
Unveiling Complexity! III

The words coming out from Noah were akin to words of sages from the distant past reverberating in their ears.

Among the many entities listening to Noah, Hyperion was sitting in a cluster of crimson gold radiance as his body was trembling while he listened.

When the demarcation between Terrestrial and Constellation Entities was made, his body couldn't help but tremble as this was something he could feel in his heart!

He could feel it so because he, along with many other Enders, were deeply connected to the Infinite Omniverse.

They could feel it.

They knew.

The Infinite Omniverse wanted to tackle this gap between a Terrestrial Complexity of Existence and Constellation Complexity of Existence not just soon, but it seemed like it would be at any moment from now.

For them, it felt like a moment of life and death as what would happen in the case of failure?!

They didn't know everything it knew.