
Infinite Kryptonian: Journey to omniscient and omnipotent

John has been living a tough orphan life for past six years, since he lost his parents at the age of 12. But at his 18th birthday, fate gave him a chance to turn over, when he acquired an extremely powerful and infinitely improving Kryptonian Bloodline. See how John turns from a destitute tramp to an omnipotent male god who shakes the universe and is arbitrary for eternity.

Saif_Ali_9715 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: A visit to Miami

Coming home with more questions than answers, John was in a daze.

As for the scorpion gang base, John blew up the gang armory.

Using Heat sight from a distance, he saw a gang building exploding with his own eyes.

The rest of the cleanup work was left to the police, he hurried back.

Turning on the laptop, John skillfully hacked into Brista's mobile phone.

He wanted to check call records of that night, to see who was the one from the DEA who plotted against his parents.

John was unable to understand what type of hatred his parents had with DEA when there was no conflict of interest between the two parties on the surface.

After all, DEA is an official organization, involved in apprehending drug dealers.

His parents were no drug dealers, they used to run a small gang, taking people's money to eliminate the harm.

Thinking of these things, he quickly found the suspicious call record from that night.

Unfortunately, it was a private number, and the incident had happened a long time ago, so tracing it was tough.

However, due to John's top-notch hacking skills, the scope was narrowed down to DEA's Miami branch.

John didn't have any work here in Mexico for the time being, he had already structured an enhanced supercomputer in his mind.

Various parts involved in the manufacturing of the supercomputer have been commissioned by different factories.

Material involved had also been ordered from various countries around the world.

With money offensive, these things were not difficult.

But production and transportation will require a month, John had some time to finish his business.

To travel outside the country, various documents are required.

Despite John's money offensive, these formalities still took a full week.

A full week after the Scopian gang incident, John landed in Miami.

Just landing here in Miami, John sniffed, the air here smelled full of depravity and corruption and well, freedom.

Girls wore exposed costumes, men were searching for women as if they had been hungry for decades.

From time to time John would feel girls throwing winks at him, some bold ones directly came to him to make an appointment.

He would encounter drug addicts in some alleys along the way.

It was lively.

Walking all the way, he came to Greenland Hotel, the only 5-star hotel in Miami, and booked a presidential suite for a whole month.

Taking a shower to refresh himself, John ordered food from the hotel, and sat by the window, sunbathing leisurely, and making plans.

After arriving in Miami, John has been using superhearing to collect information.

He had confirmed DEA branch chief was a European, named Smith.

He also collected various confidential information from chats of senior executives of the DEA branch.

It turns out DEA has shady deals with various drug lords in Mexican and Columbian drug lords, involving different interests.

So, it looks like, this official organization that deems itself righteous is not so much of righteous.

But, John was not surprised, in Lighthouse country where capital is paramount, money is everything.

Corruption is not a surprising thing in these types of departments that are involved in dealing with illegal businesses.

Taking note of the clue, John decided to start from this Smith, find the culprit, and kill him.

At this time there was a knock on the door.

John got up to open the door, outside was his butler, Alina, a cute Latin girl.

"Sir, lunch is ready" Alina spoke in a sweet tone.

John glanced at rows of waiters carrying different dishes behind her, and let them in.

Alina led waiters to arrange the food on the table while glancing ambiguously at John. 

John knew his charm, he was handsome to begin with, with Kryptonian bloodline constantly enhancing his physique, his body proportions were constantly adjusting themself toward perfect lifeform.

So, it was easy for him to charm the girls.

But John was unmoved, it wasn't that there was some problem with his little brother, or Alina was not to his taste.

Alina was a proper beauty with a score above 90.

The problem was his extremely strong physique, he was afraid he would kill a girl in one session if he started.

So, he has been constantly restaining his urges all the time.

When food was arranged, he dismissed them.

Coming out of the door, Alina glanced at the closed door behind her and whispered to herself in a somewhat funny way: "Is there any problem with his male organ?"

As for having a problem with her charm, she didn't consider it, after all, she has a high turning rate every time she walks on the street.

Throwing these thoughts out of mind she went away, she wasn't annoyed that she didn't get what she wanted.

There may be lack of anything in Miami, but it doesn't lack sex-hungry men, if it isn't this one then another one.

She didn't know that John had a dark face in the room, the Italian pizza that just tasted good, didn't taste that way anymore.

"Bitch it isn't that I have a problem with my male organ, I am afraid you will die" John cursed

For a moment he even had the impulse to drag that cutie into the room and ravage her to his heart's content.

Finishing the lunch in a depressed mood, John decided to dig into Smith, he wanted to get some of Smith's black material so that it would be convenient when he questioned him later.

Turning on his laptop, John hacked into Smith's mobile phone, his computer, his house surveillance, his various known and unknown bank accounts, into electronic devices of his wife and children and some of the people he had recently come into content with.

With a hacking tool like 'Flash', it couldn't be easier.

Half an hour later, turning off the laptop, John closed his eyes, he had already got what he wanted.

Smith was dirtier than he thought, he was involved in corruption, drug smuggling, trafficking, and even assassinations of some of the previous mayors of Miami.

If he hadn't already known this guy was the DEA branch chief, John would have suspected that he was reading a biography of some underworld godfather.

Although he hasn't found any evidence pointing to his parents' death in this guy's report card, John suspected that he was the one who planned his parent's death.

Clearing these thoughts out of mind, John decided to take a rest, tonight he was going to get familiar with the layout of Miami, and then plan the kidnapping of the chief of the DEA branch.

Although he can go guns blazing or in his case throwing punches and kicks, like he did in Scorpian base, but that will expose his superhuman body to the world.

Gangs and official institutions are two different things.

If he massacred the DEA branch, then officials would search him like hyenas to the end of the world.

Although he wasn't afraid it was different from his original intention.

It will also affect his subsequent plans.

So he decided to finish this operation covertly, only killing people involved in his parent's death.

This will lower the attention and achieve the result, killing two birds with one stone.

Lying down on a king-sized bed he quickly fell into deep sleep.