
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 5

Jane said her farewells to Julian with a bashful face, her cheeks red, eyes moist and a beautiful smile.

They looked at each other lovingly for a few minutes before finally parting, Julian entering his carriage while Jane waited for his carriage to be far enough before entering the mansion.

The moment she turn her back her smiling face was no more and a frown appeared between her eyebrows her expression sour. "What happened this morning? How come...?" she quickly composed herself and made sure no servant saw this side of her. Jane was quick to enter the mansion and go to her room, she would have to think things trough.

In the carriage Julian couldn't help but remember Alida's face this morning. She was indeed beautiful, more beautiful than Jane and her body was divine. He couldn't help but have some perverted thoughts about her.

'Who knows maybe one day.... I'm sure she's still in love with me. Too bad her personality is not like Jane.'

That's right, Julian Edelman knew exactly who his soon to be fiance was. She couldn't fool him since he was the same as her, but that's exactly what he wanted from the future Mistress Edelman. He was definitely not in love with Jane, in fact he would prefer Alida more since she was more beautiful and her body to his taste. Truth be told he actually started falling in love with Alida at the Academy, too bad when the situation presented herself she wasn't up to standard. He had no choice but to leave her and pursue Jane. But it's fine, he would be sure to have enough entertainment with other women when he was bored of Jane's body.

In her room ,Jane was oblivious to her lovers character and thoughts. She actually believed Julian loved her and only her although this morning his gaze on Alida was quite passionate and he starred for so long.

"No no...Julian loves me. He'd do everything for me. That's right ... everything is ok, my plan is perfect."

Pacing in the room Jane hipnotized herself, she refused to believe that after years of hard work all her efforts would be in vain. Her plan was simple, after being the darling of the Burgess household she would marry a handsome and rich noble and live a happily ever after, worries free.

In the Misstryne Empire the law forbade women to marry before the age of 19, more precisely the King was 'merciful' and after the girls graduated from the Royal Academy of Misstryne Empire they would get 1 year to spend with their families before being sold..ahem married off. So our cute, naive and apparently dumb Jane had to wait for two more years before checking the marriage box.

After rummaging more about this morning and obsessing about it she went to her stepmother's room to make sure to sour more the relationship between Patricia and Alida.


In his office, the patriarch of the Burgess family could barely focus on his work. This morning his darling showed a rare smile, one that he missed more that he thought. Nicola Burgess couldn't help but blame himself for the state his daughter was in, he saw day after day how his precious Alida lost her shine and become something, someone opposite to her lovely and happy self. But what could he do about it? He was a father after all.Both Alida and Jane were his daughters and he couldn't help but love them both. Nicola wanted to resolve the conflict between the two girls. In fact he even tried to do it several times but the result was his daughter Alida distancing herself from the family, from him. He missed being called 'dad' in a sweet and childlike voice by Alida, this morning he called him 'father', although he was surprised and happy to see her at the dinner table this morning he still felt bothered by being called 'father'.

"I really wish to go and talk to her.." the patriarch couldn't help but think out loud.

"Excuse me sir did you say something?"

His advisor , Count Gillian Anderson asked him. They were currently in the middle of separating the documents, sorting them and then resolve the urgent ones first.

"Ahem... it's nothing Gillian. Carry on with your work."

" Yes sir..."

And so they did , each with their own work lost in their own thoughts.


In a separate room of the mansion, on the third floor, Patricia McTyre, Alida's mother sat on a chair near the windows. A cup of tea in her hand, the cup was exquisite, white with silver on the edge , pink and blue flowers delicately draw on the sides. Who wouldn't love to drink tea from such a beautiful cup?

Sitting there on the chair and admiring the view outside she kept thinking about Alida this morning. Patricia was pleasantly surprised to see Alida today. She really missed her daughter too much. Unfortunately she didn't know how to talk to her about her problems, coupled with her being a little to prideful and being raised in a strict family the result of her teachings and advices she gave her daughter were not welcomed at all.

'Sigh ..' ....a sigh escaped her beautiful and full pink lips. Worry could be seen in her beautiful amber eyes.

Ever since she found out about her husband's infidelity nine years ago their relationship was never the same. Although they didn't marry for love but for political and economical reasons it wasn't long since love started to bloom between them. They were happy together, had two beautiful and adorable children, life was perfect for Patricia, she couldn't ask for more. But happiness never stays for too long. After happiness, disaster came and this time the disasters name was 'infidelity' .

The day Nicola brought home a young girl and said she was his daughter was the day the trust and love between them shattered. And as you expect they had a fight about it, a big one but in the end the girl had to stay. It was more than a year until she let her pride aside and tried to mend things between them. They were both miserable but what was done could not be undone, all they could do is try to move forward. A big part of her trying to mend things was thanks to her children. Seeing how all three of them got along so well and we're happy, Patricia's heart softened. The good thing in all this was that her husband, Nicola, had no intention on bringing that women into the house. On the contrary he made it clear to Jane's mother that the moment she tried to enter the family or bother them in some way , he would throw them both , mother and Jane, to the streets with nothing on them. The good thing was Nicola didn't have any kind of feelings for that woman, they spend just one night together when he was drunk and that was all.

'Sigh...' sighing for who knows how many times today, Patricia McTyre but the cup down and prepared to organize her day but just then a knock cane from the door.

Knock knock

"Come in."

The door opened and a head full of blond hair and a pair of blue eyes showed itself to her...it was Jane.

" Mother...do you have a moment?"

"Yes Jane. Please come in dear."

After both sat down on the couch, a maid started preparing some refreshments for them. After all was done and prepared the maid exited the room , leaving the two alone.

" What's the matter? Is there something bothering you?"

Sitting opposite her stepmother, Jane started to fidget with her hands looking unsure if she should say it or not.

And just like that operation 'destroy Alida's relationship with her mother' began again.

Another chapter today. Please comment if you liked it.

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