

"To be honest, I'm surprised, I never thought that the girl who was texting me would be you."  A love story like no other, A love story that bloomed between two persons that never saw each other, Inesa and Vincent who knew each other through a dating app. Will, it's different for Inesa the girl who due to her special disease that caused her to be an antisocial person who's hated by her relatives. Inesa Cirillo, A girl who is born with a golden spoon in her mouth and inherited the enormous fortune of her father but there's one problem, Inesa is unable to take the family business after her father because of her disease and her antisocial problems and that where the rule of Vincent Semenov comes. Excited to know more about the story, Add it to your library and follow the updates. 

Cornflower · Urban
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13 Chs

What she wishes for

"That's very good work, Did you do all that yourself?" Vincent praised her, It was true, if this was her work, then her knitting skills are more than good.

Inesa, who was praised for the first in her life by someone who's not her father, felt happy.

"Yes, I did it all myself." She replied to his question while she played with a woolen ball."But it's been a while since I last knitted something. "Inesa said as she ran her hands over the knitting kit.

Vincent could sense the deep sadness in her voice, though they have been talking for the last fifteen minutes he could tell that this girl is different from the previous woman he dated through this app before.

"And why is that? you can tell me If you want, we're both anonymous to each other." Vincent said encouraging her.

Inesa wasn't comfortable with sharing such a personal thing with a strange person; she just talked so she declined."It's nothing important."

"It's alright, I understand." Vincent said.

Knock… knock…

Hearing the knock on the door, Inesa becomes alert.

"I'm sorry, I need to hang up, I have something important to do." Inesa spoke with urgency in her voice that Vincent did fail to notice.

"We'll talk soon, goodnight." Vincent said and ended the call.

Putting the phone on the nightstand, Vincent wondered if he pushed her too far to the point he made her uncomfortable or if maybe she had something to do.

Vincent decided to think too much about it and go to sleep. Tomorrow he will have a very busy day. Once he arrives at the airport he has to go to the company to attend an important meeting.


The next morning, Inesa woke up early. The truth is, she hadn't slept well throughout the night and kept tossing around the whole night. Her mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday.

For the first time in her life she had talked with a guy, it was both scary and good. Yes, it was good, towards the end of the call, She felt less anxious than she did at the beginning.

Inesa felt different this morning, it's like she was more energetic, She also gripped the knitting kit and started knitting, it was already October and she loved to sit on the balcony and watch the snow in the winter so she decided to knit a scarf that is bright in color, maybe she might show it to him, to the knight king.

Remembering their conversations on the phone last night, Inesa giggled to herself, though she wasn't sure of what she was doing all she was sure of is that talking to him made her happy and that is the feeling that she needs the most right now.

Picking up her phone, Inesa opened the dating up and tapped on the chatting history, and started to type….

[Good morning.]

Inesa sent the message and put the phone down and continued kiting as he waited for the reply but she stopped when she looked at the sunlight that was coming from the balcony that she opened earlier to let some fresh air enter the room.

The sun's warm light, how she desperately wanted to feel it on her skin but unfortunately she can't, because she was born with complete albinism, she can't go outside and stay under the sunlight too much because even if using used sunscreen she will still have sunburn because her skin is very sensitive and thin.

Getting up from the bed, Inesa walked towards the balcony, stepping inside, She was stood under the shading spot where the sun didn't reach her, extending her hand, Inesa felt the warmth of the sunlight touch her hand, a smile formed on her lips, she wished that she born normal like everyone to feel this warmth all over her body.

Retreating her hand, Inesa sufficed with just standing in the shade, watching the high sun in the middle of the sky.


At the main office of the Cirillo company in Paris, all the department managers were called for an emergency meeting by the new CEO, the department managers exchanged looks before they looked back at Vincent Semenov, the new CEO who was reviewing the company's financial reports for the last month.

"He's quite handsome." One of the female department managers said.

Rising his head, Vincent stared right at the female manager who spoke just now, the female manager smiled at him sweetly thinking that she got his attention but actually, Vincent had a surprise for her.

"You're fired, get out." Vincent said in a firm voice as he signaled for the guards to open the meeting door.

The female manager turned to look at her colleagues hoping that they would help her but everyone turned blind. This will be the fourth department manager that Vincent fired from the company since it was sold to him, so no one is going to risk going against him.

"But what did I do?" The female manager started to cry, scared of becoming jobless.

"Get out." Vincent repeated as he closed the file in his hands and took the next file to review it.

"Ma'am, please come with us." The bodyguard said.

Once the fried employee left the meeting room, Vincent continued the meeting which lasted for two hours before it ended.

"Bring me a large coffee." Vincent ordered his assistant before he entered his office.

Taking off his suit jacket, Vincent took out his phone from his pocket before sitting down on the chair. Unlocking his phone, seeing the message from pure whiteness, he immediately opened the message.

Good morning. She sent him the message this morning but he hadn't seen it because his phone was in a silent mood.

[Morning, sorry for replying late. How are you today?] Vincent messaged her back.
