
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 3

Going through 'my' wardrobe i started analyzing what I knew.

Apparently I was living in the Misstryne Empire, one of the major forces of the Central Continent alongside Felstein Kingdom and Rovern Kingdom.

The royal family of the Misstryne Empire is called Lightheart with it's king and queen, two princes and a princess. Than an Archduke family the Moonlights , four ducal families Burgess, Edelman, McTyre and Windsor. Then came 7 marquis families Frostbloom, Starweaver, Wilderwood, Shadowhunters and so on with countless Counts, Viscounts, Barons Lords , Knights, Merchants and commoners. This is the hierarchy of the Misstryne Empire.

But the thing that got me confused and hard to believe is apparently magic is REAL . Like real magic with people flying, trowing fireballs, making ice out of nothing and so on. These memories of Alida are hard to believe and actually made me doubt if I was transmigrated into a fantasy world, maybe a novel I have read previously, you know the cliche stuff since Alida's life it's a pretty cliche life.

Honestly, I wasn't sure how to feel about this. Excited because I get to see a fantasy world with real magic , worried about the unexpected danger, all kinds of thoughts plagued me at this time.

"No. I have to stay strong. What will come will come."

I tried to encourage myself out loud to not fall in despair and useless worry.

" There's no if's and no but's just moving forward.... Hopefully this body remembers what being a noble is because I definitely have no experience with these sort of things...pfiu."

I chose a simple but elegant purple dress with a white bow in front of my breasts, a pair of white low heels with a little purple gem, got dresses quickly and sat in front of the vanity mirror to fix my now messy face and hair. Recalling something I rush to the bathroom, brush my teeth, washed my face and return in front of the vanity. I chose not to apply makeup to this poreless face. Just a touch of mascara and a little pink lipgloss and done the first part.

"Now for the hair...."

Knock knock

"Miss are you awake?"

A knock and a voice came from behind the door. A maid I presume.

"Yes. Come in."

The door gently opens and a maid comes through the door, brown hair and brown eyes , some freckles on the cheeks but quite cute overall. Searching through 'my'memories I found her name to be Mary. She's one of my personal maids alongside Flora and Gina.

"Good morning miss."Mary bows slightly and greets me.

"Good morning Mary." and try a small smile trying a little to hard to act natural.

Mary looks at me with big eyes and a dumbfounded expression, her mouth slightly open.

'Ooh...Did i make a mistake?'

Trying to recall how Alida would interact with the maids I quickly found that she usually doesn't smile to them ,always gloomy and barely speaking. Of course she wasn't always like that but the trauma ever since her Academy days has changed her personality from a fun and cheerful child to a taciturn and moody one.

Taking a deep silent breath I decided to just act myself but to take it slow so the change won't be to sudden. Who knows if there's a world will or something or some possessed hunt and stuff like that, you can never be to sure. Ok maybe I'm a bit paranoid and getting ahead of myself but it doesn't hurt to be careful.

"Mary what are you standing there for and looking at me like that?" I spoke a little more forceful trying to imitate Alida .

Mary was quick to recover and apologized.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. Call Gina to do my hair. Is it time for breakfast?"

"Yes miss. Breakfast will be served shortly. Will you pe going down to eat with everyone or should I bring the breakfast to your room?"

What you need to know is that Alida rarely ate with her parents in the last years, unless it was mandatory she would always stay in her room and eat alone.

"I'll be having breakfast in the dining room with the family."

"Yes miss I'll quickly arrange for the food to be brought upstai....what?" Mary again was like a fish on land.

"Alright..that's all. Go call Gina."

I waved her off and she was quick on the uptake and moved like an expert.

" No way am I going to hide in this room. I just have to take the bull by the horns, rip the band-aid off and meet the family. It's better to see things trough my own eyes and understand them with my own mind rather than a teenagers. "

Not to dismiss other people's viewing as unimportant but after you grow up from all the drama and "I know best" and "nobody loves/understands me" phase you get embarrassed as you get older and remember all the stupid things you did or said , so I think it's better to experience things myself and judge them myself than through others words or eyes.

Gina, my second maid arrived quickly and did a perfect job to my hair. She would definitely be a top hairdresser to where I'm from.

Taking a deep breath and resolving myself I followed the maid to the dining room for breakfast to meet my family. There my first "battle" will begin.

Hello dear readers. This is my second attempt at writing a story. My first one was 2 years ago but i quickly realized that I lack a lot. Inspiration was nonexistent after e few days so I gave it up. Hopefully I'll be better this time. Criticism and or advice is expected (please be gentle my heart is fragile). Enjoy

tanykacreators' thoughts