve their bodies and gain special abilities by hunting powerful beasts. When the right time arrived, Yu Jin sets off on an interstellar adventure to explore the galaxy and become the most powerful being ever.

Melvin_Adeambowen · Fantasie
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27 Chs

A Lycan

The river's current carried Yu jin far away into who knows where. Yu jin could barely hold his consciousness. He hadn't anticipated it to be this high. Even if he had. There was nothing he could have done.When the current became gentle, Yu jin pulled himself ashore to the riverside. He coughed out water and tried getting up but he couldn't. So he just laid down consciously waiting for his body to rise up. In he meantime, he summoned his stats to access his strength. He had advanced to level nine gained eleven points. He would need eighty nine points before he could evolve into an aristocrat. He summoned the dagger and the rune stone. The dagger was curved and had very sharp edges. He couldn't decipher what was special about it. It looked like any other regular dagger. As for the rune stone he already had an idea of what it could do. It's description matched exactly what he had heard some men talking about in the academy. Apparently if he absorbed this rune stone, it could enhance his cultivation by three levels. This rune stone was also very expensive.Just one of it could be sold for more than three million dollars. That was an awful amount of money. If he gained that amount of money, he could purchase some skills or practice one of the upper tier laws if that was even possible.

On a normal situation he would have chose to absorb the crystal but right now, Yu jin decided to sell the crystal when he returned. He tried rising up again but he still couldn't. Before he had realized, he was asleep.Yu jin woke up the next day but was still unable to move his body. This was beginning to frustrate for him. He had to report back to the academy as soon as possible. But right now, he still couldn't move his muscles well. So he decided to take another nap while waiting for his body to recover. After some hours later, Yu jin woke up again, this time in a room. He tried getting up once again and this time he could move and even sit upright but he could still feel some pain around his body. He tried standing up to his feet but then he lost his balance and fell to the ground.Before Yu jin landed on the ground, a young maiden rushed in out of nowhere and grabbed him and placed him back on the bed. "You're still hurt.You should be resting" She said "Where am I?" Yu jin asked "You're at my house. I found you unconscious on the riverside, so I brought you in." "Thank you Miss" Said Yu jin. "You can call me Elizabeth" She said "What about you?" She asked "I'm Yu jin" "Nice to meet you Yu jin. Can you tell me what happened to you out there?" She asked "I was washed down the river." Said Yu jin "That's for sure. What I really don't get was how you found yourself in that situation." Yu jin thought she was being a little too inquisitive. He didn't want to reveal his true identity as a knight. Fortunately she stopped pressing him for information. "It seems you cant remember. You can rest here while you recover." She said "Thanks again Elizabeth" Said Yu jin. After that, Elizabeth prepared supper for both of them and they ate their stomach's full. Within a short time, Yu jin's full strength returned. "This must be the body of a monster" Thought Yu jin. "By the way, can I know which place this is?" Yu jin asked "This is Roan"She replied "….You mean Roan in the land in the land of the mist?" Asked Yu jin and she nodded in response. "What's wrong?" She asked "I'm really far away. I have to get back to Raven Hill." Said Yu jin "You're from Raven Hill?" She asked "I am" Said Yu jin "That's really far away. You can either wait and board the train or you can use three days to walk. Not to mention the forest." "There's a forest a forest near here packed with monsters. It's a miracle they haven't killed all of us, although they do from time to time." "I think I'll wait for the train" Said Yu jin "Yeah. I guessed you would. "By the way, Why do you live alone when there are are a lot of beasts lingering nearby." Asked Yu jin. "I lived with my husband, but he was killed by a beast." She said "I'm sorry for your loss" Yu jin apologized. Yu jin tapped her shoulder to comfort her. "I need a favour?"Said Yu jin "Tell me what you want" "Can you show me where this forest is? Before I leave, I'll like to show you my gratitude" "What kind of gratitude would involve going to that dangerous place?" She asked"You'll know soon enough" Said Yu jin. Elizabeth didn't want to cooperate, but Yu jin succeeded in persuading her by promising her of his return."The forest is located north of the town. Just go straight and you'll be there. But you'll have to return quickly, or you'll miss the train." She said"I'll be back before you know it" Said Yu jin and then he got up and left immediately." "Yu jin soon arrived at the forest Elizabeth described. This place was supposed to be flooded with monsters. The trees were long and there were a lot of overgrown bushes around which could serve as a hiding point for some monsters. Yu jin continued to walk forward searching for monsters to hunt. Soon enough, he came face to face with fierce looking panthers. They were three in number. They all faced Yu jin in different directions so they could attack together. They were definitely intelligent and they were all about four feet tall.Yu jin brought out the mystic storm dagger he had earned from killing the dragon. He was so eager to learn the capabilities of the dagger, So without wasting any more time, he dashed to his first target; the panther right in front of him and cut through the lower body of the monster. The cat escaped by the skin of it's teeth. It was really lucky but then it fell to the ground paralyzed. Yu jin became confused. "That shouldn't have caused any damage. How is it already down?" He wondered. When he attacked his next target, it was the same thing and the same again for his final target. Yu jin now understood it's power. This dagger had extreme paralyzing effect to anyone it came into contact with. They were not dead. They just couldn't move. Yu jin then went across each of them and killed them.

Decade black cat Killed

Five points gained

No artifact or beast soul acquired

Same thing for the other two. Yu jin didn't want to leave their bodies behind now that he knew what they could do. All the same he abandoned them and went deeper into the forest. But before he realized, night had fallen. Yu jin decided to start moving back to Elizabeth. He was quite disappointed because he hadn't met a 3rd level Century or Millennium beast. As Yu jin was arriving, he suddenly sensed the presence of something ominous nearby. It was definitely a beast, and a definitely ominous one. It's strength should be on the millennium beast level.Normally, Yu jin would have been happy because he would finally get enough points to reach the tenth level and complete his evolution but this beast was definitely ominous. He could literally sense an evil presence coming from it. He wondered what kind of beast it was. "I have to hurry" Said Yu jin. So he buckled up and dashed through at a very fast pace. Within about a minute, Yu jin had arrived. When he finally laid eyes on the beast, Yu jin's heart beats increased. It was a lycan. Huge and tall at a height of eight feet. It's eyes were pitched black, and had sharp claws which Yu jin did not want to get into contact with. It dripped saliva from its mouth as if it was hungry and hadn't eaten for a year. "Y-You came, Yu jin." Said a very terrified voice. Yu jin's attention immediately turned to where the voice originated from. Yu jin became even more terrified than the one about to be eaten. "Elizabeth?" Said Yu jin. He quickly turned is attention to beast in front of him who was just about to make it's attack. Both continued to stare at each other angrily until they both dashed towards each other making their first attack. Yu jin immediately recovered and counterattacked with his Excalibur breaking it's defenses. An opportunity to end the life of the Lycan was placed at Yu jin's doorstep. Without taking any chances he violently gave a slash towards the beast but it evaded the attack skillfully as if it had learnt martial arts. Only a tiny bruise affected it's arm. However within a few seconds, the wound closed on it's own. "Extreme healing ability" Said Yu jin. The Lycan howled and dashed on it's four legs at an even faster pace than he had imagined. "It's also very fast." Said Yu jin. He retreated back into the air and released his attack. Again the Lycan successfully evaded it and jumped into the air following Yu jin. "I have to get close to it without getting cut by those terrifying claws." Said Yu jin. If he could only get close enough to use his dagger, the battle would be won. Yu jin placed the sword away and took out the dagger. The Lycan noticed his change in weapon and frowned it's ugly face wondering how such a small weapon would injure it. . "Come on" Said Yu jin. In response, it dashed straight to Yu jin preparing to end the battle. Yu jin fully concentrated all his energy on his senses. With full concentration on its movements, he could almost tell how the beast was going to attack. When they both finally came into contact, Yu jin stabbed the Lycan with his dagger in the back. Instantly the dagger did it's work. It suddenly lost control over it's body and fell down to the ground.A confused look appeared on it's face. Yu jin also landed, brought out the Excalibur and pierced it's heart. Finally it yelled out in pain and breathed it's last breath.Millennium Blood Lycan killed Eleven points gained.No artifact or beast soul acquiredYu jin's face grew sad. He hadn't earned any artifact for killing this menacing beast. "Too bad" He thought. But he was still lucky, he had maxed out on his primary points. It was now left with Evolving. He also stared at the Lycan's body and smiled. "It'll be very tasty" He said. He then lifted the body up and took it to Elizabeth's house. He dropped the Lycan's body in front of the lady who was at the brink of being eaten a few minutes ago. When she saw the huge Lycan body in front of her she became relieved and surprised at the same time. "Would you please cook that for dinner?" Said Yu jin "You want to eat that? And why didn't you tell me you were a knight?" "I didn't want you to freak out." Said Yu jin"Are you kidding? The knights are like heroes around here" They both laughed and ate the Lycan's body. Elizabeth was totally against eating the body but Yu jin forced her to do so and when she did, she enjoyed it just as Yu jin did. The next day, Yu jin's ride had arrived. He thanked Elizabeth one again for all she had done and hopped unto the train which left for