
Adomania II

A few paths were laid out in Noah's mind as he turned to look at the powerful Barbatos. The City of Atlantis would be alerted as soon as large movements of forces begin to move in the sea, so he didn't have anything to worry about there. What he would focus on now is the Spiritual Land upgrade while heading towards the Calamity possibly holding the Trident of the Sea in this Abyssal Zone.

"We'll make our movements too. Why don't we start with a little aid from you?"

The apron he had on disappeared as a Golden Battle Suit covered his body once again, looking to Barbatos for a reply. She looked up at him between her mouthfuls and said,

"What do you want, little fish?"

"You have hundreds of thousands of undead moving across the depths, I want you to move seriously for a bit and use them to look for and capture at least two Mythical creatures."