
Infinite Evolution in the Marvel universe

Transported to the perilous Marvel universe, he acquired the Void system from League of Legends. He can absorb anything with energy, bringing about infinite evolution. Darkness and the Void will become my greatest allies. Tony Stark sees him as a powerful and ominous emissary of darkness. No matter how much he upgrades his armor with his intellect, he can never be fully confident in his ability to defeat him. Thor, having witnessed his power firsthand, believes he may be the most dangerous being in the universe. Nick Fury views him as the Grim Reaper in the shadows, someone who could throw the world into chaos. Yet, at the same time, he considers him the ultimate safeguard, should the world face a truly catastrophic threat. Read Chapters Ahead on patreon.com/MythicForge11

MythicForge · Anime und Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 76: A Gifted Opportunity

Darm followed Sonya up the floating lift to the 77th floor.

As they ascended, Darm couldn't help but marvel at his surroundings. Everywhere he looked was a testament to opulence and luxury, far beyond anything he had ever known. Entertainment and leisure facilities were scattered throughout the area, catering to the wealthiest clientele.

The cost of staying here for a single night was more than he earned in a month. It was a place he could never afford to visit in his lifetime, and the disparity was not lost on him.

As they walked through a grand corridor, Darm caught sight of a familiar figure clad in golden armor. Before Darm could call out, the figure turned toward him, exuding an aura of mystery and dignity.

"Darm, I didn't expect you to remember me," Harvey said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Harvey didn't mind showing a friendly side to those who showed goodwill. He had a plan in mind for Darm. If Darm could be persuaded to join the Void, it would give Harvey an opening to infiltrate Xandar's military. Though the regular army wasn't on the same level as the Nova Corps, there were always individuals within the military looking for a change—people with ambition.

"I only remembered you because of your growing reputation," Darm replied, his face flushing slightly with embarrassment.

"Honesty isn't a bad trait, but sometimes it's necessary to tailor your words to the audience. Say what needs to be said, and you'll find it easier to get by," Harvey said, offering a knowing smile. "I can understand why you might have forgotten me. Back when we first met, I was still a nobody. It's only natural."

"But now that you've remembered me and have come to visit, why don't you sit down, and we'll have a chat?" Harvey's smile widened, clearly amused by Darm's unassuming demeanor.

Sonya, standing by, was both surprised and intrigued by Mr. Kassadin's words. Nevertheless, she remained professional and quietly excused herself to fetch some drinks and wine.

"Thank you," Darm replied, a little stiff as he took a seat. It was clear from his tense movements that he wasn't as calm as he tried to appear.

The last time he had seen Kassadin, Darm had already felt the pressure of being in the presence of someone who exuded importance. Now, with Kassadin's name growing in renown across Xandar, the weight of this encounter was even greater. And since Darm had come here seeking help, it was hard to keep his nerves in check.

"No need to be nervous. I'm a man of my word," Harvey said calmly, his voice carrying a soothing undertone. "I promised you something before, and I intend to keep that promise, no matter how much time has passed."

"But remember, you only get one chance. Think carefully about what it is you truly want."

"I could give you a fortune that would let you live a life of luxury without ever having to work again."

"I could extend your lifespan, allowing you to live for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years."

"Or if you wish to join the Nova Corps and need someone to recommend you, I can make that happen as well."

Harvey's voice remained gentle, but the words he spoke were laced with temptation. They were offers that could drive anyone to the edge of madness with desire.

"Could you recommend me to the Nova Corps?" Darm asked, his eyes widening in disbelief. There was a new reverence in his voice.

"Of course. You've already heard of my reputation by now," Harvey replied. "With the name Kassadin, I can speak to the highest levels of the Nova Corps and recommend someone for entry without much trouble."

"So, is that what you came here for? To join the Nova Corps?"

"This is a one-time opportunity. If that's what you want, just say the word, and I'll make the necessary arrangements."

Harvey wasn't surprised that Darm had fixated on the idea of joining the Nova Corps rather than focusing on the wealth or power he had offered. On Xandar, the Nova Corps was the ultimate symbol of strength, authority, and prestige.

Darm, like many others on Xandar, was naturally excited by the prospect. For a commoner, joining the Nova Corps was a chance to rise above the ordinary, to achieve power, and to secure a better future.

"..." Darm hesitated, the weight of the decision beginning to sober his thoughts.

The opportunities Kassadin had laid out before him were beyond his wildest dreams. Wealth beyond measure, power to change his life, and even the ability to live far longer than the average Xandarian—all of these were tantalizing prospects.

Xandarians typically lived around two hundred years if they avoided disease, but even that lifespan did little to alter the clear social hierarchy on the planet. The elite had far more time to accumulate wealth and power, while the lower classes struggled for the scraps.

Darm didn't resent the wealthy, but he understood that life wasn't easy for those who started at the bottom. Even if one had an extended lifespan, without the right opportunities or power to break through, one's fate would remain unchanged.

Joining the Nova Corps would grant him strength and a certain degree of status, but he would still have to start at the bottom, just like everyone else. Earning his way up the ranks, possibly over decades or even centuries, would be a slow and dangerous journey. Only those who survived the battles and proved themselves worthy could hope to rise through the ranks.

At that moment, Sonya returned with a tray of drinks and several bottles of fine wine.

She had no idea what Mr. Kassadin and Darm were discussing, but after serving Kassadin his drink, she turned to Darm.

"Mr. Darm, would you prefer a drink or some wine?" she asked, her voice gentle and melodic.

"Wine…" Darm's eyes were drawn to the bottles, noticing that the vintages were rare and aged to perfection.

"Of course," Sonya replied with a slight nod. She gracefully opened one of the bottles, the cork sliding out with a soft pop. Pouring the wine with care, she filled Darm's glass a third of the way before gently setting it in front of him.

"Thank you," Darm said, his attention lingering on Sonya as he accepted the drink.

"You're welcome," Sonya replied with a soft smile before retreating to stand three meters away, maintaining her poised distance from Kassadin.

It was then that Darm truly grasped the reality of his situation. Here he was, sitting in a place he could never afford, speaking with someone who wielded both immense power and wealth. Even those who had already joined the Nova Corps couldn't afford to stay at a place like this.

When it came down to it, a man's desires could be boiled down to three things: wealth, power, and influence. Attaining any one of these could open doors to a life others would envy.

In front of him stood Kassadin, a man who possessed at least two of these things—wealth and power.

"Mr. Kassadin," Darm began, his voice serious, "can you tell me just how powerful the strength you offer is?"

Now that his mind had cleared, Darm realized what mattered most. He wasn't looking for an easy life—he wanted the strength to change his destiny.

"I can give you power that will allow you to achieve anything you desire," Harvey replied evenly, noticing the way Darm's gaze had flickered toward Sonya moments earlier. His answer was calm, but the promise held within was immense.