
Chapter Eight.

"Lake fest High School"

(That night).....

Shiloh:... Look baby, the guys wanted this to be their night so we can't be together....

Harmony:.... I get that but you were leading me to think this would be our night, I can't help but be mad......

shiloh:....... I said maybe before every promise or plan.......

Harmony:... you shouldn't have said anything at all Shiloh.....(folds her arms)

Junie:(from the other end of the room, holding a cup of "juice" in a onesie )... Are we that wack that she don't wanna hang with us....

Sayori:... I think we're good enough...

Junie:... I mean, Levan told me his with the gang tonight, all the seniors are hanging out together.......but boy was I hyped to hang with my girls....

Ginger:... I was relieved too, this is supposed to be our night just like we fantasied freshman year....

Junie:... Wow...... We really grown......

Ginger:... Right?... Two years ago today we visioned ourselves partying with the seniors, getting wasted......

Sayori:... And having sex too but look at how that turned out, I'm single as hell.... (They all laugh)....

Harmony:(walks up to them, disappointed).....

Ginger:.. Come on cheer up..... It will be like we said in freshman year....

Harmony:.. Yeah I guess..

Junie:(forces a fake smile)...

Lauren:(pops up with her really cute pajamas)....

Sayori:... Your pajamas are so cute...

Lauren:.. Thank you, all thanks to Junie...

Junie:(bows in honor)..


Junie:... I just had to cause Lauren will be smashed today...


Lauren:(drained, rolls her eyes)...

Junie:.. You didn't say not to tell...

Harmony:.. You're dating?...

Lauren:.. No...

Sayori:.. Who are you smashing?..

Junie:... Ermias....


Ginger:.. (Smiles).. For real?..

Lauren:... No... Ion even know why y'all listening to Junie....

Harmony:... Okay then you tell us...

Lauren:... Ermias and I have been talking a while and he said he wants me to be with him tonight....

Girls:(get excited, except Harmony).....

Harmony: What happened to girls night?.....

Ginger:... Girl if Shiloh wanted you with him tonight you wouldn't be here either...

Junie:... Yeah... Let Lauren have her moment....

Harmony:.... (Rolls her eyes)....

Lauren:(excited)... I really can't wait.....

Sayori:.. You should tell us everything tomorrow...

Lauren:.. Girl you know I got a big mouth.. (They all laugh together)...

Harmony:(pissed)...... I thought all the senior guys were having their own thing planned.....

Lauren:... No actually..... That's only for my brother and his dumb friends...

Harmony:..... I thought Ermias and Tyler were friends....

Lauren:... I thought the same too but today he said he wanted to be with me so I guess they aren't ...

Girls:(get all excited again)...


Tyler:(walks up to the group with his squad)...... Lauren a word....

Lauren:(rolls her eyes, faces him)... What?....

Tyler:... Alone

Sayori :... We'll just leave...

Junie:.. Fuck no....

Ginger:... Yes Junie..... (They all drag each other away)....

Lauren:.. What?... (Looks at his friends).......

Tyler:.. I don't want you talking to Ermias....

Lauren:(laughs)...... I don't give a fuck what you want...

Tyler :... Well you should cause I'm older than you.....

Lauren:... Don't at me with that bullshit till you actually grow the fuck up....


Tyler:(to his friends)... Y'all think this is funny huh?....

Squad:.. (Stop laughing)....

Tyler:you stubborn so I'll get right to it.....

Lauren:(folds her arms)....

Tyler:.. That son of a bitch is a murderer..... He will hurt you...


Tyler:............ Ask him why he killed his father.....

Lauren:... Wait wait wait...... Why the hell would you lie about such a thing.... Ermias is not like that....

Tyler:.. You don't know the nigga like we do........

Squad:(all agreeing)....

Tyler:.... You should look it up on the internet....

Lauren:... (Paralyzed).....

Tyler:... I won't drag this conversation...... So you be with him so that you can holla at his dad later ...

Squad:(laugh as they exist)....

"Later on that same night"

(Students cheering, singing loudly, dancing etc... In the hall room)....

Lauren:(walking to her class)....

#Lauren's narration

I want to believe he has nothing to do with what Tyler said but I just read more than five articles about the shooting and the death of Ermias' dad....... Two of them said he died a natural death, the other two said that Ermias' shooting was the cause of death.... Its ridiculous but I don't know what to believe..... I was amazed by the fact that this murder was on the internet. Ermias' father must have been important.

Ermias:... Sup Boogie, took you long enough... (Gets up, walking up to her)...

Lauren:(two steps into the room, keeping calm)......

Ermias:(reaches in for a hug)....

Lauren :(hugs him, feels something)........ (Breaks the hug).... Whats on your side?...

Ermias :(lifts his shirt up showing a gun).... This...

Lauren:(gasps scared)..... Why do you have that....

Ermias:.... (Concerned).... For the fest.... Its a toy....

Lauren:(sighs)..... Shit.......

Ermias:.. Why would I carry a gun to school?.............. I don't even have one...

Lauren:.... It just looked too real...

Ermias:.. You gasping and shit like I'd shoot you even if it were real....

Lauren:........ Can we go to the hall? ...

Ermias:.. No.... (Walking to a desk with cups and "juice")...... We can stay here.... Away from everyone's bullshit and just chill.... (Faces her Leaning on a desk).....


Ermias :..... I texted you that I wanted this night for us and you agreed...... You said you didn't want the loud shit anyway so why are you tripping?....... Come here....

Lauren:(sighs)..... (Walks up to him slowly).....

Ermias:(pulls her closer)....

Lauren:(moves away a bit)....

Ermias:.... Why are tripping...

Lauren:. I'm not...

Ermias:... You are backing away and shit....


Ermias :(pulls her back again)...

Lauren:(stays this time)....

Ermias:(kisses her lips)......


Ermias:(stops)..... (Upset looking at her)......

Lauren:(looking at him)....

Ermias:...... What did he tell you?

Lauren:(acting ignorant)..... Who?....

Ermias:... Stop playing...... I can feel from your whole mood right now thatTyler told you some shit about me.....


Ermias:... What did he tell you?...


Ermias:.... (Loudly).. Lauren!.....

Lauren:.......... Nothing..... I haven't talked to Tyler today......

Ermias:... Yeah lie to my face like I'm a FUCKING joke Lauren!.....

Lauren:.... Look I looked it up and I just....

Ermias:... You just what?...


Ermias:... So that bitch pulled out the dad card huh?..........


Ermias:....... (Sighs, gets his jacket on the side)...... Yeah you enjoy tonights shit......... I'm out.. (Walking)....

Lauren:... Ermias wait... Ermias...

Ermias :... (Turns at the door).... You complain about your brother's ass every day....... And yet the fucking minute he tells you some bullshit against me his suddenly this hero?.........


Ermias:...(mumbling to himself) I don't even know why I tried this love thing, that just ain't me and I should have kept my shit in check.....


Ermias:(goes off)....

Lauren:(feels bad).....

"2 am"

(Juniors and seniors knocked out in their sleeping bags everywhere)....

Lauren:(standing outside the hall, on the large steps leading in and out the hall, looking at the large double doors ).........

Junie:(walks out with two medium sized candles, a picture, a tiny toy guitar, a music box and a box of match sticks).....

Lauren:...... I can't believe you brought that for real...

Junie:(reaches Lauren)... I made sure of it........ I planned that I'd wake your ass up actually but you did that yourself so...

Lauren:.. I couldn't sleep..... Firstly I want to choke Tyler..... Secondly Ermias will probably never talk to me...... And most importantly........ I lost my mother nine years ago today......

Junie:(places the candles side by side with the picture at the center and the tiny guitar and music box in front of the picture)......

Lauren:(watching Junie).....

Junie:(lights the candles).............. (Both in silence looking at the picture)......

Junie:..... (After a long silence)...... Cancer is a bitch......

Lauren:.... Sure is......... You get to see the people you love die slowly........... And painfully.....

Junie:........ Nine years feels like just yesterday you know....

Lauren:.... Yeah......

Junie:...... I remember that day my dad broke the news and I just........... I couldn't even cry, I just blacked out.......


Junie:...... Waking up when it was the day of the service......

Lauren:..... You got me so scared you know.....

Junie:(puts her arm around Lauren)......... She meant the whole world to me........... I always liked her more than my mum ....

Lauren:..... She was so free spirited and happy.....everybody loved her... (Smiles as tears roll down her face)......

Junie:(rubbing Lauren's shoulder in comfort)......... And she loved music...... Singing, dancing rapping... (Smiles)....

Lauren:....... I wish I had more time with her you know......... Maybe she would have taught me how to play the guitar.........

Junie:... Yeah me too....

Lauren:.. (Wipes her tears)..... Thank you for being out here with me......

Junie:...... I'm always here when you need me to be............. (They continue their tribute in silence)...

"The next week"....

(London's house).....

London:(walks into the house, from her morning job)....

Random girl:... (In the kitchen eating a sandwich)......

London:(pauses)..... Who the fuck are you? ..... Better question, why are you in my house?

Girl:(stops eating)... You're the sister?...... Josh described you different...

Lauren:..... Josh?..... Who are you?...

Girl:.... I'm Sky...

Lauren:..... And... (Closes the door)...

Sky:...... I'm josh's girl..... I've actually been here for three days but I've been chilling in your brothers room till like y'all at school............

Lauren:..... Josh's girl?... Since when does josh mess around with white girls......

Sky:... I'm actually mixed but yeah.......... I heard you shouting about the milk and the bacon the eggs.... In short everything you went out of in here was all me and I'm really sorry....


Sky:....... (Start eating again).... I get hungry a lot...... I'm pregnant ....... your brother got me pregnant.

Lauren:........ What?....

Sky:... I'm a month now....


Sky:... Whats with the pauses girl...... Talk. Are you excited?..

Lauren:(walks away)................. (Bumps into Ethan)... Hey you...

Ethan:... You're late...

Lauren:... I know..... You should go with Giovanni...


Lauren:... I'll be early tomorrow I promise....

Ethan:... Whatever..... (Walks away).....

Lauren :(enters her room)....

Sky:(still in the kitchen)....

Gio&Ethan :(walk into the kitchen).....

Sky:...... More siblings....... Okay, I'm Sky..... Josh's girlfriend

Giovanni :...... When did you come here and why?....

Sky:..... I'm too tired to answer that cause you know what pregnancy does yeah..... I'll leave that to josh... (Walks away).....

Giovanni:(confused).... Do you know her?

Ethan:.. Nope....... she just said she's pregnant...


Tyler:(meets Sky in the passage)..... Who the fuck are you?....

Sky:(sighs)..... How many are you?....

Tyler:.. The fuck you mean how many are you?.....

Sky:... Look ask your sister I need my beauty sleep..... (Enters Josh's room).....

Tyler:... (Confused)........(continues walking).....


Lauren:(all prepared for school, gets her phone and her bag).....

Sydney :(storms into Lauren's room with a man, locks the door)......

Lauren:(freezes)...... Dad...

Sydney:(angry)...... Or now its dad huh Lauren....

Lauren:(looks at the man next to Sydney).....

Sydney :.... I have been too kind to you Lauren.....

Lauren:.. Whose this man?.....

Sydney:...... His the man you owe four thousand dollars......

Lauren:(confused)..... What?..... Why?...

Sydney:...... (Taps the man).... Go get your pay

Man:(starts walking towards Lauren)....

Lauren:(backing away)....

Sydney:... You didn't make the money for bail now did you?........... Now you will sleep with as many men to pay this kind man back and to pay for your disrespect.....

Lauren:(scared).... I'll scream....

Sydney:... Do that..... There's no one here angel........... You know I really hated doing this to you but this time is well deserved....

Lauren:(still backing away from the man).....

Sydney:.... You cost me Ana's memorial........ You cost me the love of my life's memorial....

Man:(gets a hold of Lauren)....

Lauren:(screaming, crying)...... LET GO OF ME!.........

Man:(still holding on to her).....

Sydney:...... Call me when you're done...... (Unlocks the door and walks out closing it).....

Lauren:(crying trying to break free)..... PLEASE DON'T DO THIS PLEASE!....... LET GO OF ME!.....

man:(roughly reaps Lauren out of her clothes).....

Lauren:(screaming still trying to break free)......... LET GO!.....

Sky:....( At Josh's room door, pacing a bit..... Freaking out from all the screaming, messaging Josh).........

"After a while"

Man:(drives away with his car)...

Sky:(watching through the window, rushes out the room to Lauren's room)....

Lauren :(now in her robe, on the floor... Her hair messed up, frozen)....

Sky:(storms in)...... (Rushes to Lauren).... What did that man do to you?.....


Sky:... (Looks at the reaped clothes on the ground)... I should call the police....what the actual fuck.... oh my God. (Gets on her phone)........ (Hears a gun click behind her)....

Sydney:(holding a gun at Sky)... Press that dial button and get a bullet through your head....

Sky:(drops her phone and faces Sydney)....

Sydney:.. I don't know who the fuck you are but you will not tell anybody about this or I will kill you........ Thats to both of you....

Sky:...... (Scared)...

Sydney:.. Who are you?...

Sky:(stuttering).... Joshua's girlfriend......

Sydney:..... Okay......... Not the usual stripper looking whores....... I'm his father...


Sydney:..... So keep your mouth shut do you hear me?...

Sky:(nods her head).....

Sydney:.... Now get out..... I want to be with my daughter....

Sky :(rushes out)......

Lauren:(facing the ground)....

Sydney:...... I bet you don't care if you died.........you'll have a different condition...... Tell this to anyone and I will shot Ethan right in front of you telling him that you wanted him dead......

Lauren:(looks at him, her eyes wide and her body numb)......

Sydney:..... And you know I can do it...... That little bitch was an accident anyway, he gave your mother cancer....

Lauren:(powerless, tears roll down her face).........

Sydney:.... Oh don't cry....... It won't happen unless you allow it to....


Sydney:.... You can miss school today sweetie........ Just today though....... I'm an understanding man you see


Sydney:(walks out)....

Lauren:(cries out loudly)....

#Lauren's narration

My dad is a monster..... The devil himself.…...... A devil that used to hide behind my mothers beauty and money. I bet the day she passed, his tears were for all the money he was going to lose and the responsibility he had to take up now............ I know he can kill Ethan, his never been affectionate towards him. As much as today was the peak of indescribable torment...... I can't let my brother get killed. I was raped today....... I finally screamed and fought. I wish I complied like I always do because I feel like shit. Every part of my body hurts and I think I'm bleeding too.