
Inferno of Scythia

Hades_Sigma · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Is This What I deserve ?? (part-1)

In a dimly lit room, the only thing visible was a shattered light bulb with dried blood streaks. But not visible to the human sight was a soul gazing at its own rotting corpse, this was the body of Brian, who had gone missing a month before and the police had found no trace of him. We'll have to travel back in time about a month to find out what happened to him.

FLASHBACK { First-person Pov }

"My name is Brian Hilton, and I'd like to introduce myself. I enjoy football and reading novels, and I hope we can get along." I leaned back in my chair and introduced myself. Today is the first day of my new college adventure, and I'm very excited. Currently, our physics teacher was asking us to introduce ourselves.

After the class, I met my old friend who was by my side from the first grade, and we were chilling together in the cafeteria then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder looking over I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and she asked

"Hey, my name is Mitchelle and I am in the same class as yours and I am new to this place and I lack friends so can I hang out with you? "

"Yeah sure why not it's fun to make new friends" I replied, now not to brag about but I was good looking or you can say above average, and even though I was an orphan I was financially stable so I was confident to charm this girl with my looks and confidence.

As we began to talk and joke around, the college was over before we knew it.

After college, my friend said goodbye leaving only Mitchelle and me alone in the parking.

"Man I have to say you are really fun to hang out with, " MItchelle said as she opened the door for the car . "Wanna join me for a drink ?" she asked excitedly, I was about to decline when she said "Come on kitty I will not bite you " Trust me when I say this when some girl says such a thing to you you take it on ego i didn't said anything and just opened the car door and sat on the other seat .

Seeing my reaction a faint smile appeared on her face and she drove us to a pub. When I got out of the car a shabby pub was visible which gave me creeps watching this Mitchelle laughed and said "Oh my don't tell me Brian is scared of going to a pub, Aww you are so cute come you can hold my hands if you are so scared little kitty" " I am not scared and don't call me kitty it's just this place gives me creeps that's all " I retorted, As we walked in the pub .

The bartender there was an old man with a long white beard who looked almost 60 as he saw us walking in he smiled and said "Ah if this isn't our regular customer " Mitchelle walked up to him and asked: " Heyya Bob How's everything? Can you make us both your special drink?" chuckling Bob said "Why not why not " and after a minute or so he bought us some drinks which blue in color which smelled real nice I took a sip and that was just wow its flavor was amazing.

"Wow man its really good How come this place is not crowded when your drinks are so amazing" I genuinely asked to which he chuckled and said " Well we are on the outskirts of the city near the woods and not many people know about this place and don't worry now that you are here many more will join us that was the answer for your second question, And for your first " he stopped for a bit and said "well we should at least make the last drink the best for the person who is about to die "