
Indra's Rebirth

When the most talented warrior of the Middle Ages tragically dies and is reincarnated 5021 years after J.C., but this time as an 18 year old, handicapped, accused of treason against humanity and sentenced to death, what happens? (Temporary synopsis) Special dedication to : kaleb_payne and Dakota_James_Ruiz Without them, this story wouldn't have been translated into English for a very long time. Cover art borrowed from: https://www.instagram.com/stefan.celic/ If you like the story, don't hesitate to make a small donation of 2/3euros on my paypal. The student in me would be very grateful haha --> https://www.paypal.me/SoulKingSystem (Yeah, I know it's from my first story, this paypal)

Kasuma · sci-fi
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12 Chs

First confrontation in the prison!

Then they simply left without saying anything else. They knew that the prisoners would clean up the mess themselves because they did not dare to suffer the punishment if they did not.

When the guards left, the room was filled with the exclamations of the prisoners, after all no one could have imagined that a disabled person could have such technique and strength.

It was visually extremely impressive, and especially the way they handled things with the guards made many people laugh.

It had been a long time since the last time someone had dared to make fun of the guards. That same person had committed suicide 3 months later because of the physical and psychological pressure the guards had put on him.

Indra had gone to work on his job, i.e. doing paperwork for the prison. The prison needed to have accurate figures on the remaining stocks of food and other daily necessities, and it was Indra's job to calculate them.

He also had to deal with requests from other prisoners, as the prisoners still had contact with the outside world, and could make certain requests to the authorities.

Indra acted as an intermediary between the prisoners and the authorities.

After all, even though it was the 51st century, there were still people out of school, and although 99% of the people could read well, deciphering their writing was another story.

He couldn't risk finding someone who would just transcribe the letter to a computer or other computer object because it was far too dangerous. It had already happened in the past that a prisoner opened a simple computer, and with it he had managed to paralyze the entire computer system of the prison.

So Indra, being a simple student at Violet Academy, was perfectly suited for the job.

His handwriting was smooth and unblemished, while his letters were extremely well formed.

During the past two weeks, the guards had complimented him on this several times.

"Already 3:00? Time goes by so fast when you don't have time to be bored..." said Indra in a low voice as he looked at the clock that accompanied him to his small office set up for his job.

"Since I'm done, I can just go tan and sleep in the sun..." thought Indra as he cleared his desk of all the papers that were lying around.

An hour later, when Indra had already been asleep for more than 30 minutes, an intense feeling of danger woke him up, and by pure instinct he placed his arms in a cross.

When he opened his eyes, he noticed that he had just blocked a punch from a rather muscular man.

"What the hell, he's supposed to be spitting out his intestines right now!" thought the man who had just attacked Indra.

However, this thought only appeared for a moment before an intense pain came from the fingers of his right hand.

He immediately withdrew his fist from William's chest and took a few steps back.

Looking at his hand, he noticed that two of his fingers had become completely twisted.

Indra had simply used a little technique while using his brute strength to produce this result.

It was a pity that he didn't have his body from the past, because with it, his assailant would have had all of his fingers broken.

Indra's assailant wanted to scream in pain, but held back with all his might to show his qualities as a strong man.

Taking advantage of the free space, Indra repositioned himself into a sitting position on the bench and looked around at the other people around him, temporarily ignoring his assailant.

Among the crowd, he quickly spotted Pyrus' face, while he temporarily ignored the other prisoners.

Indra had an innate talent for detecting the threat of certain people, and except for Pyrus, the others were only slightly stronger than civilians, probably hovering between 0.6 and 0.8 in combat power so each of them was only a small threat to Indra.

However, if they got together it became a whole different matter...

"Impressive for someone like you..." commented Pyrus with a slightly scornful look, although he himself could not realize it.

"But disabled or not, you will pay the price for offending us, after all you didn't think we would let you off easy after that..." continued Pyrus with a slightly frightening smile.

Pyrus had already done his research, and he knew that Indra had been framed and ended up in this prison because of her weakness.

He wasn't the only one who had suffered that kind of fate, and he certainly wouldn't be the last.

With Indra only responding with a face of no apparent emotion, Pyrus ordered while turning around:

"Guys, let him know what happens when I get offended in this prison!"

"Haha sure boss, count us in!" replied happily his subordinates, not the least worried by what had suffered one of their comrade after touching Indra.

After all, what kind of power would a cripple with paralyzed legs have? It was nothing more than a few tricks to them.

They naturally thought that as long as they expected it, there would be no problem.

The ruckus attracted the eyes of the other prisoners who thought they would get a little more entertainment in these monotonous days.

This included Rikio and Landers who were the furthest away. The wasteland was quite large and had even been roughly divided into 3 zones of influence controlled by Rikio, Pyrus and Landers respectively.

"So big guy, where do you want to start?" asked one of Pyrus' minions more or less nicely.

Although he was only an underling, he already had body stats that almost reached those of the basic soldiers of the earth alliance.

There were also 8 other henchmen in Pyrus who were slowly surrounding Indra.

The man with two broken fingers also stood up while keeping some distance from Indra.

"Kaler, let's start now I can't wait to hear what kind of screaming this little one can do!" he exclaimed with a face full of hate and rage.

"Haha, do not worry Rizo we are getting there slowly.

"You know, we usually hit until the target can't get up or escape, because it's so satisfying to see someone crawling in front of us and begging us to stop!

"It's like watching a little bird try to escape until it realizes it's locked in a cage and falls into despair! But with you it will be a little more boring...I guess?" he continued as he walked calmly towards Indra.

The laughter of his friends also echoed accordingly, finding the situation rather amusing. Although they were used to bullying the weak, this was the first time he had attacked someone who seemed so weak!

Indra also found this situation ironic as a slight smile that matched his conflicting emotions appeared on his youthful face.

Indeed, from what he remembered, these were the people who seemed to think of him as a "normal" person the most.

They wanted to do the same thing to him as everyone else despite his disability, and in Indra's eyes it was quite comical.

"I guess I'll have to suffer for a while to have earned these prestige points..." Indra thought calmly after having restrained his smile.

"At most I can handle 3 simultaneously, but 10 is beyond my current capabilities!"

"Then the only solution is to quickly break the mentality of some of them!"

"By breaking them mentally, combined with my growing physique I should be able to wear them down." he continued thinking.

Having decided on his actions, Indra stood up decisively while whispering to himself:

"Over Break."

This was the key word that Indra himself had decided to activate the flow of the potion hidden inside his nerves.

In this life, he loved to play video games, so he had decided to adopt a keyword that was appropriate to it.

According to him, it was quite successful.

Indra felt a familiar flow from the level of his neural nerves, through some channels and meridians in his torso, and finally to his legs.

Although he felt intense pain in his legs, the pain made him smile because it was proof that he could move his legs, albeit with difficulty!

At least for the past two weeks, Indra had been training as hard as he could to use the full potential of the grade 2 neural potion.

Seeing him stand up took absolutely everyone by surprise!

Before a single person could react, Indra propelled himself towards Kaler.

His speed was such that no one had time to react and he was already less than a meter away from Kaler.

Kaler was also panic-stricken because he had no time to react!

The next second, Indra had already landed a well placed right hand, putting Kaler out of action.

Kaler's body falling to the ground was a deafening sound, temporarily stunning the other minions.

Straightening up and looking around, Indra noticed that he was completely surrounded while Pyrus' nine men had already raised their guard and had become extremely alert, though they did not understand the situation at all.

Even Pyrus had turned around upon hearing the exclamations next door, and began to slowly make his way back to Indra thinking to finally take care of it himself.

"Indeed these are people who have been fighting all their lives, at least at my current level it is not easy to break this kind of guard quickly," Indra quickly analyzed as he temporarily ignored Pyrus.

Indra continued with the man who seemed the weakest, and he was on his left.

So he lunged at him, capturing both his arms and temporarily immobilizing them.

In doing so, he achieved his goal by breaking his opponent's guard and making him panic.

Then with an extremely fast and powerful knee strike, he shattered the man's sternum, paralyzing him and causing him excruciating pain.

The sound of breaking bones echoed across the wasteland, frightening many of the prisoners.

Many of them were not fighters and had never seen such a scene with their own eyes.

Unfortunately, the time used to defeat the 2nd underling was still too long, and the remaining 8 men had come very close and were already trying to immobilize him.

Although he dodged and struggled as best he could using the memory of his previous life, he could only trade blow for blow, relying on his strong will to stay on his feet.

Being surrounded, he felt as if an avalanche of fists were falling on him.

Despite this, Indra knew that becoming passive was tantamount to giving up the fight.

So by using various substitution techniques learned from his previous life, he managed to avoid being directly immobilized.

Over time, Indra managed to take down five more of Pyrus' men, leaving only three who were also injured in various places.

Indra knew the human anatomy perfectly unlike his opponents, so he could always inflict the most devastating blows to his opponents, without this it would have been impossible, even relying on his superior physique and will to triumph over so many men.

Unfortunately for Indra his vision was already blurred, and his breathing was extremely jerky.

His torn clothes showed his massive muscles.

His face was full of bruises, and his right eyelid was even open, covering his right eye with blood and causing it to be temporarily blind.

Yet, keeping to his old habits, he tried to stand up straight.

Unfortunately, this was only a facade.

Pyrus was less than 2 meters away from him, and in this situation it was impossible to win a one on one fight, let alone with 3 strong men still standing against him.