
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 20

We strolled on the back of the horses for almost an hour.

We moved trough a forest and spotted a clearing.

" How about we have lunch here?" Cain suggested since it was lunch time already.

" Hmmm...I think it would be a great spot for lunch ."

Cain helped me off the horse. He went to tie the horses on a nearby tree and left them there to eat the grass while his servant and my maid prepared the blanket and lunch for us.

Cain signaled his servant to leave us and I also nodded toward the hesitant Gina to do the same.

Taking a place on the blanket I could see a variety of aperitifs and small cakes. It was a feast for the eyes and I'm sure for our stomachs too.

Cain sat near me.

" What do you want to eat ?"

" Everything." I said but then remembered that I was supposed to eat light since I'm a lady.

"Ahem...i mean I would like to try from everything." Well...it can't be helped...I wasn't made to eat like an ant.

While some people eat just enough to live, I eat for pleasure. I guess some things don't change even with a change of bodies.

Cain put a little bit of everything on a plate and gave it to me. He did the same for himself and we started eating in silence. All the small talk we made was around the food and how good it was.

After that we each had a piece of cake, I chose a strawberry shortcake and Cain a cherry cheesecake.

"This feels nice." I said while sipping some icetea . We were both all smiles , just like two fools in love .

By now I got used a little with his killer smiles, although I couldn't maintain eye contact more than five seconds or else I would start to blush and my heart would go crazy.

"Alida.." Cain spoke my name and I turned towards him.

"I'm sure you're aware or thinking about it but I would still like to say this...I am interested in knowing more about you and this I would like to pursue you. If it's alright with you of course."

'Hehe.... what's the point of keeping my face since I'm already a tomato..sigh.'

Red as a tomato I took a deep breath and replied.

"You may ... I would also like to know more about you Cain "

We both stared into each other eyes drawn towards each other.

'Hmmm...why is his face getting closer? Wait is this ..eh? ah?' Internally i was a mess but i won't move even if the end of the world comes. I wanna feel those lips even if it's the last thing I do.

Cain kept getting closer to me, while I kept looking in his eyes, expecting for my thoughts to come true, but when he was barely an inch from me he stopped and his eyes from my lips moved to my eyes. I took a glance at his lips and this is all the permission he needed. The next second he closed the distance between us and touch his lips with mine. At first it was like a flutter, barely discernable, but then like gaining courage, he moved his left hand around the back of my neck and his right one on my waist and kissed me slowly and with passion. I didn't miss a beat and kissed him back leaning a little forward, not wanting this moment to end. It didn't take long for the kiss to heat up a little , from a slow and passionate one,it became a dominant and full of passion kiss, he was like a thirsty man in a desert and I was his Oasis.

I don't know how much our kiss lasted. It felt long but when it ended it felt to short.

We were both huffing , looking into our eyes you could see the lust and desire in them.

Biting my lower lip I casted my eyes downward with a red face. I was happy, but the next instant i hear a low growl. Looking up i barely saw Cain's face inching toward me again and the next second i felt a soft and hot sensation on my lips.

While Cain and Alida were in their own heaven , Gina and Timmy , the servant that came with them, were eating their own meal.

Gina was nervous and kept fidgeting, her young miss was with an unknown man alone. She couldn't sit still at all. What if something bad would happen to her?

Before her thoughts would go haywire, Timmy interrupted her.

"Miss Gina stop worrying and eat. "

"Ah...Timmy. How could I not worry.My lady..."

"She's fine. Master Cain won't eat her so stop imagining useless stuff."

"But ..but..."

Timmy quickly stuffed a sandwich in her mouth to stop her from talking. He was hungry and wanted to eat in peace. He needed all the energy he could get since his work barely started.

Unbeknownst to them, Cain Moonlight really wanted to eat her young lady, figuratively speaking of course.

Without them noticing, the sky was filling with clouds and rain started pouring down. It came unannounced and started heavy right off the bat. It probably wanted to cool the two lovebirds since things were getting pretty heated.

After their second kiss, Cain and Alida were looking into each other's eyes. Alida was blushing furiously, liking her lips and tasting their kiss while Cain was debating if he should go for another, since it felt so addicting, but right when he was about to dive again and drown in lust the rain started pouring on them both, quickly cooling the air around them.

Looking up for a split second , Cain grabbed Alida's hand and sprinted toward the trees where the horses were.

"Let's both leave with my horse since the rain is quite heavy." Cain had to yell a little so I could hear his voice.

" Okay. " I nodded and yelled back.

Releasing my horse and setting him free, the horse quickly galloped trough the rain back to where we came from. Takings me from may waist , Cain lifted me up on the horse and then untied the horse from the tree and jumped behind me. Hugging me from behind,he gripped tight the rains and soon we started sprinting trough the rain ,back to the mansion.

Not long after, I could see Timmy and Gina do the same.

The way back was much shorter since Cain was handling the horse at a very fast pace, so fast that I had to close my eyes from the rain and wind that was hitting my face.

"Turn around and hide your face in my chest." Cain noticed my problem and yelled in my year just enough to hear him. I, of course , did just that. I turn sideways, hugged his waist and buried my face in his chest, sniffing to my hearts content, since he didn't know what I was doing.

Good morning dear readers. First chapter for today. Please leave a comment and tell me how I did

tanykacreators' thoughts