
Chapter 8 Training Begins

When I woke up I looked out the window of my new bedroom. "Now marks the 25th September right?" I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed and dressed into the clothes on my bed. 02 left us clothes at the end of each day for the following day.

At least that's what it said. I brushed my teeth and looked at my watch. 'It's 7:58am it's gonna call us in about a minute or so then.' I thought as I spat out the toothpaste and headed downstairs. The clothes he left for me were a white shirt with black shorts along with bright red trainers and white socks.

I went into the elevator and eventually I arrived at the bottom floor. I was the first one to arrive. 'Wait did we have to come here?' I thought questioningly as 02 had never mentioned it.

After a couple seconds though my worries were put at rest as 02's voice echoed loudly "ALL OF YOU GO OUTSIDE TO THE FRONT OF THE LIVING QUARTERS!" "AHH!" I simultaneously heard loud shouts of surprise.

Soon after everyone had arrived in front of the living quarters. George scowled at me but didn't do anything as we all waited for 02 to give us our "training" as he put it.

"Now that you are all here let's begin the training. 1st training run around your living quarters 10 times." 02 said as I heard him clear as day.

'Then let's begin.' I though as I started running around the living quarters. Everyone else was a bit slower to react but soon everyone followed. All around there was really nothing but field but behind the dorm there was the cafeteria.

'7th lap done.' I thought while panting. Some people had already started complaining at the 3rd lap saying

"This is ridiculous."

"I want out of here!"

"Is this even legal!"

Those people were given no response though as we all continued running.

Eventually I was on the 9th lap but some people were catching up to me when 02 said "First one to win gets a small prize." Hearing that my running sped up. "OI! STOP HIM!" George yelled as a few people threw stones at me.

Somehow though I managed to dodge them all and continued running. '10 more meters!' I thought as some people I had lapped turned around to punch me. Unconciously though I ducked and punched them both in the abdomen while continuing to run.

"Finally!" I huffed out as I completed the run. "The Winner is Cyril Reeds!" 02 said as i ran past the starting point. "Your prize is 10 points. So you all know there is a shop interface where you can buy anything with a price value of 10,000 points or below. To buy items of higher value you would need to buy them from a merchant or find them. Fun fact merchants also generally give discounts." 02 stated as I listened attentively.

Soon they all finished there laps and 02 said "Now all of you sit down!" We all immediately sat down and began to listen.

"What I have to tell you is important. So listen up! You shall all be here for a month and during this time I will bring you to unprecedented height of power for humans. At the end of the month there will be a big competition between all the years of your school at the end of this week there will be a competition between all of you and after 3 days you will all be designated a type, you'll understand then so dont bother for now.

Apart from that I assume you have all noticed, at least subconsciously, that you're much more stronger, durable, faster and have better reactions? You all have probably and that's because of your talents. A peak human has stats of 10 and you can check your stats by thinking status. To be clear your stats currently a directly proportianal to your talent in a sense. For example Cyril Reeds who has a Rare talent has 20 in every stat currently. But that wont last forever. Those with worse talents with enough effort and luck can surpass those with higher talents through training. Apart from that you might be wondering why you were so tired after running around the living quarters 10 times with your increased physical abilities well that is because firstly your bodies are still adjusting to the change while there is also a pressure activated in the area to increase the effect of your training." 02 said in one breath.

'So what he means is that I have an advantage and that those with higher talents have the edge as long as they work hard. I dont know for sure but the first part means that who ever wins is going to get really nice things that's what I know.' I thought as 02 continued "Now check you status."

'Status.' I thought as a Status Screen appeared.

Name: Cyril Reeds

Type: Null

Stage: 1

Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Endurance: 20

Perception: 20