
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 33

The next day.

Alida and Cain were in one of the mansions drawing rooms having some tea and some pastries.

No one was bothering them since everyone left the mansion early in the morning. Her father, Nicola didn't even have breakfast , her mother was at some tea party, Aryan was occupied with some businesses and Jane was out doing her own things.

"How are you feeling?" Cain was holding Alida's hand. They were both sitting on the same couch, besides each other. Alida's hand was in Cain's.

"I'm alright." She wanted to say she wasn't fine since she had nightmares all night and barely slept but didn't want to come as a weak person not to mention she was feeling silly by her actions the other day.

"I can see all those bags under your eyes so clearly you are not alright!"

Turning her head to the side, she bits her lips feeling embarrassed for being pointed out like that.

"Just ...i ...i didn't sleep that well that's all." She replied pouting a little. Cain found this cute , her childish side, it's something he doesn't see often.

"Sigh.." sighing aloud he hugs Alida from the side , bringing her head on his shoulder and kissing her head.

"You don't have to act brave in front of me you know. Did you have a nightmare?"

"Hmm. " Nodding her head she hugs Cain back. Alida can't say anything back, she feels like crying for a multitude of reasons. The realization that she's this weak struck her harder than she imagined.

They stay in each others embrace for a good few minutes without anyone saying anything. The best medicine for her depressing feeling is Cain's embrace.

"You did a good thing you know and was very brave." Cain interrupted the silence still wanting to make her feel better .

"You mean a stupid thing..." she replied annoyed.

"Haha...that too." Well, he couldn't refute her words. Although brave it was indeed stupid of her to approach the situation like that .

"You .." Alida raised her head from Cain's shoulder and looked at him angrily. And then she bites his shoulder to avenge her wounded pride .

"Ouch... hahaha. Who knew my girlfriend is a dog...hahahah."

"Gasp ...how dare you. I'll show you..." Faking a hurt expression Alida leaves his side and climbs his lap then fake bites his neck. Cain's hands never left her waist still laughing. Alida started to get infected by his laugh and laughs together with him.

They stayed like that for a while longer, laughing, talking about random things with kisses between then but nothing too steamy, the place wasn't right.

After an hour Cain bid his farewell to Alida. It was time to start doing his business, one of the reasons he went out today or else he would be locked in his office, buried deep in paperwork.

"I'll send someone with some calming tea for you."

"You don't have to you know."

"I know but i want to. You're my woman and I take care of what's mine." Leaving these words behind, he quickly stole a kiss from her and boarded the carriage, closing the door behind him, giving just a wink trough the window.

Alida's face was red from his bold words not to mention his affectionate display in front of everyone. She wanted to hide her face and burry her head in her hands.

All the employees who saw this couldn't help but giggle at this sight especially when they saw her bashful face.

Turning around, Alida went inside the mansion and straight to her room. It seems she still has a ways to go. After the shock of yesterday's event, she realized how helpless she was. The excitement of being in a world filled with magic subsided a little, actually more than a little. Everything is fun and games until the cruel reality slaps you in the face. And fortunately for her, it was just a slap. Alida let herself unguarded in the face of danger, danger that lurks outside the comfort of her home where she is well protected from everything truly evil. Being blessed for a second time with a loving family, a rich family, something that she didn't have in her first life, it was finally time for her to shed some of her naivety.

Lost in her own thoughts, Alida decided it was finally time to make some real effort in getting stronger. She was as weak as it gets, the little bit of magic she possessed is nothing compared to what she needs if she wants to fight her own battles and actually win, no more feeling the dispair and helplessness she felt. She might have been saved once but it doesn't mean a second time will repeat itself. Not to mention she is definitely not a heroine, not of this story at least.

Following that train of thought Alida decided it was time to increase her mana pool and have some real fighting experience not just the lessons she gets from her assigned trainer. All she did until now was simple and basic moves and training with dummies.

While our own FL is trying her best to overcome her fears and step out of her comfort zone, her own brother Aryan and her lovely boyfriend, Cain were plotting the demise of hundreds, nay, thousands of monsters in the Ancient Forest. In a secluded location, hidden among trees and wild fauna, a house no bigger that a two story building, a dozen people were huddled together above a large rectangular table. On it, a map of the Ancient Forest lay, pinned by all kinds of office accessories , from stone papers, to markers, pin needles and so on. Red lines where drawn from place to place and the people in the room were all in a heated debate. What they were talking about was top secret even for this author.

Alida's birthday was soon approaching and with it Aryan's departure to the battlefield.