
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 32

@Tama_Kun thank you for my first review <3


Cain decided to take Alida home in his carriage.

Mary was in their original carriage followed by the guards.

Alida was sitting near Cain. After they entered his carriage he set her beside him. His head was to the side, bent down, he was breathing hard while one hand kept going trough his hair messing it up more and more but still looking handsome and sexy.

After a good few minutes of silence he turned toward her. Taking her now bruised wrist in his hand, he brought her hand to his lips kissing it tenderly all over the bruised surface.

A shiver went down her spine. The sight and the feeling he gave her made her blush, bitting her lips afraid to make a sound.

After what felt like forever this sweet torture came to an end.

"Sigh...why...what were you doing there?" Still holding her hand, Cain looked at her in the eyes. His look was of worry, anger , anxiousness and relief. Her heart gripped tight at this. She really felt bad for what she did. She didn't know what came over her. Did she loose brain cells today? Why didn't she get out of the alley and ask for help from the guards that are patrolling the streets? She could have done better.Alas, there's no turning back time now.

"I... I'm sorry.I wanted to help the poor boy but instead just made things worse." Tears threatened to fall at her own stupidity. Seeing this, Cain extended his other hand to her cheek prepared to wipe the tears that fall away.

"Please... promise me you won't do that ever again!" With a serious tone , Cain kept her face up locking his eyes wit hers.

"I..Cain ..I.." Seeing her stutter , anger took over him instantly.

"Alida! Promise me!" He spoke again in a commanding tone this time.

It's not like she didn't want to promise him, but she couldn't. She felt conflicted and scared after this experience. She wanted to get stronger, no she needed to be stronger.

"I ... can't..."

Without getting a chance to utter another word and explain herself, Cain took her by her waist and put her on his lap. The next second his lips met hers in a hard and punishing kiss.


Alida tried to push him away and slap his chest but to no avail. Cain was hell bent on kissing her harshly. Her lips started to hurt and she had no air to breath. Not long after tears started to fall from her eyes.

When Cain felt her tears, he stopped. He looked at her with a blaming gaze but the anger started to diminish seeing her broken appearance.

He approached her again and kisses her tenderly this time.

He wanted to convey his feelings to her but was afraid to hurt her more.He was too angry and too afraid and didn't want his words to be to harsh. Cain knew she was scared and the last thing he wanted was for her to be scared of him.

He first touched her upper lip lightly with his, nibbling on it gently, then moved towards the other one and did the same. A small moan escaped her lips, now red from the harsh kissing. For a split second, both Cain and Alida looked at each other in the eyes before their lips touched again, but this time with more passion, their tongues interwined with each other, savoring their taste. His hands left her waist. One going down towards her butt and the other up front to her breasts.

He caressed her chest with his fingers while his other hand grabbed her butt cheek and squeezed it trough her pants.

Small moans kept escaping Alida's mouth at his ministrations. The pleasure she was feeling replaced the fright she got earlier. She couldn't help her moans from escaping.

After a while, Cain started to trail kisses down her chin, throat , her ear and after small licks and nibbles followed.

Moving down, he pulled Alida's hair with the hand that was on her butt , arching her neck and chest towards him, while the other hand never left her breasts , now massaging them trough her thin clothes , playing from time to time with her hard nipples.

Kissing his way down between the valley of her breasts a louder moan escaped Alida's mouth, it's only purpose is to ignite the passion and fire, and desire the two lovers had for each other.

"Cain...please ...s..st .. stop." With great difficulty and ragged breath Alida manages to utter these few words.

Leaving a hickey on the upper side of her breast, Cain retracted his head from her chest, his eyes a deep red. He stops himself for looking long at her and instead hugs her tight to his chest taking deep breaths to calm himself.

Alida was in no better state than him. With her face flushed and breathing hard, she tried to ignore the hard object that pocked her inner thigh and the pool between her legs.

They stayed like this almost all the way to her home before finally settling her beside him again.

Finally arriving home, she says her good byes to Cain.

"Alida..wait." Cain catches her hand before leaving the carriage.

"What is it?" She looks at him questionably.

"Are you free tomorrow? Can I come over ?"

"Hmm...of course. I'll be home waiting for you." She gives him a smile, quickly reaching out for him and kissing his check.

"Good bye Cain."

Feeling his chest invaded by a warm feeling, Cain smile back and after seeing her enter her front door, tells the driver to go to their mansion

Today was an eventful day for both Cain and Alida. Some unexpected things happened but fortunately for them everything ended well.

Alida wanted to keep her accident a secret from the family. But unfortunately for her, the guards were the first to report back to the Patriarch.

What followed next was another scolding for Alida and a ban to go out from the mansion for the next month. The guards and Mary were also punished because of her. No matter how much she pleaded with her father and saying it was her fault not theirs it was futile in the end. A punishment was due since it was their fault for failing to do their duty properly.