
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 7

It was an eventful morning.

On the way to my floor I told one of the maids that I would take my lunch in my room. I really need to crack this magic thing up.

Going through Alida's memories from the Academy I quickly found all the materials i needed.

So..the source of magic in this world has quite a story to it. It's a children's story passed down from generation to generation irrelevant of your status, it's like a mandatory story all children know since young.

It was said that in the beginning the Sun was all alone in the sky but one day a Moon was born. They were very different from each other, one was bright and hot the other cold and had a different shine. It didn't take long for the both of them to fall in Love and the result of that love was the millions of stars on the sky. But their love was a forbidden one thus beginning the first tragedy in love. Their union started affecting all the stars in the sky and even the sky itself, the stars were losing their shine and on the verge of dying and the sky started to collapse.

With broken hearts the Sun and Moon decided to separate for the benefit of all, but the collapse of the sky gave birth to this world, it is said that this world is a piece of the sky. Mana ran freely in this world and together with the Sun and Moon life started to be born. All living beings were mana itself, wether plants, animals , birds or any kind of creature. Not long after some of the creatures starter to evolve due to mana and gain intelligence and so a new era was born. After millennials the piece of sky was densely populated, the competition for mana was fierce, death was everywhere, it was like a lawless place. Because of all the horrifying things and evil of these creatures a different kind of power derivated from mana, it was a vile ,dark and corrupt power that started to change their once beautiful and heavenly appearance into something ugly,smelly and hideous , it was like their true hearts were reflected outside.

A battle erupted between the creatures with pure mana and the ones with the corrupt mana. It is said that the battle was so intense that the piece of the sky was almost destroyed and almost all living beings on this world died , leaving but a remnant left behind.

The Moon and the Sun were saddened to see this but they couldn't interfere lest they did more harm than good. The mana in the world was scarce, resources we're almost nonexistent and so the few living beings were barely able to survive, their once great power was reduced to such an extent that even their lifespans were but a fraction of what once was , some creatures could barely reproduce .

A handful of races survived , one of them being humans, one of the most intelligent races, at least from the ones that survived. These races divided the world between them and went their separate ways to build their kingdoms and survive.

After thousands of years these races made an agreement to never wager war amongst each other lest the world dies, just live in their own lands.

In the Human Kingdom, in the Central Continent, in the Misstryne Empire.

Every major family possessed their unic magic they were born with, these were the nobels and the rulers of the Empire.

The Royal Family Lightheart possessed light magic said to derive directly from the Sun itself.

The only Archduke family that was blood related with the royals was the Moonlight Family with their patriarch being Sonata Moonlight and their only son Cain Moonlight. They possessed dark magic and void magic.

The Duke Families :

Burgess - lightning magic.

Edelman - earth magic.

McTyre - fire magic.

Windsor - wind magic.

The Marquis families: Frostbloom - ice magic.

Starwear - illusion magic.

Wilderwood - plant magic.

Shadowhunter - shadow magic.

Silvesters - metal magic.

Gregor - summoning magic.

Undine - water magic

The Counts family: Anderson - telekinesis... and so on and so forth.

The Church of the Sun and Moon - it's people were from nobles and commoners that had the ability to use healing magic .

In the first year of the Academy the nobles learned the theory of magic and how to activate their mana inside them. The second years learned spells related to their own magic and to control it better, the third years learn how to battle with magic and the forth year was an extension of the third.

Now the first year was a breeze for Alida. She, as most nobles knew a lot and some had their mana activated before enrolling in the Academy.All they had to do was deepen that knowledge and expand their mana pool.

The hard part for Alida was the years to come were she barely past from a year to another because of all the bullying, criticism and rumors. All these put a great mental thole on her and could barely focus to do the most basic spells. It's not like she was dumb just weak-willed and a teenager. And this knowledge I plan to use to strengthen myself.

Sitting in my room I reviewed the way you sense mana to help you activate it and to increase your mana pool.

I crossed my legs , closed my eyes and did my best to concentrate around me trying to empty my mind of all thoughts. And lo and behold ..i failed miserably. Not giving up i tried again just to fail again. This process repeated for more than 15 minutes before I threw myself on the bed with a pout.

" I can't believe this ..how hard can it be?"

Frustrated to the max I put my head in the pillow and screamed my lungs out. I couldn't believe I couldn't do it. All the transmigrated characters in the novels breeze trough this so why can't I?

Laying on the back on my comfy bed with my arms stretched out I closed my eyes and relaxed taking a few deep breaths to calm myself .

Had a full weekend and didn't get the chance to write a new chapter. This one contains more about the structure of the kingdom and it's magic families. please bear with it..more to come in the next chapter. Hope I'll get to post it tonight .

tanykacreators' thoughts