

She Was Offline For One Day She Was Not Offline For Like That I Message Her Senpai What Happened why Offline She Message Me Next Day Live I Was Confused Live What Live Means I Message What Live Means I Thought She Gone Outside But She Said No I Then She Said She was Doing Live Streaming Because She Is A Cosplayer She Need To Interact With Her Fans. Then Send Me Her Live Streaming Pictures And Videos I Was Very happy because She Look So Beautiful I was So happy And Her Dress was So Beautiful Then I Said Senpai I Thought Something Happened To You Then She Said She Rent A Place To Do Live Streaming And Again She Was Offline For Another Day And When She Reply Me She Said Sorry In These All Days She Never Say Sorry I Feel Happy That She Said Sorry Without Tell Me Anything She was Offline . She Send Me Again Live Streaming Videos She Said Her Friend Rent The House For Doing Live Streaming Now Because Her Friend Also A Cospalyer, They Both Rent House To Do Live Streaming And They Both Stay There Only For 2 Days . They Both Wear Same Cloths For Live Streaming And They Sit For 3 Hours To Interact with Fans ,

And Echo Brother was On A Trip So Echo Was Staying In That Rent House With Her Friend Because She Don't Want To Live Alone, But I Ask Do You And Your Friends sleep In One Room She Said No Her Friend Sleep With All Lights Off And Echo Is Scared To Light off Because She Scared.

Echo Was Not Only A Cospalyer She Also Give Movements To Characters In Games Like Walking, Running, Jumping And Expression.