
Indescribable feelings

Having been a loner for almost all her life,Katherine Adams tries as much as she can to make it in life.In the due course she finds her true love in a person she least expects and who she has despised ever since high school,Nicholas King,a spoilt rich boy who thinks he is on top of the world .Katherine has to battle with her own wars of fitting in as well as the Indescribable feelings she has for Nick .Will love prevail in the end???

Hamedah_Katende · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter One

On hearing her mother's footsteps drawing near her room,Katherine hastened to her bathroom.It was the day that she had dreaded most in life,the first day of college.She was both excited and at the same time anxious.Excited because ,well, she had been admitted to the college of her dreams,New York University but anxious because she was afraid of how she was going to fit in.Atleast she knew Delilah,her best friend from like forever was going to be there with her .Well that gave her a little bit of comfort but oh well ,it was a new school,she literally didn't know anybody there.

As the hot water from the shower fell on her smooth gold skin, she just couldn't help thinking of what her first day of school was going to be like.She kept wondering how many people from her high school were going to be there ,how many mean girls , how many bullies she had to cope up with,again.All these thoughts just gave her chills and made her more fraught than she had been the night before.She had to stay up all night wondering what life would bring her in New York University and had gotten very little sleep that morning.

On walking out of the shower,

she was startled to see her mother unpacking her suitcase which she had prepared to take to college .

"Mum,why are you unpacking all my clothes?"Katherine asked.

"Well my love,I literally knew you had packed all the trash you call clothes in this suitcase.So I did some shopping and now am reorganizing your suitcase."replied her mother.

Stephanie Adams was a tall, blonde ,elegant and beautiful woman.She was forty years old but looked nothing half her age.In fact,if Stephanie was standing with her eighteen year old daughter Katherine,you would think they were sisters.

Katherine had taken up her beauty and the same colour and shape of the eyes.They both had big almond-shaped emerald eyes.

But she took her father's colour of the hair.Katherine had hair dark as ebony and she would always hold it in a ponytail.

"Well,that explains the shopping bags all over my room,"she replied to her mother.

"Kathy, I don't want to debate about this no more,you are going to college and you are literally eighteen now.You should dress up like a responsible adult now my darling.I don't want you to dress up like a street kid anymore."Stephanie lamented.

"Well mum,I would like to dress up now please,if you don't mind,"said Katherine to her mother.

"Okay ,okay ,but please put on that dress I laid out for you on your bed.And please, be quick we are going to be late."Steph said.

Looking at the yellow dress with black stripes and a small belt,Katherine could not help laughing because she knew that not in a thousand years would she put on a dress that short or even any dress.

"Really mum,you have to be kidding! I am never wearing this."Kathy said to her mother.

With only a smirk on her face ,Stephanie thought to herself,

"Oh yes u are my darling !"

And with just a moment's time,Stephanie heard her daughter scream,

"Mum where are all my clothes?"

Stephanie replied with a chuckle,

"Oh you mean the rags, I tossed them out into the trash!

Though she was furious with her mother,she had nothing else to do but to put on the dress she had never imagined herself wearing in all her life.As she walked down the stairs,both her siblings and their mother who had all been sitting in the dining room taking breakfast ,turned around and looked at her.

"Wow!!" exclaimed her youngest sister Gabriela Adams.

Gabriela was the youngest of the three Adams children.She was ten years old but was almost the same size as her elder sister.Gabby really loved music and dance and she was really good at playing the piano.

She was also a very playful and stubborn kid.In fact,she was the liveliest of all three children and was adored by most of her schoolmates and teachers.

"Well Kat,I love the new look,the

old look was so boring."Gabby said to her sister.

"Yes,that is definitely right,Gab" Robinson Adams said.

Robin was the middle child and he was fifteen years old.He was now in high school and was a dashing young man.He had the looks of his father,Jacob Adams.

He had blonde hair which he had taken up from his mother but he had big brown eyes like his father's unlike Gabby and Kathy who had emerald eyes.

His hair was his priceless possession and looked after it as

though he were taking care of a baby.In his school,he was the most popular person not only because of his looks but also for his being the best basketball player of all times.He was every girl's crush and even other boys

envied him for that.

"You guys should stop teasing me because once am gone to school you are not going to hear anything from me for a long time."Kathy said to her siblings.

"Well darling,just accept the compliment and sit down for breakfast.I prepared your best,

chicken sandwiches,curried bread rolls and coffee without sugar and milk.Dig in now."Stephanie said to her daughter.

"Thank you very much mam,"Kathy replied to her mother as she approached her to give her a kiss on her cheek.

As she took a bite on her first half of the sandwich,they were all interrupted by the beeping on Stephanie's laptop.

"Well Katherine my love,dad is calling."Stephanie said after having glanced at the laptop screen.

All four of them gathered around the table after say hello to their father who had gone to Boston for a business trip.

"Hi dad,"all three said at the same time.

"Hello my lovely family,how are you guys doing?"

"We are all fine,and you?"

"Good, I will be home in a week's time.Sorry Kat,I will have to miss you."

"Oh that is sad,but dad ,please come and see me once you are back."Kathy replied to her father with disappointment.

"Yes, honey I will be there even before I come home.But dear please have a little fun at school and also don't forget to read hard to achieve your dreams."

Jacob said to his daughter.

Okay, dad I love you so much, see you soon."

"I love you all guys."Jacob said to his family.

And with that,they ended the call and all of them began preparing for departure.She was meant to go with only her mother but with her siblings persistence, it was decided that all three would drop her off to school.After having checked everything more than twice,and adding some things without her mother's knowledge though Stephanie figured it out and removed them,they were soon headed for the college.The college was an hour's drive so they stopped at a small restaurant for some snacks and then continued their journey.

They soon arrived and were welcomed by a large sign which read "NYU".At that moment,she began seeing reality slowly crawling in,she had not imagined herself being there that soon.

As she was still occupied by her thoughts,she caught a glimpse of him,the person she had  despised most,Nicholas King.He was still as charming as he had been since high school.He was a very tall,handsome lad.His hair was chocolate brown and had always kept it long and brushed to his back.He had blue eyes and pink lips that every girl in his school dreamt of kissing.

With astonishment that clearly showed on her face,Katherine started cursing.

"What the heck could he be doing here?"Katherine asked herself.Having seen the last person she wanted to see, she basked down into her legs so she couldn't get noticed by him.

She was relieved when her mother pulled into the parking lot near the girls' hostels and stepped into the small office where she was to be assigned her new room and roommate.

The process took a shorter time than expected so, they were soon headed to the dorm area.

There,she was assigned to a roommate who was very lively.

She welcomed Katherine as though they had been friends for a long time.

"Hello,uh ,what's your name again?"

"Katherine Adams,but you can call me Kathy."

"Oh hello Kathy, am Josephine King,most people call me Josy or Jo.

Her last name made Kathy shiver a little,but after some time,she decided to slide it off.

"Maybe it is just a coincidence,"Kathy said to herself.

"Well roomie, we are going to get along very well.I will help you organize your things so long"Josy said.

"Thanks Jo, by the way,this is my mother,Stephanie Adams"

With surprise, Jo said to Kathy,

"Really, I thought she was your sister."

"Well I will take that as a compliment,hi nice to meet you Jo."

"Nice to meet you too,Steph.Can  I call u that?"she asked with a little embarrasment.

"It is okay dear,anyway I had better leave you guys to get to know each other."Stephanie said to the ladies.

"I will walk you out mum."

And with that, both ladies were out and made their way to the packing lot.When they were there, all three  were shedding tears as they bid each other farewell.Robin was just smiling

at them as they were crying.

"Sometimes I get so emotional,I

am sorry my love."Stephanie

said as she laughed through her tears.

They cuddled each other and kissed each other goodbye.After their departure,Kathy made her way back to her dorm but as she was still moving,she was taken aback by someone pulling her by the shoulder. She was  astonished to see Delilah smiling behind her.

"Oh Delilah, you startled me. When did you get here?"Kathy asked.

"I came here in the morning,but you will never believe who is here."

Eager to know who Delilah was talking about,she asked with a little curiosity.


"Nicholas King and his sassy little girlfriend,Christina Martins."

"What!!Christina is here?

"Yes my dear Kat.But I also said Nick is here but you don't seem surprised.Are you perhaps happy he is here?"

"No way,for someone who has bullied me since fifth grade,I couldn't be any close to what u just said.It is because I already saw him when I arrived earlier.

Anyway, we should go catch up."Kathy said.

And with that, they made their way to Katherine's dorm.

(End of chapter one....

Guys I really hope u love my first chapter ,if you do,please comment and if you don't please comment as well.If you like the first chapter, then I will be able to write the next chapter.

Okay love u guys I hope u enjoyed it.)