
Inconvenient Flame : True Ending

Director's Cut of IF with longer chapters and an alternative route to the story! Hachi is a young man just trying to enjoy his life of martial arts. Unlucky for him, he's the weakest one there is. That is until he meets a random girl getting mugged. Watch Hachi on his journey of figuring out who he is and what he wants for the world!

silentwindbell · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Mastering assault mode.

The lights were dim and surrounding me was dim, barely being lit by a candle sitting on the Oakwood nightstand. Just me and my father sat there in awkward silence as he awaited my reply. I didn't even know what to say, I could see the stress and the wrinkles on his face. Did I want to know what he was going to say, clearly this had been taking a burden on him. As selfish as it may be, I thought to myself "Did I even want to take on father's burden too?".

I decided to just listen; I looked directly at my father with a stern face and nodded.

Me: I won't say a word, let's hear it.

It's funny, I still kinda wish I never heard what he had to say. It hurts me even as I'm writing this.

Father: I think it's finally time I tell you what really happened to your mother. Your power is awakened, you deserve to know.

Me: The Spirit

Father: If that's what you call it sure. It's called Assault Mode, its gains is the fact you can tune it too your liking. You like speed? Sacrifice power. Like power? sacrifice speed, Unfortunately we have never enhanced both without evening it out.

Me: That's amazing! But I have a question.

Father: What is it?

Me: Why doesn't big brother has it?

When I said this, my father had a depressed look on his face. You could tell what I had just said killed his mood.

Father: Mind as well not hold back. I was not going tell you this, and it's really hard to say. Your brother.... Isn't your actual brother.

Me: Funny joke, now tell m-


I could hear the anger and despair in his voice. It wasn't really a big deal to me. He isn't my true brother, so what? He was raised with me and he knows me as his younger brother. I grew up with him as the little brother.

Father: I'm sorry son, I didn't mean to act that angry. Its just scary.

Me: What's scary?

Father: I know you entered that forest. I forbid people with our powers from entering. And I'm afraid that now I have to get rid of you. The last time you entered the room, your mother died.

When he said this, it shocked me. It was way too much to just magically take in. My father, who just consoled me and brought me back to health, now wants to kill me. He's way too strong for me.

Father: Losing 16 years won't bother me, all I need is to make sure your brother gets injected with your DNA. I love you son, but this is it. If I kill you, no one else will be endangered.

As he said this, he grabbed my face and threw me through the window and into the yard. I could feel the cold and moist grass wipe some of the glass off of me. It was really dark, the only light was the security lights shining down the paved dirt driveway about 30 feet away. As I stood up, my father was walking towards me, I noticed he activated assault mode and he had a green dragon glowing on his leg. As I stood up, I got punched in the face by my father. As I tried to back up, he gripped me like a bear hug and began squeezing tighter and tighter. As the pain got worse and worse, I screamed but the grip on me was so tight blood came out with each yell. I could feel his fingers and arms squeezing harder and harder, It hurt. I could feel myself passing out but then I heard a yell as I blacked out. When I woke up I was in someone's arms. I looked up and with blurry vision it seemed like my mother; I was too out of it to even remember she was dead. I looked at her and she spoke to me, for the first time in over 10 years.

Mother: Hachi, it's up to you to stop your father. Get a grip on that power, your father lied, you can boost both speed and power at once. Sacrifice the color receptors in your eyes. I have to go back to the afterlife, goodbye son, I love you..

As she said this, she faded away and my body hit the ground. I stood up still a little loopy, but I knew what I had to do. I knew this was not the time to get sentimental; I had to stop my father.

I felt my eyes; I saw the surrounding colors. I activated the Assault mode and tried to remove the colors; I pictured everything around me in a monochrome format. I closed my eyes and felt a tingle; I kept picturing it, all back and white. The trees and grass, the driveway and house, all black and white. Suddenly I felt the surrounding wind explode, I felt speed and power, maybe around 5-10x stronger than earlier. Will this be enough? As I thought this, my father started walking towards me.

Father: Ready for round two?

As he said this, I charged towards him. I felt like a feather flying through the wind; it was one of the coolest feelings ever. I threw a punch and I could feel the wind blow back at me, This was the greatest feeling ever. Even though I had a massive boost in power though, I still believed I was in for it. He caught the punch, with three fingers..

With Hachi's new unlocked power, will he be able to fend his father off? Find out as this alternative route's chapter gets released soon!

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