
Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

In Indian mythology, the three-phase god suppresses the world. Many immortals cursed all gods. Asura has been practicing hard for thousands of years, and every time he receives a blessing, he will attack the heaven and beat the emperor of heaven. "train hard, then gets blessings, then beat the Emperor of Heaven, how come Indian mythology is all about this process, I am the one who gets beaten and suffers, I quit!" Indra, who traveled through time and became the Emperor of Heaven, was angry. So... "Whoever wants to be the Emperor of Heaven be one, I won't work!" Indra said. "Hey, hey, that's not what the script is like." Shiva, the God of Destruction, had questions on his head. "You have great merits in the past. This position of Emperor of Heaven should belong to you, otherwise the world will be in trouble!" Vishnu, the protector of the world, became anxious. "No, Emperor of Heaven, I will bless you, go and beat Asura!" Brahma, the God of Creation, said. I didn't write it I am translating it because it's on Indian Mythology ............ To support me and to read chapters in Advance go to my PATREON patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · Bücher und Literatur
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 is here, our treasure is here!

 "Why don't we negotiate terms?"

  Vishnu still had that warm smile, holding the sacred tree in his hand, as if the angry golden eyes in front of him were his Lakshmi. He looked

  harmless and happy!

  "Ha! Still negotiating terms!"

  Golden eyes glared, opened his mouth and exhaled like thunder, causing the sky and the earth to change color, and the back teeth bit the roots, like an earthquake deep underground.

  His hands were clenched into fists.

  He remembered it clearly!

  The last time he negotiated terms with him was Indra, and he tricked him into throwing away the Mandala Mountain in his hand.

  Now he's here again!

  Do you really think he's stupid!

  Vishnu blinked and smiled.

  "This wish-fulfilling sacred tree is very important to the gods!"

  "As long as this wish-fulfilling sacred tree is given to the gods, then I will make a fair distribution for you in the name of the protector of the world, and the next treasure churned out of the milky ocean will belong to the Asuras."

  Vishnu said slowly.

  Hearing this, Jinmu frowned, stared at Vishnu with suspicion, and couldn't help looking at the Milky Ocean below.

  The Milky Ocean was surging like glue, extremely sticky.

  This indicated that the churning of the Milky Ocean had come to the final stage, and there was not much left inside. What was about to come out might be the legendary [Amrita] that could make the gods immortal.

  Do you want to gamble?

  The treasure tree in front of you is very precious, but compared to the immortal Amrita, it is nothing.

  He and his brother Jinchuang practiced so hard, isn't it for power and immortality? !

  If he had Amrita, he would be completely invincible in these thousand eras of gods, and he could completely attack the heavens. At that time, all the rare treasures and beautiful goddesses in the heavens would belong to him.

  As for the guardian god in front of him.

  Jinmu would never admit that he was afraid of Vishnu.

  He narrowed his eyes, his eyes were solemn, and raised his finger to point at the guardian god Vishnu.

  "Humph, I don't trust those gods. I want you to make a promise immediately. All gods must not disobey your oath!"

  Jinmu said coldly.

  "As you wish!"

  Vishnu nodded gently, raised his right hand, and smiled at Jinmu: "In the name of the protector of the world, I will make a fair distribution between the gods and the asuras. The wish-fulfilling tree in front of you will belong to the gods..."

  At this point, Vishnu smiled and turned to look at the gods.

  "The next treasure churned out of the ocean of milk will belong to the asuras!"

  Vishnu's voice spread throughout the ocean of milk.

  The voice echoed in the ocean of milk, and two light balls appeared above the ocean of milk. The figures of Brahma and Shiva also appeared, and nodded slightly to Vishnu as his witness.

  Seeing this scene, Jinmu was slightly relieved, breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly opened his clenched fist.

  Brahma and Shiva are here, how can Vishnu say anything!

  On the other side, the gods put their hands together.

  "Praise to Lord Brahma! Praise to Lord Shiva!"

  "Praise to Lord Brahma! Praise to Lord Shiva!"


  After the gods finished their praises, Surya led them, one after another, tilted their heads and looked at Vishnu with a wronged look.

  Teacher Vishnu, why are you helping the Asuras?

  What if the nectar is gone?

  Vishnu smiled slightly, but did not explain. After loosening his palm, the Ruyi Shenshu slowly descended with golden light and landed in front of the gods.

  "Emperor of Heaven, keep this Ruyi Shenshu!"

  Vishnu smiled.

  With a smile on his face, Indra clasped his hands together, protected the Ruyi Shenshu in front of him, and then nodded slightly to Vishnu.

  Vishnu smiled faintly, turned into golden light and disappeared.


  Indra's face was full of emotion.     As expected, Vishnu is still very reliable! If

  he remembered correctly, what was left in the ocean of milk was the hala-ha-la and the nectar, one of which was extremely poisonous and the other was immortal.

  "Hala-ha-la is a good thing!"

  Indra put away the wish-fulfilling tree and subconsciously touched his armor.

  The golden sun armor was very tough and exuded a faint warmth, warming his fingertips.

  He was ready to use the first layer of armor to absorb the hala-ha-la.

  Indra's heart was getting more and more expectant. He turned his head and saw the gods who were worried. Surya and other gods were obviously very worried that the next treasure in the ocean of milk would belong to the Asuras.

  "Don't worry!"

  "Will the Lord harm you again? You are not pious enough!"

  "The next is the highlight!"

  Indra said.

  Surya's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned sideways and whispered: "Emperor of Heaven, did the Lord say anything to you?"

  Indra shook his head, smiled gently, came to the snake tail of Shesha, and hugged the snake tail with both hands.

  Surya saw this scene, the sun shone in his eyes, and he suddenly realized.

  "The Lord must have said something to the Emperor of Heaven that we don't know."

  "Don't worry!"

  Surya said.

  Hearing this, the gods finally put their minds at ease and returned to their respective positions.

  In the distance, Garuda, who was helping the gods pull the snake's tail, suddenly tilted his head. He couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and his expression of doubt, unwillingness, grief and grievance emerged.

  "Did the Lord really say something to the Emperor of Heaven!"

  "I am obviously the Lord's mount, why didn't the Lord tell me!"

  "How am I inferior to the Emperor of Heaven?!"

  Garuda's proud body couldn't help but bend, and his wings drooped, and he couldn't figure this out.

  But before Garuda could figure this out, many Gandharvas around him had already moved, pulling Shesha's snake tail and began to drag it. Garuda had to turn his grief and anger into strength and drag it hard.


  Under the support of the spirit turtle, the huge snake body of the thousand-headed snake king Shesha turned again, rubbing against Mount Mandala.

  Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

  Steam rose from the sea of ​​milk, and bubbles rose from the sticky sea of ​​milk, gushing out like a volcanic eruption.

  "It's spinning so fast! It seems everyone is working hard!"

  Indra sighed as he looked at the Mandala Mountain spinning like a spinning top.

  He grabbed Shesha's snake body and exerted his strength.

  The Asuras were also in full swing.

  The rolling snake fire and snake venom spewed out from Shesha's snake heads, forcing the Asuras to use their divine power to resist and pull harder. Jinmu's voice also echoed here.

  "It's the last moment!"

  "The guardian god Vishnu has promised that the next treasure will belong to the Asuras. The nectar will be ours, and the immortal power is right in front of us!"



  Jinmu turned his head and gave orders to the Asuras behind him.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  As both sides continued to stir, the vibrations under the Mandala Mountain became louder and louder, as if countless planets were exploding and cracking the sky and the earth. The Milk Sea also set off a shocking wave at this time.


  A large wave suddenly exploded in the Milk Sea, forming a vortex .

  Jinmu let go of the snake head in his hand, took two steps forward, looked at the Milk Sea excitedly, raised his hands high, and shouted.

  "Here it comes!"

  "Our treasure is out!"

  (End of this chapter)