
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 6

Meanwhile in Alida's room.

Aryan and Alida were having a good time.

Sitting opposite each other on the couches, each with a cup of tea and a plate full of snacks between them , these two pair of brother and sister were reminiscing about the younger days.

Each of the two had big smiles on their faces just chatting casually for a good half an hour until Aryan decided to ask 'the" question that was on his mind.

" Sister...are you feeling okay?"

Aryan suddenly looked at me with worried eyes and uncertainty because of his abrupt change of subject.

"Hmmm? ...yes I'm ok." I looked at him puzzled for a moment before I remembered " Oh ...Julian.'. "Don't worry Aryan, I'm feeling okay now."

" Don't lie to me Alida. I know you like Julian. Personally I don't think he's good enough for you. You could do so much better. Not to mention the rumors among the men . They are saying he frequencies quite often the Red district. "

'Men...hehe...how cute.' I only showed a little smile as to not offend him. He might be considered a man at his age in this world but to me he's still a boy.

"Really. Don't worry brother. I know I liked him in the past but now I'm over him.It just took me a while to pull myself together. I really appreciate your care brother." I said all this with confidence while looking at him straight in the eyes.

" Pfiu .. okay. If you say so then I believe you."

He visibly sighed than started to much on a biscuit while sipping his tea.

"Enough about that. Let's talk about you now. Is there a girl you like? When am I going to have a sister-in-law?"

Pfft ...cough cough.....

" Well that took him by surprise ...I waited half an hour for this..hihi.'

Aren't I a good sister?

" Sisteerr..." with a red face and an angry look he dabbed a napkin on his clothes where all the tea has spilled.

" What? Am I not allowed to ask? You don't even have a fiance. People will start taking you know "

"I know..it's just....i have a lot to do and learn so I can manage the family well when the time comes. I don't have time for other things."

He tried to use the lamest excuse ever but who do you think I am huh?

" You make time!" I said a little more serious and Aryan was now looking at me like I grew a head.

" You know that this is one of your responsibilities as a future patriarch. Better to chose someone you like and is better suited with you than being forced by father and mother into a marriage later on."

"Sigh...yeah. I know. You're right. I'll think about it."

"That's all I ask. Now off you go, you have things to do. Don't postpone them any longer."

I sent Aryan away and was preparing to do my own things when a knock was heard followed by a maids voice.

" Miss Alida , madam Patricia wants to see you."

' What ? Now?....sigh...'

" I'll be there in a short while." Turning my head tot the door I said a little louder not bothering to open the door.

After a quick glance in the mirror to see if everything was in place and a quick check trough Alida's memories to find the way to my mother's room I walked at a moderate pace to the third floor.

I must say.. having access to Alida's memories whenever I wanted was a huge help for me. This is different than just having a good memory, it was like a book you could shuffle trough whenever you felt like it.

It didn't take long for me to arrive at my mother's room. Knocking on the door I heard her voice giving me permission to enter.

"Hello mother." I said the moment i entered her room . It was a beautiful room, much more spacious than mine, walls in cream with beautiful decorations, all the furniture was a deep brown except the walls, drapes and the seaters which had the same color. It gave a warm feeling and the air was quite pleasant honestly, it smelled like roses.

"Come Alida. Sit over here."

Patricia gestured for me to sit opposite her on the couch. I took a seat and waited for her to start the conversation. It took my mother a few good minutes of starring at me before she opened her mouth.

" You look good today Alida. I'm glad you joined us for breakfast. "

" Thank you mother. It was nice seeing you all today."

The conversation so far was awkward and perfunctory.

" It hasn't been long since you finished your academic courses. Have you found a boy you like?"

Well that went down the drain easily. Are you that eager to marry me off? I thought this but of course I wouldn't say it.

With a small smile I replied:

"No mother i haven't. I'm not in a hurry. There's still time. I think we should focus on finding Aryan a fiance first and wait for Jane and Julian's wedding to pass."

'Sorry Aryan but someone has to be a scapegoat .'

" Hmmm..I see...about Jane and Julian...."

Aaannd here it comes...I knew this is what she was after.

" Don't worry mother. I'm happy for them and wish a happy and long life together."

"Is..is that so?" I could see she was still skeptical about this but there's nothing I can do at the moment.

" Just don't cause trouble for your sister okay."

' Ah.. right. Jane must have said something since in Alida's memories only Aryan knew about her crush on Julian.'

" I won't, there's no reason for me to do something like that. When will you announce their engagement?"

"On Jane's eightieth birthday. Although people will find out about this sooner, I'm sure, but that will be the official date."

" I see...is there's something else?"

" No, this is all. You may leave."

And with that I said my farewells and went straight to my room. It was time to understand all this magic stuff now.

There's a lot of memories to review about magic and all the theory behind it. I'm a little excited about it honestly, it's still hard to believe magic exists. I can't wait to try it.

Here's another chapter for my readers. Have a pleasant day and thank you for reading my novel >:D<

tanykacreators' thoughts