
Chapter 17 World Conference!

As soon as the remaining students arrived at Cerasus Secondary they were immediately greeted by the sight of their parents.

Most of them were crying due to the loss of their children while some were crying tears of joy as their child had survived.

"Cyril! You're okay!" Cyril's mother said as she rushed up and hugged him. "You didn't see the battle did you?" Cyril asked. Although the parents were notified about the events happening around the globe they didn't know about the specific battle.

"Why what happened?" Blythe, Cyril's mother asked. "Dad was there but he's still alive. We have to go to Atlantis." Cyril said and he left it at that.

Soon though agents came in suits and everything. The leader started saying "We're sorry for your loss but those who are still alive have to come with us to Atlantis. A world conference will be held their in the wreckage of the battle and the populace has to be explained to."

Although they were all reluctant they didn't feel like another battle or to argue and they did feel they had to explain what happened.

The agent said they were leaving the next day as they all went home and recovered. One person though didn't Cyril used his remaining 900 points to buy an extreme growth pill. It doubles the effectiveness of training for 5 hours but if the person wasn't strong enough they would suffer a backlash and potentially die.

His mother was worried about him but after watching the battle on the news she understood what happened.

The Next Day.

On the plane heading to Atlantis they were all silent. They were still distressed by what had happened the day prior. Once they landed they were swarmed by the photographers and news reporters.

"What happened that day?"

"What's going on?"

"How did you guys attain such special abilities?"

They were asked these sort of questions as they headed towards the conference area. Their they were given designated spots, Cyril was placed in the forefront among 9 other kids his age. They labeled them as.

Super Teen Alastair who was 11 and True Genius Solomon who was 15 from North Cameria.

Divine Archer Abril who was 12 from South Cameria

Son Of The Ocean Victor who was 14 and Night Blade Guy who was 16 from Atlantis.

Heavenly Staff Wang Tian who was 14, Dragon King Ryu who was 13 and Sun King Byeong-Ho who was 11. They were from Hidari.

Last but not least was Spirit's Friend Imamu who was 16 from Farica.

Nobody understood why he was placed in the front among the others although he took part in the most brutal and spectacular battle.

One nice thing about this world which was different from the rest was that the main language spoken by everyone was Genlish. So a conference such as this was easy to hold.

"Huh? So who's this?" Alastair asked "He's the sand user from yesterday's battle." Solomon answered boredly. After that everyone minded their own buisness.

Soon the conference started and they asked a question "Who do you think is the biggest threat to humanity among Maxwell Unkillable Flaming Fist, Mass Murderer Aku and Fastest Alive Cheryl."

Before anyone could even think Cyril answered "Mass Murderer Aku due to his type his growth rate will be so high that only the cost for the next evolution elixir will stop him from destroying planets."

Although most adults didn't know what was going on this still shocked them but they didn't quite understand what he meant.

"So what are evolution elixirs?" "Evolution elixirs are elixirs which can be used to allow you to reach the next stage as a lifeform. Us humans are Stage 1 but by taking a Stage 2 elixir we may break our limits and become Stage 2 lifeforms. I at the battle yesterday though was only at the peak of Stage 1 and with Aku's fast growth rate due to his frieza race typing it will be hard to catch up to him. Super Teen Alastair is the only one here who could probably beat him but I don't know the others powers enough so I can't be sure." Cyril said as Alastair started grinning due to the praise but soon everyone was confused.

"But how do you know all this?" they asked curiously. "I? Well according to the AI we live in one of many universes. So it would be understandable if other universe had powers too right?" "Of course."

"Now what if someone somewhere somehow managed to capture these universes stories and turned them into a work of fiction?" "Then you'd be able to watch or read the stories of these universes no?" they said in unison "Correct and as they are a work of fiction you may know more about the same amount about that universe and it's powers as the people living there. Simply put all our powers are fictional powers from stories. That's how I know their powers as I have read and watched their stories!" Cyril said while standing up resolutely.

"Then when and where did you read and watch them?" they all asked. "That's for me to know and you to find out. Just know that their are much worse powers out their than the Frieza powers. If worst comes to worst their might be JoJo powers which include stopping time and warping reality itself in some cases." Cyril said as he sat down and allowed the conference to commence.

Everyone wanted to ask him more questions but every time someone asked he didn't answer. Someone got really annoyed so they asked "THEN LABEL THOSE WHO ARE SITTING NEXT TO YOU'S POWERS!"

"Oh easier said then done for some of them but for others it's painfully easy. Alastair either got Kryptonian or Superman type or some variation. Solomon got either Iron Man or Tony Stark. Abril I can't say for sure but she probably has some archer god from another world's powers. Victor got either Poseidon or Aquaman while Guy probably got some Assassin type class from an rpg set. Wang Tian got the powers of Sun Wukong probably also know as the Sage equal to heaven or something similiar Ryu I don't know but he probably got some special dragon affinity or some shiz. Now Byeong-Ho either got The powers of the egyptian god of the sun Ra or from some other god of somewhere else while Imamu probably got some voodoo magic or something. AND I got Haki master allowing me to multiply my strength with the usage of Haki and I got the devilfruit Suna Suna No Mi allowing me to transform into a sand human." Cyril said as he became sand and flew off to go check on his father.

Well hope you liked the chapter. I am sorry if this becomes to much like a self insert novel but what I have to work with is my own head so for now pretty much his information is limited to me before I research and label some powers as this chapter took a lot of name researching and thinking about the powers. Anyway happy reading and till next time, bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts