
Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

In Indian mythology, the three-phase god suppresses the world. Many immortals cursed all gods. Asura has been practicing hard for thousands of years, and every time he receives a blessing, he will attack the heaven and beat the emperor of heaven. "train hard, then gets blessings, then beat the Emperor of Heaven, how come Indian mythology is all about this process, I am the one who gets beaten and suffers, I quit!" Indra, who traveled through time and became the Emperor of Heaven, was angry. So... "Whoever wants to be the Emperor of Heaven be one, I won't work!" Indra said. "Hey, hey, that's not what the script is like." Shiva, the God of Destruction, had questions on his head. "You have great merits in the past. This position of Emperor of Heaven should belong to you, otherwise the world will be in trouble!" Vishnu, the protector of the world, became anxious. "No, Emperor of Heaven, I will bless you, go and beat Asura!" Brahma, the God of Creation, said. I didn't write it I am translating it because it's on Indian Mythology ............ To support me and to read chapters in Advance go to my PATREON patreon.com/ihatesakura

ihatesakura · Bücher und Literatur
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27 Chs

Chapter 21


Indra sneezed suddenly.

He frowned and couldn't help but rub his nose.

What's going on?

He, the great Emperor of Heaven, the God of Thunder, the Lord of the Celestial Realm, actually sneezed.


Could it be someone calling him?

Indra speculated inwardly.

But then he shook his head.

As the chief deity, the Lord of the Celestial Realm, if a devotee set up an altar, lit a sacred fire, and prayed devoutly to him, he could naturally hear it.

But if someone just mentioned his name, it was almost impossible for him to hear it.

Unless he opened the sixth wheel of the seven chakras, the "Ajna Chakra" or "Third Eye Chakra."

The Ajna Chakra is a symbol of wisdom!

When a deity opens the Ajna Chakra, whenever someone mentions the deity's name, the deity can know it. Even the act of mentioning the deity's name is considered a tribute to the deity, providing it with power.

This is just a small function of the Ajna Chakra.

The more important point of the Ajna Chakra is to help the gods transcend calamities.

The world goes through four ages.

The Perfect Age, the Era of Three Parts, the Era of Two Parts, and the Era of Strife.

The sum of these four ages is four million three hundred twenty thousand years, which can be called the Age of the Gods.

Adding one thousand of the Ages of the Gods equals one day for Brahma, also known as a Kalpa.

This is the calamity of the gods.

When Shiva destroys the world, the world comes to an end, completely annihilated!

If the Ajna Chakra cannot be opened, the gods will also have to go through a complete cycle of reincarnation, settle the karma of the previous life, determine their respective ranks, and Brahma will recreate the world.

Therefore, the state of the Ajna Chakra is the "End of Calamity and Reincarnation."

As for the final "Crown Chakra," it is said to be the state of "Union with Brahman."

Indra also didn't know what it looked like.

"Let's see how much time is left!"

"If I can't break through to the Ajna Chakra, I will only have a little over four billion years to live as the Heavenly Emperor!"


Indra couldn't help but sigh.

He was just an ordinary person who could only live for a little over four billion years.

At this moment, beams of light shone down from above the Milky Ocean, spreading warmth, causing Indra to involuntarily relax and look up.

In the golden light.

Vishnu and Lakshmi sat upon lotus flowers, manifesting themselves.

Their eyes were far-reaching, looking down, seemingly watching over the gods, and also watching over the Asuras, encompassing everything.

Lakshmi's golden light shone, following Vishnu's gaze.

With just one glance, she saw Yesodha, who was leaving with the Asuras.

"She is my sister born from the Milky Ocean."

"Husband, from this perspective, is she beautiful?"

Lakshmi smiled lightly.

With a dignified and beautiful face like a blooming lotus, she was so beautiful that in this moment, the world seemed to revolve around her alone.

"Of course, she is beautiful!"

Vishnu's lips curled slightly as he turned to look at Lakshmi, smiling.

Yesodha, also known as Alakshmi, is the goddess of misfortune, poverty, and brings conflicting, jealous, distressed, ignorant, and negative forces. But at the same time, she is the opposite of Lakshmi, almost of the same origin as Lakshmi.

In Vishnu's eyes, Yesodha was a similar existence to Lakshmi.

As beautiful as his wife was, Yesodha was equally beautiful.

Praising Yesodha was praising Lakshmi!

"Husband, then who is more beautiful, her or me?!"

Lakshmi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked playfully.

"Yesodha is most beautiful when she turns away from me!

"And you, my wife, are most beautiful when you face me!"

Vishnu smiled calmly.

The two looked at each other, as if there were electric sparks flashing between them.

The gods couldn't hear their words at this moment, but they also saw the Lord and the Lady communicating with their eyes, feeling complex emotions for a while.

Too much!

They worked hard to churn the Milky Ocean, not to let the Lord and the Lady show affection here.

"Hiss, I smell a sour smell of love!"

"What a lovely couple!"

Indra furrowed his brows slightly, unable to help but draw in a cold breath.

At this time, Yesodha had also gradually left the Asura army. With excitement in his golden eyes, King Asura immediately took big steps, commanding the Asura army to prepare again, and continue churning the Milky Ocean.

They, the Asuras, had achieved a small victory!

They had already won a small wave!

Next would be the medium victory of obtaining the nectar, and then the great victory of defeating the gods.

With gleaming eyes, King Asura couldn't wait.

Indra also led the gods back to their positions.

"Only two hundred years left, and the power of a thousand years of bitter cultivation needed for my first layer of divine armor will be enough!"

Indra was also extremely excited.

He couldn't wait either!

Both sides prepared themselves. Under the watchful eyes of Vishnu and Lakshmi, they began to churn the Milky Ocean once again.


Both sides grabbed the head and tail of Vasuki, continuing the great work of churning the Milky Ocean.

Mount Mandara roared, and Vasuki's scales moved like tectonic plates, rubbing against each other, becoming scorching hot, and countless earth particles turned into mountains fell from it, rumbling and sinking into the Milky Ocean.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Milky

Ocean became even denser.

One hundred years later!


A dazzling silver light emerged from the Milky Ocean.

"Something's coming out!"

King Asura widened his eyes in amazement, seeing a silver moon rising slowly from the Milky Ocean, ascending to the sky in an instant.

"Moon Goddess Sumo!"

King Asura's eyes turned cold, clenching his fists tightly with a creaking sound.

"Even if it's the Moon Goddess, I'll capture you!"

Just as King Asura was about to take a step forward, he suddenly stopped, looking up and muttering to himself.

"The Great God?!"

A towering figure draped in animal skins, holding a trident, appeared.


The moon rose and landed on the head of this figure, turning into a silver moon ornament.

Vishnu smiled but said nothing.

Indra looked up, and the identity of the towering figure was obvious. It was none other than the god of destruction, Shiva.

Shiva, the god of destruction, the Lord of Innocence, the Great God, has nearly a thousand titles.

Generally referred to as "Great God."

"Praise the Great God!"

Indra clasped his hands together, praising.

The other gods followed suit.

"Praise the Great God!"

"Praise the Great God!"


Amidst the praises, Shiva smiled faintly, and a silver light floated out of the moon, falling among the gods, forming the Moon Goddess Sumo clad in silver-white armor.

"Praise the Great God!"

Sumo's silver armor shimmered as she praised.

Shiva nodded slightly, his figure turning into golden light and disappearing from sight.

"The god Shiva has come to cause trouble!"

"Damn it!"

King Asura's face darkened, clenching his fist and striking fiercely into the void, causing the space of the Milky Ocean to tremble.

"King, what should we do now?"

One of the Asura generals couldn't help but ask.

"Continue to churn! Next time will be ours!"

"Next time for sure!"

King Asura clenched his fists, his voice resolute.

Fifty years later.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A brilliant gem like a pearl rose from the sea.

As soon as this gem flew out, the surroundings immediately became bright, refreshing, and pleasant.

"A gem? Didn't this thing fly to Vishnu last time?"

Indra tilted his head, unmoved.

He remembered that this gem seemed to fly to Vishnu on its own last time.

"This gem is mine!" King Asura's eyes lit up.


The next moment, the gem flew into the sky and landed on Vishnu's chest, shining brightly and adorning him.


King Asura glared angrily.

(End of this chapter)


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