
Incarnation of a Magic God in a Fantasy World

Hermes is the Keeper (God) of Magic who helped create the world. Now, thousands of years later he finds that he is bored so he has a body created to explore the lesser world ...

DoyMaye · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Prologue - 1

In the beginning, there was only him, nothing else. He is an existence that even I cannot comprehend. What I do know is that he is composed of the fundamentals of the universe, he is magic, he is time, he is space, he is ... He existed for an infinite amount of time before he created the first foundations of the universe, perhaps it was done out of loneliness, maybe it was done because he was bored, only he and the Keeper of Knowledge Sophia knows that, but I digress. The foundations he created were the first things aside from him to exist, mortals call them gods but they are more akin to powerful spirits than gods. I would know seeing that I am one of them.

They each were entrusted with managing a part of his power, or rather, a part of him. They came in pairs, opposites. These parts didn't have names yet, those would come later but they are now known as Creation and Destruction, Order and Chaos, Death and Life, and Magic and Nature. I was entrusted with Magic and just how the parts didn't have names yet, their keepers didn't either but I would later choose Hermes as my name.

At first, I didn't much like Nature's keeper, Cronus but it wasn't like I was alone, no-one seemed to like their pair. It was due to this childish squabbling that nothing got done in the first million years. After all, each keeper fought with their opposite without interacting with the others. But in those years the pairs seemed to grow closer and closer to one another until they formed a bond of what mortals call friendship. First, it was us, then it was Death and Life … and one day each pair had formed this bond.

Most don't know it but this day was the start of the universe as it is known today. It was on this day that he gave us a directive, a directive to change the nothingness of that time into something. We were all ordered to work as a team, he organized us in a sort of tribune of the keepers with all decisions being made by majority vote. He created Sophia, he gave her his knowledge and made her the tiebreaker.

First, we gave ourselves names, then we named him Omni. Then we created the Kingdom of the Heavens. For many eons, we argued with one another over how the lesser world should be formed. We decided on a sphere-shaped world of many landmasses separated by great oceans of water. We decided that each god should create a race or in some cases many...

For my part, I tried to create Magic but we argued over that too. It wasn't that the argument was over whether or not there should be magic but rather over how. It was settled like this, each living being has a soul. The soul is intangible but it emits lifeforce, magic was decided to be a way of manipulating that force. We dived the magic into different parts, mana, prana, sword-force, and aura. Each having different rules and uses. We even made it so you could infuse mana into objects.

To make it easier for people to advance we created a system of skills and levels. But we didn't limit people to just the skills we created, we also gave them the power to invent new ones and we decided to reward such ingenuity with experience points to level up, and in some special cases, we did more.

We created a base race, the humans. Many customizations of the said race were made including the beastmen, elves, etc. As for my race, I created the herminites. A humanoid race 1 meter is their average height, but their proportions were the same as any human, I granted them a great affinity with the forces. I gave them great knowledge of the forces and they created a vast magic empire, still standing today.