
Indra's Rebirth

When the most talented warrior of the Middle Ages tragically dies and is reincarnated 5021 years after J.C., but this time as an 18 year old, handicapped, accused of treason against humanity and sentenced to death, what happens? (Temporary synopsis) Special dedication to : kaleb_payne and Dakota_James_Ruiz Without them, this story wouldn't have been translated into English for a very long time. Cover art borrowed from: https://www.instagram.com/stefan.celic/ If you like the story, don't hesitate to make a small donation of 2/3euros on my paypal. The student in me would be very grateful haha --> https://www.paypal.me/SoulKingSystem (Yeah, I know it's from my first story, this paypal)

Kasuma · sci-fi
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12 Chs

Departure from the prison

Some prisoners who were careless and rather frivolous at first straightened up. Those who were ready to become soldiers showed various reactions.

Confusion, admiration, doubt... various emotions were mixed up among the ranks of the prisoners.

For their part, Indra and the other gang leaders looked more closely at the master corporal, as if this might reveal some of his characteristics.

"It seems that it's true, from what I feel when I see him, this guy could sweep away 30 1-star soldiers with his strength alone. That's three times more than I felt from Corporal Ravi," Indra analyzed.

"This is clearly not normal, as I recall there is very little difference in Makio, Verra or Kyu between a corporal and a master corporal, only a difference in experience and/or military merit."

But finally Indra kept his doubts to himself, while watching Master Corporal Ura as he went on talking.

Everyone else did the same, not daring to make the slightest noise in front of such a man. The name "LeLégendaire" was enough to have that effect on anyone, its effect could only be amplified when carried by a master corporal.

"From now on, you will become soldiers," the master corporal began with a stern tone on a neutral face.

"Soldiers obey different rules than civilian society."

"These rules define what we call the army."

"And in the army, it doesn't matter what your status is, your strength, personality and experience determines your position in the army."

"Roughly speaking, the strong commands the weak," he said with a slight deranged smile.

"So, if the strong tells the weak to go to such and such a place, even if there is no chance of survival after that, the weak has no choice but to obey." his smile became even more disturbing while the soldiers behind wore a neutral expression.

But those with sharp eyes could detect a trace of grief and many other negative emotions on their faces.

"Obviously this also applies to those on death row."

When Master Corporal Ura announced this last sentence, many of the death row inmates could not help but smile, dreaming of a bright future.

But the smart ones just kept listening.

"But because of your status, unless you redeem yourself by sufficient military merit, you will never be able to rise in the ranks, except for the one of the condemned to death."

However, the death row inmates did not fall into despair. As long as there is an opportunity to survive and change their status, then they will do their best to take it. Not to mention that nothing the commitment to the army can save them from dying through the judicial process, thus prolonging their lives.

"Thus, mentally prepare yourself to undergo a battery of tests once you arrive at the military base."

"Now, divide into groups of 10 and get into the vehicles."

Following Master Corporal Ura's announcement, all the prisoners began to move although it was slightly disorganized.

But as Indra was being pushed by Jacob and followed by Ronan, Yann, Kayl, Hatil and a few other prisoners, Master Corporal Ura stood in front of them, so that he blocked their way.

They had to stop, not knowing what to do.

Master Corporal Ura drew his sidearm and threw it at Indra.

The weapon made a beautiful arc and landed softly in Indra's hands.

This scene momentarily stopped the movement of the prisoners, while even the Federation soldiers felt curious about their superior's actions.

"May I ask what this means, Master Corporal Ura?" asked Indra, breaking the silence.

"It's a Jackson-R92, an excellent weapon that has excellent performance especially at the end though" Ura asked with a smile that was not a smile.

"Really, I wonder what the superiors think about sending even the handicapped to the battlefield..." he muttered, but everyone here could hear him through the complete silence.

"Believe me soldier, you will be more of a burden than anything else on the battlefield, so you will be doing humanity a favor by ending your life here." continued Ura in a firm tone.

Upon hearing this, Indra stared intently at the master corporal and then replied firmly:

"I refuse."

Upon hearing this answer, Ura was slightly angry although he had slightly expected it.

"You are a death row inmate, so we cannot assign you a position in logistics or defense, so you will have to move around during "clean-up" operations. At most, during these operations, you will consume the physical strength of your comrades and eventually die at the first Zerg that comes along because you will not be able to back down."

"Your words are logical, Master Corporal, but I still want to keep my life, even if it's for a few more days."

"War is not a game! By making this choice you risk the death of many of your comrades and therefore the failure of military operations!" roared Ura who finally released his anger.

At the same time, his murderous intent, accumulated on the battlefield for several years, surfaced, intimidating all the prisoners.

Indra, however, was not in the least infected by it.

"War is not a game, is it?" Indra whispered as a mocking sneer appeared on his lips.

He wasn't mocking Ura, in fact he agreed, but he was angry with himself and this new body.

Without it, who would have thought that the famous Indra, the invincible crown prince of the Kingdom of the Golden Griffin, renowned for his ferocity on the battlefield, would be intimidated and stared at like this by a simple corporal.

At most, in his day, this was equivalent to the most basic status of a soldier in his private army.

For Indra this was the last straw.

This change in status, and even in the world, made him mentally extremely uncomfortable.

"Already this story of my brother's betrayal, then the rebirth, this completely useless body, then the humiliation accompanying the death sentence, and now a lowly army officer tells me to die because otherwise I would slow down my comrades and might even cause unnecessary casualties!?" mentally shouted Indra in rage.

With a wave of his hand he took the sidearm and aimed at master corporal Ura.

Instantly all the soldiers pointed the barrels of their assault rifles at Indra, while even the artillery mounted on the vehicles and on the prison also aimed at Indra.

Indra's face did not show any emotion at all, instead it was extremely cold, like that of an experienced murderer.

His hands did not tremble either.

The atmosphere had also become icy, and even Pyrus, Rikio and Landers hardly dared to breathe.

Without a doubt, if Indra dared to shoot, not only he but all the prisoners beside him would be pierced with countless bullets.

Jacob, Ronan and the others near Indra shook with fear as their faces turned pale.

"You see Master Corporal, I rather agree with you."

"Then why don't you listen to me?" replied Ura as he sweated slightly.

After all, with his current strength, let alone dodging the bullet, he would have a hard time seeing it already!

"Because I was unjustly accused of a treason I didn't commit, so I'm not a death row inmate, justice was wrong! And above all I can't die now, at least not until I discover the truth!"

What truth Indra was talking about, he himself would not know.

However, once these emotions were expressed, he felt something release from him, inexplicably calming him.

The eyes of various people changed as they looked at him, including Legendary Ura.

"Tch, in the end he's just a kid. Put your guns down guys." he ordered in a slightly annoyed tone, while pulling himself together.

However, Ura himself knew that it wasn't just a kid, because none of them would have been able to show such composure by pointing a gun at him.

Indra also lowered the weapon he was holding in his right hand.

With the scene over, everyone began to board the transport vehicles.

As Indra passed by the master corporal, he handed back his weapon without saying another word.

A few minutes later, everyone was properly seated.

"This is Flying Crow, the goods have been received well, over."

"Flying Raven well received, proceeded as planned, over."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Ura simply leaned on the edge of the window as he waved his left hand to the pilot to go.

The pilot started the vehicle, followed by all the other vehicles.

Indra, who was in another vehicle, closed his eyes; no one knew what he was thinking.

Let me know what you think about this chapter because I corrected it but not proofread it :)

Kasumacreators' thoughts