
A Very Short Match In The Park


"Alright boys, you know the drill," Julian said. Everyone on his team huddled together to form a circle on their side of the pitch. "Names and positions. We have a stranger in our midst today." Julian turned to look at Alexis, who was crouched beside him. "I'll go first. Julian, center back."

"Aaron, striker."

"Jeremy, left back."

"Phillip, center mid."

"Justin, defensive mid."

"Hansel, right back."

"Reece, center back."

"Alexis, attacking mid."

"Alright then. It's obvious we're playing 4-3-1, looking at the positions of the players we have here. No game plan, just play whatever the fuck you want. The match ain't lasting long today; the Proprietor's Cup lads have matches tomorrow," Julian said. There was a subtle hint of arrogance in his voice when he mentioned this. The others missed it, but it was very clear to Alexis. He had played with similar players before.