
Dissociation! I

{Existence Dissociation}:: One is only ever a singular Existence. Those capable can split their Existence into multiple parts that move autonomously, whether in the form of clones or reified versions of the concepts that make them. But ultimately, all these parts are still contained and inextricably linked to their singular Existence. The feature of Existence Dissociation utilizes the authority of the Vitalistic Dynamis of Extremity to absolutely separate and dissociate your Existence into different parts, producing a single Absolute Vitalistic Clone of Extremity. Such a clone is considered singular and not part of your Original Existence even though it shares the same consciousness soul. The Absolute Vitalistic Clone of Extremity is duplicated from your current realm as it can cultivate thereafter by itself and ponder on your Concepts of Extremity, even being capable of ascending into an advanced form of life by itself as it will not affect the Main Existence…