
Chapter 4 Test Of Talent

"Now that everything is completed the Great Change shall begin!" a voice rung out in everyone's ears. "What's that?" Jack asked "I dont know, maybe a ghost!" Drake said jokingly as I thought 'I guess this is why I was transmigrated.'

"I am AI 02 and you are race 0124362623 also know as humans in planet Earth 12343243436658665 in Universe 116161611. Your evolution shall now begin. Each year group shall now be divided as they will get different powers but before that will be a test of talent." the AI said as I started laughing on the inside.

'HEHEHE! I'LL GET THE BEST TALENT FOR SURE.' I thought as I was suddenly somewhere else in a flash of bright light.

"Now kill that rabbit and make it to the next stage." 02 said as I looked around. I was alone in a field with a white rabbit in front of me.

"HEHEHE! Although it may be disgusting this is the end of you Rabbit-san!" I said as I rushed towards the rabbit and kicked it like a soccer ball. "I am sorry animal activists but this must be done." I continued as I grabbed the rabbit which I kicked a meter away by the neck and strangled it.

The rabbit soon died and 02 said "1st stage complete you may now go to the next stage, but be warned it will be much harder now choose!" as I heard that I immediately responded "NEXT STAGE!"

In a flash of bright light I was again in another field. This time though there was a wolf in front of me. 'Oh F*CK!' I thought as 02's voice sounded again "Now kill the wolf and you can go to the next stage. You can also pick to use a weapon but that will lower your overall talent score."

"Then I'll go with out a weapon." I said as I resolved my self to get the best talent possible. 'Wait what have I done! I cant fight a f*ckin wolf bare handed!' I thought as my blood ran cold.

I was panicked but when I looked closely the wolf was asleep 'WHEW! Although brute forcing it may give me more talent or more talent for a direct combat being sneaky is still a talent..... wait how does it calculate talent? What ever I dont have time for this now.' I thought as I shook my head.

I slowly crept up towards the wolf and once I was near it I poked it right in the eyes as hard as I could. 'GOD this is gross! UGH! I have all the wolf blood on me.' I thought as I retreated quickly.

"AWOOO!" the wolf groaned in pain. "I am sorry wolfey but it must be done I hope you understand." I said towards the wolf as I ran away and grabbed a rock. What I had done though was detrimental as the wolf charged towards me, because obviously it still had ears.

"Shoot! Guerilla tactics initiated." I said as I chucked a rock at it. The rock hit it on the leg and it started bleeding a bit. I continued to run around it as I threw stone after stone. Luckily though after a few minutes it bled to death.

"Whew that was easier said than done." I said as it lay on the bloodied grass. "2nd stage passed with flying colours. Would you like to challenge the 3rd and final stage? Be warned it's much harder than the last 2." 02 said as I calmed my self down.

"ONWARD!" I shouted as I was teleported to another field in a flash of bright light. In front of me now there was a band of 5 goblins. Two of them had wooden clubs another 2 had what seemed to be sling shots and the last one had bags on it's sides.

"Now complete the final stage and you may go to the next area for you talent test. Also for this you may take a weapon and it wont hurt your talent score but not taking a weapon will garner you extra points." 02 said again as I contemplated wether or not to take a weapon.

'HEHEHE! AI you underestimate my transmigrator privilege. Even if both my legs were bitten off by the wolf since I am a transmigrator I would still beat the goblins somehow.' I thought as I said "No weapon."

"Good luck then, although you'll probably die." 02 said as I felt a little scared deep down. These goblins were wide awake and as 02's voice faded they seemed to have noticed me as

one of the goblins with clubs charged at me.

The goblins were shorter than me and as it neared closer to me I chucked a rock into it's eye. "GUAA!" it screamed as I simultaneously punched it in the face. It was now on the ground and the other goblins stood there shocked.

Since they had given me some time I punched the goblin in the face again and again till it stopped moving. "Come at me!" I said as I moved my fingers towards my self like Bruce Lee. Althought the goblins probably couldn't understand me they still felt provoked and the club goblin charged at me while the goblins with sling shots tried to shoot rocks at me but they missed.

As the club goblin drew near I chucked a rock into it's eye as I did to the other goblin and punched it to death again. Now the 3 remaining goblins were shaking in place. 'Man what cowards.' I thought as I threw stones at them.

The 2 sling shot goblins were hit in the eyes and were writhing in agony on the ground. The goblin with bags managed to dodge and immediately ran away once it saw it's goblin companions screaming on the ground.

Since one had ran away and the other 2 were already useless I ran towards them and punched them both to death.

Once I was sure they were both dead I collected some rocks off the ground and ran towards the remaining goblin.

It wasn't that hard to catch up as it stumbled every now and again and nearly fell flat on it's face. When I was close enough I started throwing stones at it making it fall and just as I was about to punch it the gobling threw a bag at me and I quickly dodge it as it fell on the ground.

"PUUUUUU!" liquid dripped out of the bag and started corroding the grass as it turned black. "Acid!" I said in shock as I ran back and threw more stones. Luckily the goblin was very weak although slightly stronger than it's companions so after a few stones it bled to death.

"BLEH!" I threw up after what I had done. Goblins were very humanoid and all the blood from them, the wolf and the rabbit made me feel sick.

"3rd stage completed spectacularly. Now you shall go take the real test. Dont worry though what you did will improve your score significantly." 02 said as I was teleported again in a flash of bright light.