
Infinite Energy in the Apocalypse

Boom! With an explosion, the fate of the world changed. Zombie appeared out of nowhere. Mutated Animals and plants arrived with many changes in them. The peaceful yet cruel world changed into a living hell. Streets filled with zombies, people dying out of nowhere. But even with that, the world wasn't finished. The human wasn't extinct. People with superpowers appeared the moment, the apocalypse started. Even with the merry population of 1 billion people after the apocalypse. The world still continued to survive. People continued to fight with the zombies and the boring world turned into interesting. But the thing that changed everything was a boy who got a random window status and infinite energy with thousand of skills at his disposal.

Romasss · Urban
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3 Chs

Chaotic Situation

"W-whats... Happening?..."

"What are... those things?"

One by one, all the people's attention drove toward the window. The scenery outside the window. Black smoke rose around the city, unnatural and creepy screams echoed which only a faint could be heard.

Sounds of birds crying echoed all over the sky, and unnaturally one by one, all the birds fell. The normal city became unnatural.

And, simply horde of people walked around in groups. Some people's faces were covered with blood, some had bite marks all over their faces and some had normal faces, making them look unnatural in that horde

But one thing was common in all of them, they were walking unnaturally, saliva leaked out from their mouth and their eyes looked like of a dead.

And their face was creepy and emotionless. Just looking at them made the students shiver. All the students whispered to themselves.

"Is there a shooting?"

"I don't think so. But all of them looked like zombies."

"This looks like the end of the world."

"Yea. Just the scenery is giving me goosebumps."

Without knowing the truth, the students state their theory. But none of them were correct. At the corner of the room, Hiro stared at those people.

He looked at the smoke and the state of those people. His body trembled and his eyes widened. Sweats dropped from his neck, and his whole body froze.

'No no no no... Is this for real?'

His mind fell into chaos. He couldn't calm himself.

'No, this must be only some realistic shooting.'

He tried to calm himself saying that all of those were fake. But his fear increased.

Ding! Ding!

[Dear students. Due to some accident, all the facilities have been closed. Trains, Plane, Car, Bus, nothing is available. The situation is very weird and it seems like, all the people have lost their minds.]

[So, please stay in your class and don't leave the school area. I hope- Hey hey. What are you doing... No, no... AAAAARRRRGGGGG!!!]

The board cast suddenly operated and some things were announced, but in the middle, a scream 'ruined the whole words sprouted by the

All students froze in fear, their minds remembered the painful scream that the man gave. Without knowing the situation made their situation much worse.

Different ideas and theories came up and those weren't the possible good things, since no one knew what happened.

What threat is out there? And can we get help, or is this some sort of prank? But why would they prank us?

All people's minds generated different terrible ideas about their situation.

Hiro on the other hand couldn't control his worry. Without giving a shit to his classmate, he dashed out of the classroom.

The quiet hallway and the only sound of footsteps generated from the shoes of Hiro. He went down the stairs and...


He forcibly opened the single door.

"Hina! Are you here?"


A cute and small girl appeared out from the group of people, who stared at him. They were looking at Hiro like he was some sort of alien, or monster.

Well, His appearance does look like a scary person.

"What... happened? Why are you... here?"

His little sister politely asked without an inch of anger, nor any worries. She didn't care about the students, staring at them.

"Didn't you hear the announcement? It looks like something is wrong. SO, I became worried and came here."

He gave off a gentle smile as he said that.

But suddenly...



Screams echoed in the hallways. Instinctively, Hiro hugged his sister and stood in front of her intending to protect her at all cost.

Without a hint of fear in his eyes, he stared at the classroom door. Not only him but all the student's eyes were also glued to the door.

The screams also made them eerie. They also felt fear. The atmosphere became heavy, tension rose from all people.


With a little sound, the door opened, and what come in made the people all traumatized.

A single young girl, covered in blood walked inside. She staggered a bit and fell. Tears fell from her eyes, and the worst part, her body was covered in wounds and bite marks.

Slowly by slowly, two girls came in. Their eyes had no life, they walked like a young baby who just got used to walking.

Their face was covered in blood, and bite marks were on their neck. A little bit of blood was on their mouth. It looks like, the girl on the floor was injured by them.

But suddenly, the girl on the floor stood. But this time, her eyes lost all sort of life in it. And she joined the three people, which looked like they had the intention of attacking them.

But mysteriously or fortunately, they didn't attack anyone. All the people were frozen in fear, no one dared to move.

Until an idiot, the stupid and cowardly girl cried. She screamed. And instantly, the zombies attacked the girl without any warning.

"Huh...? W-wait!"

The zombie jumped at her and bit her. Another zombie joined in and in just some minutes, the girl died.

Her blood splattered all over the floor and other girls screamed., The classroom became chaotic and all the students rushed down the door.

And that was their biggest mistake, no one even dared to beat the zombies. Instead, they choose to show their back and run.

Well, that was the most they could think of but, the zombie followed the running people and jumped at them.

Bitting and leaving them. And the bitten people turned into another zombie and joined the zombies in the tasks of hunting the running people.

On the other hand, the sibling's duo stood still. They didn't make any noise nor move. Hiro forcibly hugged his sister and avoid any eye contact with any people.

His sister did the same and they closed their eyes and stood still on the corner of the door, which no people care about them.

And after every people left the classroom including zombies, they opened their eyes.

And they were the only ones in the room. But the room, had blood on the board, on the floor, on the desk, and the door.

Screams of hundred of people could be heard and look like the chaos is spreading.

Hiro didn't know what to do nor did he want to do anything. He simply stared at his sister who is just resting her head on his chest.

But, mysteriously an abnormal sound echoed in his head.

Machinal, not quite, robotic not sure, monotonous, and with no emotion, a single word resonated in his head.


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