
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 9

I was currently sitting in front of my father's office.

I admit I am nervous , i didn't exactly plan how this conversation would go but since I want to go outside I plan on using this to ask for permission to visit the Church of Sun and Moon.

Although for a short visit in town there's no need to ask permission just leave word to the butler or a head maid , for a visit to the Church was different since I'll need more than one escort.Being a noble has it's ups and downs and one of its downs is how you represent your House, the power it has, it's influence and prestige. And for a visit to The Church of Sun and Moon I'll need one of my maids , 4 guards as my escorts and of course a carriage with the House's emblem wich is in form of a diamond with a lightning in the middle and in the background clouds that form a tornado.

Knock Knock

I knocked on father's office door twice and not long after I hear a voice coming from inside

"Enter." It was Nicola's Burgess voice.

Taking a deep breath I pushed the door handle and enters his office.

Upon entry i saw my father sitting at his desk working on papers. His desk was facing the door, on one side was another smaller desk where father's advisor, Count Anderson was, behind him were books and furniture that store all kinds of documents. On the other side was the same with the books and furniture but in front of them were couches and small tables.

After a quick glance around I spoke first.

"Hello father. May I have a moment?"

Still with his head down, the patriarch of the Burgess household froze for a moment but quickly raised his head , his eyes in disbelief. Although he barely showed his emotions on his face , at this moment he couldn't react quick enough to mask his surprise.

"Alida..." with a weak tremor in his voice he spoke my name." Ahem...what brings you here." It didn't take long for Nicola to compose himself.

" I wanted to see you...and ask you if maybe we can spend some time together someday?" At this point I was still sitting up in the middle of the office, my hands brought in front of my stomach fidgeting with my fingers. Father saw my shy behavior and couldn't help raise a corner of his mouth.

" Well...it is time for tea so how about we have that with some pastries?" Nicola couldn't help a smile blossom on his face and readily agreed. Although he had a mountain of things to do and neverending papers to sign, but still, his daughter came to him so how could he refuse?

"Anderson , take a break and please inform the butler to prepare some tea and cookies for us. You can also have some in the lounge."

" Yes patriarch....right away." And with that we were left alone in the office.

Rising from his chair and extending a hand toward the sofas father instructed: " Come...let's have a seat here." and gestured for me to go first.

I took a seat on the sofa while father sat opposite me on an armchair, a low table between us. Just a few minutes after, a knock was heard on the door and a middle aged butler with black hair with some grays in it came and brought us tea and pastries. The butler's name was Paul, he was the head butler. After arranging everything neatly, Paul gave me a warm smile then excused himself and left.

"So... why have you come here for?"

Father got straight to the subject, no dilly-dallying.

" Ah...I wanted to spend some time with you and request permission to visit The Church of Sun and Moon."

" Request granted. I'll arrange everything. When do you want to go?"

Father was quick to accept my request. I admit, I am a little baffled at how quick he reacted.

" Thank you father .Tomorrow if it's possible." I responded back with a small smile.

"Now that that's over with let's get back to more important stuff."

'Hmm? more important? what is is?' I looked at the patriarch tilting my head a little and with a confused face. He smiled at me, a warm smile , his eyes softening a lot, I must admit, father is a very handsome man even at his age, his currently in his early forties.

After a small pause , father looked at me straight in the eyes and said:

" How are you feeling Alida?" He asked this question with so much emotion in his voice that I thought he would start to cry.His eyes moistened a little , looking at me like he was afraid I would disappear in the next moment. Unfortunately, the real Alida did disappear. Seeing him like this a stream of guilt filled me, it was the first time I felt like this ever since I opened my eyes in this world. My eyes filled with tears instantly, I could barely contained them. With a trembling voice and forcing a smile I answered him.

" I am fine now dad....sniff...ahem. I'm feeling much better now."

'Oh ..you poor child. You have no idea how much your family loved you and still does, how much they suffered seeing you like that.'

Unfortunately we can't see and feel other people's love for us. We can only see from our perspective and our understanding. Even as you grow old and mature some more you can't always see right.Sometimes you don't know if you should be happy for a small act of love , happy that your loved one thinks of you or be stubborn about it and disregard that little act and feel offended by it instead.No matter how much we want that tap called love to pour on us some more and be abundent , most of the time it barely drops. Or maybe we can't accept how some people express love since it's different from our understanding and imagination.

" Cough..ahem... I'm glad you decided to have meals with us again and that you're going out. " Still smiling father encouraged me . " If something is bothering you please come and tell me no matter what it is." Again , the patriarch , Alida's father expressed his willingness to help his dear daughter.

I just nodded my head, still not able to form proper sentence from the sheer of emotions that came over me.

" I don't want to bring back bad memories dear but could you tell daddy what happened that brought you in that ..bad state?"

Initially i wanted to refuse his request and let bygones be bygones since the original Alida is no more but then I thought.. it's only right for them to know about their daughters life in the Academy but I have to do it in such a way not to blame Jane about it but just to let him know that it all started with her as the center.

And so for the next half and hour or so I started telling father Alida's life and experience at the most famous academy for nobles. Of course there were tears, mostly on my part since it's one thing to view someone's memories like a movie and the other to talk about it in detail. It does rile you up inside in a bad sense.

Unfortunately I couldn't finish this chapter yesterday. I'm a little late on the updates so please understand this mother who struggles with her kids.

tanykacreators' thoughts