
Infinite Mage (Full)

This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star! . . [This novel doesn't belong to me; I only upload and translate it. All rights belong to its rightful author.] Original Author: Kim ChiWoo/김치우 Official Page: https://m.series.naver.com/novel/detail.series?productNo=2362844

Zeom · Fantasie
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165 Chs

As part of everyday life (3)

"Then, what are you asking me to do? Does it even matter to admit that I've been brainwashed?"

"Well... Both of you will be acquitted."

Kanis' expression went blank. He himself followed Arcane to retrieve a criminal from Inferno. He was also responsible for endangering the lives of hundreds of students at the magic academy. Even if he wasn't the main instigator, acquittal was an impossible verdict.

"Acquitted...? Both of us?"

"Ah, yes. If you admit that you've been brainwashed, of course. After all, the association is currently focusing on the possibility of brainwashing."

If they admit it, they will be released. They will be free. Not just Kanis but Arin too can live a new life as if nothing had happened.

This time, Kanis was at a loss. Most of all, the association's trial was strange. Why were they willing to set them free in a situation where capturing criminals wasn't enough?

"Ah, and one more thing."

Sakiri glanced at the files as if he had just remembered. Perhaps he actually did. Either way, Arin couldn't read the emotions of the investigator.

"Arcane's exclusive attorney sent an official letter. He requested anonymity, but the notarization is already complete. Take a look. It contains his property records, will, and inheritance-related documents."

"A will?"

Sakiri pushed the documents across the table as if words weren't necessary.

Kanis checked each document with trembling hands. Arcane's will wasn't anything special. In plain handwriting, it merely laid out the matters to be dealt with after death.

Among them was this sentence:

[Document: Transfer all my belongings to Kanis]


Indeed, Kanis thought he was a caring person or secretly took care of his disciples. Rather, he was someone who confidently advanced his beliefs, so there was no falsehood in the attitude he had shown towards Kanis.

Arcane proved that fact in his will. Although he didn't care about the lives of his disciples, he regarded Kanis as his only disciple.

Kanis left the will and checked the property records.

The real estate, including several dungeons, tangible assets like magical records, valuable artifacts, rare herbs, and the amount deposited in the bank were itemized.

'1, 10, 100, a thousand, ten thousand...'

Kanis counted the total of the listed assets at the end.

'4.8 billion gold...'

Even if it was the wealth Archmage Arcane had accumulated over 150 years, it was a huge sum of money. As such, Kanis couldn't understand the current situation. They suddenly said he was innocent, and now he was the heir to an inheritance of 4.8 billion gold.

Sakiri scratched his head with an uncomfortable expression.

"But, there's a small problem. Arcane leaving his inheritance to Kanis must've been a sign of recognizing you as a disciple. But the Magic Association thinks otherwise. They believe it's some kind of brainwashing, implanting a false self. Ultimately, they believe Kanis was deceived by Arcane. Otherwise, you wouldn't be capable of committing such heinous things, right? That's why the association is considering absolving you in some way. But if that happens..."

"There's no inheritance? Because I'm not Arcane's disciple?"

Sakiri showed a kind expression for the first time. Of course, there was no change in his psyche as much as the tip of a lock of hair.

"Yes. There's only that part. This is because the target to inherit Arcane's belongings is you, Kanis, with brainwashing, not the Kanis without brainwashing. In the end, this money will pass to illegal funds and be returned to the association, but I wanted to hear what Kanis thinks. If you admit that you were brainwashed, you'll be acquitted. And all you have to do is sign here."

Sakiri handed him another document. Kanis looked at it with vacant eyes.

Agreement to waive Arcane's inheritance.

If they admit they were brainwashed, they'll be acquitted, because they were just victims used by Arcane. However, if that happened, the assets they had inherited would pass into other hands.

In the end, the association opted for the practicality of 4.8 billion gold over catching two young individuals.

"I can give you some time, but it might work against you in court. It could be taken as evidence that you doubt your own criminal intent. Honestly, do you have any doubts? Obviously, you were brainwashed. Why else would Kanis and Arin commit such crimes?"

Their minds went blank. They thought they weren't afraid to fight and die. But the investigator says they're innocent. They feel like they've done something wrong, but they can't remember when.

'This place isn't any different from Radum.'

The outside world wasn't an enclosed garden where the sun shone. It was just a battlefield where huge desires swirled beneath the guise of the law.

When Kanis hesitated to respond, Sakiri clicked his tongue and stood up.

"Then I'll give you some time. Around an hour..."

"I'll sign."

Sakiri, who had risen halfway from his seat, stopped abruptly. Then sat back down with a smile.

"You've made the right decision. Now, take..."

Sakiri handed him the fountain pen they were using. Kanis wrote his name in the signature field of the waiver agreement.

With a scrape, the pen scratched the paper. Sakiri accepted the pen with a sincere smile and confirmed the waiver agreement.

"Congratulations on regaining your freedom. It's a bit late to say this, but you made the right decision. If you had hired a lawyer, things would have gotten complicated."

A lawyer. They hadn't even thought about it. Should they have hired a lawyer?

No, Sakiri wasn't lying.

If the Magic Association were an easy target, they wouldn't have pushed for the waiver agreement in the first place.

"What do we do now?"

"Well, for starters, leave. You're free now."

Kanis and Arin were now as poor as street mice. But Sakiri seemed not to care, merely gathering the documents and turning away.

"Where do we go for the release procedures..."

"There's none of that. You can just leave."

With an attitude as if shooing away an annoying salesperson, Kanis understood his true feelings.

From the beginning, the Magic Association didn't care about people like them. It only took two hours to deal with the inconvenience to reclaim Arcane's property.

What was more miserable than hurting their pride was the unstoppable power of the association, which they knew. They could sense how incredible Arcane was, having fought against the continent's countries.

Kanis regained his composure. Now it had become evident. He himself was a battle mage. And since he knew how to fight, there were no more doubts.

"Hey, you."

Sakiri turned their head towards the door.

"Did you call me?"

"Are you a mage too?"

"Hmm, you could say that. All the staff of the Magic Association are mages."

"At what rank are you?"

"Is the 5th official rank?"

Kanis could imagine the level of his enemies. The investigator from the Magic Association was a certified 5th rank, and that was the man.

"I won't end it here. I'll never give up like this."

"I see. I see. Then I'll be leaving."

"Someday, definitely... I'll make you my subordinate."

Sakiri, who was turning the doorknob, stopped moving. And after a moment's thought, turned to Kanis and smiled wryly.

"You should study a lot for that. Actually, this position has an unusually high competency index. But if that situation ever arises...".

Sakiri placed their right hand on their chest and said, (I'm still not sure if it's He or She. So for now, it will remain like this.)

"I'll count on you then."

Despite the investigator's unusual attitude, Kanis didn't respond. He just realized how pragmatic Sakiri was. It cost nothing to bow one's head. After all, nobody knows the future.

When Sakiri left, Arin turned to Kanis with a smile. Anyway, they had been acquitted, so it didn't matter. Wasn't it better than rotting away in jail for life with 4.8 billion gold in their arms?

"Kanis, you made the right decision."

"There... are a lot of strong people in the world."

The corners of Kanis' lips lifted slightly. His heart now beat with the same intensity as when he met Arcane with a new goal.

"Arin, let's get stronger."


Arin glanced at the door through which Sakiri had exited. Kanis would come back here someday. Since this wasn't their end, they could also move forward towards the future.

Sakiri, who exited the interrogation room, went straight to the inspector's office. The situation was resolved quickly compared to the seriousness of the case. Arcane's death played a significant role. There were no legal conflicts, and Alpeas' guilty confession also contributed significantly.

The inspector's office was a luxurious room with marble floors. A man known as the legendary Iron Inspector of Division 3 Inspection was reclining, looking out the window.

"Inspector-nim, these are the agreement documents for this case."

"Leave it on the desk."

Sakiri placed the folder on the desk. Normally, they would leave at this point, but this time, they couldn't suppress their curiosity and turned back at the door.

"Is it alright to leave the Alpeas case like that?"

"Why? Do you think there'll be any problem from the higher-ups?"

"Six months of suspension is little. However, I don't think there's any problem. It was an incident that happened 40 years ago, there was no intent to harm, and considering 4.8 billion gold as jewelry, it seems like an appropriate settlement."

"Then why ask?"

Answering the question meant asking something obvious. Sakiri regretted causing unnecessary trouble, but decided not to back down since the topic had come up.

"I was wondering if there was any significance of atonement in the decision."

The inspector fell silent for a long while. Then slowly turned their body and looked at Sakiri.

"I felt sorry for Alpeas. However, I've never decided a criminal's punishment based on personal feelings."

"I apologize. It was a slip of the tongue."

"Stop asking and leave."

Sakiri didn't understand anything and hurriedly left the inspector's office. They were a notorious investigator for criminals, but within the association, they were nothing more than a mage who had to obey their superiors.

The inspector opened the file and carefully reviewed the phrases. Then, took out a fountain pen and signed the document. Numerous memories passed through his mind. He had become a white-haired old man, but the memory of being punched by Alpeas at his home still made his jaw ache.

"Damn it. That's why I should have brought a gift."

He had never visited Alpeas since he made the mistake with Erina, but he lived without accepting the fact that he had lost.

However, in the last 40 years, the theory of photons continued to evolve and innovate, changing the world even at this very moment.

He had no choice but to admit the genius Alpeas had achieved in his time.

"Haha. It's a belated gift. The Gold Circle was rightfully yours."

The inspector stamped his signature on the document.

Ardian Saroph.


It was the end of the semester, the time when the students of the magic school were most nervous. The achievements of the past half-year were condensed into a single sheet of paper. The cutoff line that determined promotion or failure was as terrifying as a guillotine.

The Magic Association sentenced Alpeas to a 6-month suspension as Director. The legal effect would not begin until the following semester, and for now, Collie, the most senior among the professors, acted as the director.

Alpeas, who was weeding the flowerbed, straightened his back and smiled. His wonderful students were walking toward him from a distance. Shirone, Eruki, and Neid. They were now well-known troublemakers in the academy, but they were also students with a promising future.

"Hello, Director."

"Haha. Didn't I tell you not to call me Director? For now, I'm just an old man doing odd jobs."

"Come on. You'll be the Director again in just six months."

Alpeas just smiled. He was grateful to the students who still supported him, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling that he didn't deserve it.