

Zioraifechukwu Agu, also known as Zee, leaves Nigeria to study at Seoul National University, driven by her infatuation with the Korean actor Kang Min-Jun. Graduating with honors, she eagerly applies for a job as his personal assistant, dreaming of finally meeting her idol. However, their first meeting was a nightmare—Min-Jun, repulsed by her skin color and fueled by his own prejudices, demands she stay twelve feet away, convinced she could infect him with a disease.This harsh rejection only fuels Zee's determination to prove herself. Can Zee gain Kang Min-Jun's love while facing fierce competition from other women who also vie for Min-Jun's affection, as well as staunch opposition from both their families? ___________________ Instagram @m1llie_official Facebook @Author Mildred

Author_Mildred · Urban
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5 Chs

JK Entertainment

Gradually, the public bus came to a stop, and Zee quickly grabbed her maroon handbag and leaped out. As soon as her feet hit the tiled pavement, she broke into a frantic sprint, apologizing repeatedly to those she bumped along the way. Glancing at her watch, she realized she had less than ten minutes before she would be officially late for the interview. Of all the days to be tardy, why did it have to be today, the day she had the chance to meet her idol, Kang Min-Jun?

Kang Min-Jun meant everything to her—from the food she ate to the air she breathed. She couldn't pinpoint when this infatuation began, but she clearly remembered being sixteen when she first saw him in a movie. Since then, she had worshipped everything about him. Zee knew his likes and dislikes from articles and interviews, the people who worked for him, the number of movies he had appeared in, and every show he had been on. Everything about Kang Min-Jun was deeply etched into her heart.

In fact, Zee prioritized him above all else, and that was the primary reason she had left Nigeria to study at Seoul National University, where Kang Min-Jun had once studied. It was unfortunate that she had enrolled just as he was finishing his final year, meaning she had barely gotten a glimpse of him on campus. Fortunately, her first job after graduating would be as his personal assistant—if all went well.

After running for five minutes, Zee finally arrived at her destination. She paused to catch her breath, gazing at the sleek building across the street with the "JK Entertainment" logo prominently displayed at the top, a bold and stylish design illuminated by subtle, recessed lighting that made it stand out even against the bright daylight. The front of the JK Entertainment building was an impressive sight. The glass façade shimmered under the midday sun, reflecting the bustling city around it. Large, revolving doors led into the building, framed by shiny metal columns that gave a modern and polished look.

A bright smile spread across Zee's face as she adjusted her white blouse and maroon skirt, brushing back the loose strands of her curly hair that had fallen out of place during her dash. Taking a deep breath, she whispered a quiet encouragement to herself: "Fighting," she said as she clenched her fists.

Just then, as she stepped off the curb, a van came plodding into her side, causing her to stumble and fall from the sudden impact.

The car door swung open, and a young man jumped out. "Are you crazy? How can you just jump into the road without looking?" he shouted.

As he said this, he noticed the woman wasn't Korean and wondered if she would understand him. To his surprise, Zee responded in Korean.

"Chwaesonghamnida, chwaesonghamnida," Zee repeatedly apologized as she struggled to get up.

She knew it was her fault for not paying attention and stepping into the road. The man helped her to her feet, and a sharp pain shot through her ankle, making her groan.

"Is your ankle injured? Do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked, concerned.

As Zee was about to answer, she looked at the young man's face and realized he was Seung Bo, Kang Min-Jun's driver. Panic set in as she realized she had been hit by Kang Min-Jun's van. Oh no! This was not how she had envisioned their first meeting.

Zee immediately used her bag to shield her face from the van's view. "Aishhh! So embarrassing," she muttered under her breath.

Meanwhile, Kang Min-Jun, who had kept his eyes closed, sensed that the van had been stationary far longer than expected. He opened his eyes and sat up, pulling down his headphones.

He turned to his manager and asked, "What is going on?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about. I will go out and handle it since Seung Bo isn't doing a good job," the manager replied, opening the van door and stepping out.

Kang Min-Jun peered ahead and saw that Seung Bo was talking to a woman who was covering her face with her bag, obscuring his view. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"Excuse me," Seung Bo's voice brought Zee back to reality.

"I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital," Zee replied sharply.

As soon as Seung Bo noticed the manager approaching, he said, "Manager Park, I think her ankle is hurt and she needs to go to the hospital."

Zee stiffened. This situation was getting out of hand. Without wasting another moment, she began limping away. Manager Park called after her, but she kept walking, waving her hand in the air to signal for them to leave her alone.

Kang Min-Jun watched the strange woman limping away quickly, her bag still covering her face. He rolled his eyes and settled back into his seat.

When Zee reached the building, she glanced back to see if anyone was following her. Thankfully, the van had disappeared. She sighed in relief, using that moment to appreciate the view before her. The lobby of JK Entertainment was spacious and modern, with high ceilings and a polished marble floor that gleamed under the soft lighting. Large, contemporary art pieces and stylish potted plants were strategically placed throughout, adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy.

A long, glossy reception desk dominated the area, behind which friendly staff members greeted visitors. Comfortable seating arrangements with plush chairs and low tables were set up in the waiting area, designed for both comfort and style. Soft ambient music played in the background, enhancing the serene and welcoming atmosphere. Zee approached one of the receptionist in the lobby, who directed her to the interview location.

Taking the elevator to an upper floor, Zee was surprised to find a long line of women waiting to be interviewed. As she entered, they all turned in unison to give her the stink eye before turning back. She understood—after all, they were all competitors vying for the same position. She quietly took a seat in the hallway, but the woman next to her shifted away. Zee ignored it, accustomed to this kind of treatment due to her different skin color.

Just then, the elevator doors chimed open, and Manager Park stepped out.

Manager Park glanced at the long line of women waiting to be interviewed and felt a headache coming on. His eyes scanned the crowd and landed on Zee. Just perfect!

"Come with me," he said, pointing at her.

Zee's eyes widened in surprise as she nervously followed him. Did he recognize her from earlier? What terrible luck she had!


Chwaesonghamnida—I'm sorry


Hi everyone,

Welcome to my latest novel, Infected by Love. This story is quite different from my previous work, Auroral High. Infected by Love is a unique blend of African and Asian cultures, offering a fresh and captivating experience.

Had a crazy idea to write this book entirely in Korean, crazy isn't it? I quickly cancelled that idea after remembering I’m not Korean, lol. It's still funny whenever I think about it. Well, I’ve included some Korean terms I know to give you that authentic feel. Don’t worry—any Korean terms used in each chapter will have their meanings added at the end.

I hope you enjoy it and continue to support my work.

Happy reading!

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