
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Chapter 15

Taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself, Cain Moonlight finally found his rational side.

' Phew.... think Cain think. What do you know about her? '

Remembering what his personal team of informants reported to him back, about his woman, he finally started to calm himself down.

' Her name is Alida Burgess, daughter of Nicola Burgess and Patricia McTyre. Her brother Aryan Burgess has blonde hair and purple eyes. So this means that man was Aryan Burgess. Sigh....that's good. There's no fiance or talk about one ... good.'

With determination in his eyes and steps, Cain Moonlight turned around and went his way.There were some things he had to take care of first.

Aryan Burgess was at the moment with his sister Alida Burgess, happily eating and chatting, not knowing how close to death he has been.

"What are you going to do after lunch Alida?"

" Hmmm.... probably more shopping. Why?"

At her answer , Aryan felt his mouth twitch. Alida bought so much in a few hours she could probably fill up the carriage. In fact, unbeknownst to Aryan, she actually rented a carriage just for her shopping bags to be carried away, not to mention that at some stores they were requested to deliver the products directly to the mansion.

" You should visit the park near here, the one that has a patisserie across from it, how was it called again, ah..L'amore park or something."

Sweating bullets, Aryan tried to distract his sister from her shopping spree. At the rate she was going, he was sure she spent at least a few months of her allowances worth.

"That's a wonderful idea Aryan. I should go buy some cakes and croissants for everyone."

" Ah?...haha...ye yeah...cake...sigh"

After our lunch time was over, we went out sperate way, since Aryan had some business to do outside and I had to finish what I started.

After visiting a few more shops I decided to go to the place suggested by Aryan.

The patisserie he said about was actually a cute boutique with all kinds of cakes and refreshments. I bought a few types of cakes , croissants, big and small, enough for us to have a varying selection for a few days. I even gifted a strawberry cake to Marry, to share it with Flora and Gina.

While Marry went to put everything in the carriage, I decided to take a look at the newly renovated park L'amore.

The park was indeed beautiful, starting from the entrance and all you could see, everything was a perfect arrangement of flower beds, trees and benches where you could relax, every few feet you could see something like lamp posts that gave a warm blue light, it gave one a serene feeling while walking trough it.

You could see people walking slowly and appreciating the view with friends or loved ones, some where alone and we're feeding the birds.

Deciding to sit on a bench and have some alone time, I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Turning to see who it was, I was expecting to see Marry or one of my escorts but what I actually saw was the man that I accidentally bumped into when I visited Te Church of Sun and Moon and saw detoday at noon in the plaza.

That's right, Cain Moonlight was at this moment just two or three steps away from her, his gaze was so intense that it could burn a whole trough her head.

"H,Hello...how, how may I help you?"

I was so surprised seeing this perfect man in front of me that my brain went into over drive and my heart beat sped up like a marathon.

Taking a silent breath trough my already opened mouth I managed to stammer some words.

"Hello Lady Burgess."

' Oh Lord have mercy on my poor heart.'

Such a sexy voice, with just the right amount oh high and low vocals, just like a good old wine, it scratches your heart like a little kitten and purees in your years with utmost delight.

"Hello..." that's all I could muster at this point. I'll need a while to get over his voice.

" Cain...I'm Cain Moonlight."

" Ah?..aah ..Hhello Mister Moonlight. Is there something wrong?"

" No!" Came his curt reply.

" Th..then? What can I do for you?"

He squinted his eyes at me, studying every inch of my face.

'Is there something on my face?' As this thought passed trough my mind, I felt my face getting hot all of a sudden.

' I knew I shouldn't have eaten that yummy piece of cake!'

Berating my self in my mind with a straight face on the outside, i was thinking how should I wipe my face without embarrassing myself.

" Lady Burgess..may I call you Lady Alida?"

With a confused look i nodded my head at this. I don't mind him calling me even Alida it's just that I still don't know what this man wants from me. Is this his way of courting? If so, he literally sucks , clearly he has no experience in courting a lady, then again, with his face he doesn't need to. I bet every lady would just throw herself at him if they could have a chance.

Taking my hand in his like a fine gentelman and staring me straight in the eyes his next words blew my mind for the second time in the last five minutes.

" Lady Alida may I have the honor of you joining me for lunch someday?"

"Gulp...Yes ..you may."

' Ahhh...i feel my face burning like a volcano.'

"Lady Alida...where are you?"

Just when it started getting awkward,Mary's voice came like a saving grace.

Not missing a single beat, I grabbed my dress and prepared to leave.

" Excuse me Mister Moonlight, I have to go. Take care ."

And just as I passed by him I felt a tug at my hand followed by an electrical jolt and then a scorching sensation on my left wrist.

Moving my head to my wrist, I saw a big hand with long and straight fingers attached to it. Following the hand was a man that was looking at me hesitantly.

" Ahem ..would it be alright to send a formal invitation for lunch?"

" Hmm? Yes , of course. Anything else?"

" No."

" Then.. could you please let go of my hand?"

With a hesitant face , Mister Cain let go of my hand slowly. I don't mind him holding my hand but I would like to go before Marry sees us. The last thing I want is for rumours to go around the mansion about me.

Saying my goodbyes I turned around and left in the direction Marry' s voice was coming from. I also made sure to turn around once to admire that handsome face once more.

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