

Vik materialized in the spawn zone adjacent to the renowned Battery Point bar, situated in the City-state of Crescent Moon Corp. Like countless others around him, people appeared and swiftly dispersed, paying him no attention.

Spawn zones in the Oasis served as gateways, facilitating entry into the virtual world or allowing travelers to move between different areas. While some spawn zones stretched for miles to accommodate high traffic, this particular zone was different. Dubbed a "newbie zone," the City of Crescent Moon Corp in the virtual world mirrored its real-life counterpart with a laid-back atmosphere. However, beneath the relaxed façade, the city concealed rampant crime and corruption perpetrated by the local inhabitants.

Undeterred by the bustling surroundings, Vik set off in a specific direction. He sported cargo pants, a denim shirt, and a biker's jacket, an ensemble completed with a somewhat odd addition—a golf cap. Although it didn't match his attire, Vik chose to keep it on.

His destination was Battery Point bar, a regular meeting place for Vik and Tory in the Oasis Online. They shared this secret location, ensuring their clandestine activities remained undisclosed. However, since various spawn zones were scattered near the bar, there was always a hint of uncertainty whether they would appear in the same zone.

Upon entering Oasis, Vik and Tory habitually rendezvoused at Battery Point. They would gather there, enjoy a drink, discuss their plans, and then select a spawn point to teleport to different regions in an instant. It was their established routine—a reliable method to kickstart their virtual escapades.

As Vik made his way, he couldn't help but notice a buzz of hushed conversations among the people around him. The words were indistinct, but their astonished expressions hinted at an astonishing piece of news that had just reached their ears.

"I'll find out what's going on once I reach the bar," Vik thought to himself, determined to proceed to his destination. Although still a few miles away, walking would consume a considerable amount of time. Therefore, Vik accessed his interface and summoned an Osho-run sky car, a sleek flying vehicle, to expedite his journey.

In the Oasis, Oshos were the virtual inhabitants—beings with their own emotions and thoughts, resembling real people in every way. Their visible status windows distinguished them from actual humans, but their behavior and interactions felt remarkably natural. While Oshos could engage in conversations on shared interests, they lacked detailed knowledge about the inner workings of the virtual world, often restarting discussions when faced with such inquiries.

Hence, seeking insider information from an Osho proved futile. However, they were treated as equals, respected by both Metas and non-Metas, and considered a vital part of the Oasis community.

Soon enough, a brand-new Osho-run sky car descended from the sky, positioned itself in front of Vik, and opened its doors, ready to transport him to his destination.

Vik boarded the sky car, and after a few minutes, it dropped him off just outside Battery Point bar. The night had descended, casting an energetic ambiance upon the lively gathering of people and Oshos.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, Vik made his way to the far-left end of the bartender's table, where a reserved seat awaited him, marked by an upturned beer bottle. Tory, already present, greeted Vik with a sly grin, already indulging in a drink. Behind his attempt at nonchalance, Vik detected a tinge of discontent emanating from his brother.

"You took your time, huh? Which spawn zone were you sent to?" Tory jested, his mood tainted by an unseen frustration.

Vik took the offered beer bottle, downing its contents swiftly before settling into the seat beside Tory. To pay for the cab fare, he had dipped into his real-world funds and converted them into Opts—a minor annoyance that lingered in his mood.

"Took a cab here," Vik replied, emphasizing the inconvenience. "So, what have you discovered so far?"

The weight of Tory's words was evident as his face betrayed genuine concern. Vik understood that their current predicament surpassed ordinary trouble, an intuition confirmed by his brother's uneasy demeanor.

"Tory, you're not fooling around," Vik acknowledged, his gaze steady. "If it has you this worried, then we're truly in deep waters. So, tell me everything."