
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 21

In less than 15 minutes, we arrived at the mansion.

Needles to say we were both drenched, the only good thing was, the rain was a warm summer shower so the chanches of getting a cold are low.

Cain instructed one of the maids to take me to a room and prepare a bath for me. The same for Gina. It was a good thing I brought spare clothes.

The maids were polite and efficient. In just a few minutes I was in a hot bathtub, warming myself and washing. I did this all alone since the only thing I allowed my maids to wash was my hair, but this time I did it alone since Gina was in the same situation as me.

After a good half an hour in the bath, Gina came with my spare of clothes and helped me dry my hair and dress up again.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see Cain again as he had an emergency he had to attend. Although the maids and butler said I could stay and have a tour around te mansion and some tea time, I refused politely, it's better not to overstay my welcome.

I was now in the carriage going home. The image of Cain and our moments together kept repeating in my mind over and over, especially our kiss. Acting like a teenager in love was so not my thing since my mind is older than 18 but I i guess love really does have no age.

Now sitting in my room my anxiety finally hit. Although I had a great time with Cain and I believe he did the same, but since I'm supposed to be eighteen maybe the kiss was a little rushed. It's not like I didn't blush like a tomato after and actually felt embarrassed but still, what if he thinks I'm easy?

Hiding my face under the cover and curling my body , I was thorned between happiness and frustration. Eventually I fell asleep.

Waking up in the morning, i dragged my body in the bathroom and washed then started doin my meditation. Taking the expectant pose, butt on the bed, back straight and my legs folded I started my daily routine. Just then I remembered I forgot to do my meditation in the evening, I even forgot to go eat with the family, I just went straight to bed.


Berating myself for a few minutes in my head for being a stupid fool in love, I decided it's time to descend my sorry ass on earth and stop daydreaming.

After a good breakfast with Jane and Aryan , I went to do my next training. Mother and Father were both out with some business.

On my way to the training grounds, a maid came with a small packet for me, wrapped beautiful in purple and a green bow.

It was a gift from Cain and a card.

' My dear Alida

I would like to thank you for spending time with me yesterday. I also apologize for not being there to take you home. Something came up that needed my presence.

I hope we can meet again soon.

Sincerely , Cain Moonlight '

Unbeknownst to me, I was smiling like fool the whole time.

Upon opening the gift I found a few varieties off teas for preventing a cold and a small strawberry shortcake from the new bakery.

I was really delighted by this. Seeing as how attentive he is warmed my heart.

" Flora. Take the cake and make sure nobody touches it. I'll be eating it after lunch. And prepare some tea from here these two days." I instructed my maid and returned to the training grounds.

A few days later, after breakfast, Nicola Burgess was in his study with an unexpected guest.

His face was scrunched , a deep frow between his eyebrows and his mouth was in a thin line. Hie eyes showed displeasure and rage.

To understand better why the Patriarch's mood was so sour, let's go back half an hour in time.

As I was saying, after breakfast, everyone went their way. Patricia Burgess went into her office, Jane and Aryan went out together with the carriage since he had some business outside while Jane was meeting Julian and Alida was on the training grounds.

Barely a good hour after, the butler informed Nicola about a visitor.

When the patriarch heard who the visitor was he was perplexed at first but then remembered Darius's reports.

" Let him in." Said Nicola with a serious expression.

"Hello Duke of Burgess." Upon entering Nicola's office, Cain gave a polite reply. " Thank you for seeing me in such short notice."

" Hmmm..." Nicola nodded at Cain's words and after offering him a seat he continued " To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Although Nicola was polite as well, he had a serious and expressionless face on and got straight to the point.

Cain looked him straight in the eyes and by his reply and face he assessed that Nicola Burgess might know why he visited.

'Well, no matter. At least I won't waste unnecessary time.' Is what he thought.

"I'm sure you might have guessed why I came. I wanted to ask permission to court you daughter Alida with marriage in mind ."

After saying his piece , Cain could see the displeasure in his eyes and his face morphing into a frown.

"Why?" Barely containing his anger and trough gritted teeth, Nicola spatted just one word.

"Because I like your daughter Alida." Came his swift reply again.

"Hah..so what? You think you are the only one that likes my daughter?"

Cain was a little baffled at the anger Nicola Burgess was showing towards him, but he soon understood that this was a man who loves his daughter dearly. But that doesn't mean he would give up. He might not be able to say that he loved Alida right now but he definitely was in love with her and wouldn't let her go no matter what.

" I am sure I'm not the only one that is infatuated with your daughter Patriarch Burgess, since she is not only very beautiful but also an intelligent woman and a pleasant company. Nonetheless this won't hinder me from pursuing her."

Nicola could see the honesty of those words in his eyes and the warmth he showed when speaking about Alida.

"And what makes you think you are worthy of her huh?" Nicola had no plans of giving up just like that. He has to fight for his daughter or else this scoundrel might steal her away from him.

Nicola Burgess didn't realize at this moment that he was way more protective of Alida than Jane. He was all smiles and very friendly when Julian Edelman was asking for the same thing but with Jane. This did not mean that he did not love Jane, he did love her and wanted her to be happy but Alida was his little darling that wanted to keep for as long as he lived.

"Do you think that just because your status and wealth is higher than us Burgess, you can take my daughter away? "

I admit I am a little disappointed since I posted 20 chapters already and no comment or vote, although I do have 10 collections. I want to thank those who decided my nook was worth reading.

going forward there'll be some fast forward moments to important events that'll happen. I don't plan on dragging this arc for more than 40 chapters. A new life awaits our FL.

tanykacreators' thoughts