
Shadows of the city (11): Aim

The place where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were currently standing was the only pier on the outskirts of Shengma City, Shengma Pier.

Shengma pier handled a large amount of shipping goods every day, and the loading and unloading of goods required porters to do hard work. Over time, several labor services companies had formed near the dock, providing strong labor porters to help with loading and unloading.

Since Gao Hexuan took over the positioning ring, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian would sneak out of the community center at night to work as part-time porters at Shengma pier.

With the strength attributes of the two, those tasks that required strength were naturally done quickly and well, and soon the scarred man noticed that them and out them under his command, so they officially joined a large-scale labor service company on the dock, becoming an organized porter with background.

There were nearly 100 sturdy men in the labor service company in the hands of the scarred man, and they were very capable. Many companies that come to Shengma pier to receive and deliver goods would hire them to load and unload goods.

The scarred man started from scratch. In the early years, he left scars on his face in order to grab business and fight with competitors. He finally managed to gain a firm foothold at the dock.

These years, he had been earning a steady stream of employment fees by sitting in the office every day. He thought that such a good day would continue forever, but he never thought that a thunderbolt would come from the blue sky.

Last night, the Shengma state government issued an earth-shattering earthquake warning, urging citizens to leave Shengma City immediately.

The scarred man was dumbfounded. His strong laborers also had a family and a home. In one night, those who had to leave asked for leave, and those who lost, never came back. The number of porters who came to work was less than one-third of the original number.

The manpower was withering, but the number of jobs that came to the door had not decreased, but had increased sharply. The result of the two contradictions was that the scarred man was seriously lacking in people!

Those who were still willing to come to work in the face of disaster are all good brothers who give him face and are loyal to him in the eyes of the scarred man.

Among them, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who had just been his subordinates for a few days, performed particularly well. They not only came to work on their own, but also brought powerful relatives.

After testing Gao Hexuan's ability and deciding that he was a reliable strong worker, the scarred man was satisfied and was naturally willing to disclose the news of the most profitable job at hand it to them.

Since last night, there had been many people trying to leave Shengma City by sea from the pier, and there were also many people and companies who had contacted the scarred man, but when it came to the most lucrative task, it was a the one who made an appointment at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

It's a pity that most people didn't dare to stay in Shengma City so late. The scarred man was not sure how many people he will have at that time. Now that he has received an accurate reply from Xia Ruize, it is guaranteed that the three of them will stay after 2pm. The man is more satisfied.

In his heart, he thought that after the earthquake, his labor service company would still have to stand up again, and then reward Xia Ruize and his group.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai, who left the room, exchanged opinions in their hearts, and they were both satisfied.

Things were going as they wish, making them excited and looking forward to it.

In the morning, the three of them were busy in various areas of the dock. There was basically no unloading work today, all the work was loading the ship, that is, moving the goods from the shore to the ship.

The three men were strong, and they did cool work with ease and effortlessness. Every time they received a transportation task, they always completed it very quickly and well, which made the scarred man very satisfied.

Every time the transportation task was over, the three of them would go to pick up a new task, the scarred man would hand over the labor fee of the previous task to them in cash in a timely manner. The cooperation between the two parties was very pleasant.

It was soon two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were only a few people left on the pier.

In fact, the state government announced that there would be a major earthquake at 4 pm, and there were very few people who dare to stay in Shengma City at this time.

At this moment, a long motorcade drove to Shengma Pier from a distance.

After the scarred man received the notification call, he quickly gathered all the strong laborers who were still on duty. There were only 23 porters, which was really few.

He had to acquiesce to the employer hiring another labor service company that usually had a lot of competition with him. With a single order, a total of more than 40 porters worked together to remove the black boxes one by one from the carriages of the convoy, and then move them from the dock to the ship warehouse.

The strong laborers of the two labor service companies who didn´t deal with each other and always had to tease each other when they met, at this time, all obeyed the command and worked hard without saying a word of nonsense.

This was not because they follow any professional rules. In fact, the coolies at the pier were always muttering and cursing when they do their daily work. The reason why they were so quiet and well-behaved today was entirely because the short journey from the convoy to the ship was filled with dozens of armed security guards staring at them with sharp eyes.

Those thorn-like eyes made people extremely nervous. The porters realized that the goods to be moved in this mission were not simple. In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion, they did not dare to act rashly, except to carry them honestly, they didn't even dare to say anything extra.

With his head down and carrying the black box seriously, Xia Ruize, who seemed to be very quiet and honest, was actually excited. After turning on the Spatial backtracking skill, he could see the goods stored in the box clearly.

"The first three trucks are loaded with gold bricks, and the next seven are loaded with cash!"

Xia Ruize's voice could not hide his excitement and announced his discovery in the heart net.

"Hahaha, well, it's worth waiting for so long."

Cheng Huaiqian's eyes lit up with joy, and he almost couldn't hold back his hand that was about to move.

Gao Hexuan was also very excited, with joy in his heart and admiration for the two big men.

They held back for five and a half days, patiently arranged most of the task time, and now they finally succeeded in waiting for the harvest time!

From the very beginning, the real target of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian's intimidation was not the ordinary citizens of Shengma City, but the banks of Shengma City!

On the first day of coming to the mission world, when Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai dived into the mission world, they discovered that the banks in Shengma City had security systems, security personnel, strong treasuries, and city security forces as the backing. The idea of robbing the bank was not the way to go.

What's more important was that there were various bank branches in every block of Shengma City. Each bank branch had a small amount of cash, but once they rob one, they would attract the attention of the public security bureau, and then attract the attention of national power.

At that time, they would have to try their best to avoid it every day, and it was unknown whether they could successfully hide for seven days.

Since the risk of directly robbing the bank was too great, the two of them took a different approach and changed their thinking. Could they find a way to force the bank to take the initiative to gather the cash scattered in various branches, and then take the initiative to move this huge amount of cash out of the heavily guarded bank?

At that time, wouldn't the success rate be much higher if they target wealth on the road with relatively weak protection?

In order to achieve this goal, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian put their minds on the entire city. Only when the entire Shengma city was in danger, would the government and the public evacuate, and the bank would also follow.

At that time, whether they leave the wealth in the vault or transfer a huge amount of wealth together, it would be the best time for Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian to do it!

The addition of Gao Hexuan made the plan more complete, making their whereabouts more concealed, and at the same time collecting the information they wanted to know in real time.

For example, Gao Hexuan and ghost bat Da Hei were dispatched together, and they followed the actions of the top executives of various banks in Shengma City through various means.

So, they could find out that at nine o'clock last night, the senior management of five major banks in Shengma City urgently gathered for a meeting to communicate.

It turned out that the superiors of the five banks were already aware of the situation in Shengma City. In view of the risks involved in the unprecedented emergency transfer of a large amount of wealth, several banks decided to work together to bring together the cash and important property stored in the vaults of each bank and ship them by sea and transfer it to the head office together.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, each bank received the internal information notified in advance by the state government. Less than three hours after reporting the news urgently, the higher-level bank made a decision to jointly transfer.

The incident could be said to be sudden, and the decision-making couldn´t be said to be untimely.

No one but God could dig out the information and follow their actions in such a short period of time.

How could the senior bank executives, who thought that the entire decision-making and negotiation process was extremely rigorous, that would not be known to the outside world, and would not be targeted by people with evil intentions know that the mastermind behind the incident that forced the people to leave the city, from the beginning has idea of ​​​​taking down the bank?

Naturally, even more unexpected was that not only were their every move was being watched, but even their final decision was anticipated in advance.

The reason Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian tried to break into the prier labor service company as soon as they were free was precisely because Cheng Huaiqian speculated that it would be inconvenient to transport a large amount of cash in a short period of time by plane or train.

In the end, as he expected, the alliance of five banks finally decided to transfer the cash and important belongings in the vault of Shengma City Bank by sea.

At this time, the initiator was appearing next to boxes of cash in the image of an honest and powerful porter. The two carried a box and moved the black box full of cash from the truck on the shore to the warehouse in the ship.

Xia Ruize and his group just gave some stares at the boxes to be transported, and they didn't glance at them at all. They were the most honest and regular porters, and they didn't attract the attention of the security guards and the National Guard.

But in fact, Xia Ruize found out the situation of the warehouse by taking the opportunity of transportation.

It took a full half an hour for the bank staff and the 40 strong laborers to finally carry all the boxes. At 2:30, the 40 strong laborers got off the ship and dispersed.

Xia Ruize and the three received a labor fee of two thousand NC per person from the scarred man, and immediately said they were leaving.

The scarred man understood it very well, and even left without the energy to say hello. They were willing to stick to it until now to complete the last single transportation task. If it was not for this single task that could get him 50,000 NC, who would like to stay so late at such a time!

So, a group of people dispersed in a hurry, one by one quickly disappeared, and each found a way to leave Shengma City.

Xia Ruize and the other two looked around the empty and silent pier, and walked cautiously along the coastline for a while. Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian took out the multi-functional high-level boat obtained in the previous mission world and put it into the sea.

The three rowed two boats and chased after the Bank Union steamship that had left the shore.

The boat from the high-tech civilization finally showed its excellent performance in the ordinary sea water. With the addition of energy crystals, the boat also ran fast and quickly caught up with ship.

Xia Ruize stepped on the aircraft y himself, and Cheng Huaiqian took Gao Hexuan on the aircraft, and flew to the ship together. Xia Ruize's illusion was used as a cover throughout the journey. Neither the guards on the deck nor the crew in the cabin found anything unusual.

In fact, the top bank executives in the lounge on top of the ship, who were responsible for personally escorting the cash transfers, were slumped on sofas and relaxed.

The cash they transferred this time was $2.1 billion, in addition to gold bars worth $300 million.

Protecting such a huge wealth for a long-distance transfer, the hearts of all insiders were in their throats, their nerves were tense, and any trouble could make them nervous.

Fortunately, in addition to the 80 escorts dispatched by the bank, the superiors also helped to apply for a team of 50 National Guard soldiers to escort them, and the money was transferred to the ship smoothly all the way.

And this ship is a warship provided by the National Guard, with 30 naval soldiers escorting them.

The entire transfer mission, except for the personnel dispatched by the National Guard, were all familiar faces within the banking system. The escorts and bank staff involved were all selected who had worked in this field for more than eight years and never had any bad records. All were reliable candidates and familiar old employees.

And since they were selected, they were prohibited from contacting the outside world to ensure that top-secret information would not be leaked. After leaving the shore, all that was left were reliable people.

Precisely because of this, the high-level executives who knew the inside story after boarding the ship breathed a sigh of relief.

It would only take five hours of sailing for them to reach their destination and hand over such a hot boat to the head office.

After much deliberation, the next mission should end smoothly without any setbacks.