
In yugioh gx to arc-v with the Chaos Gods as my Ba remake

exactly as the title says The fem Chaos Gods are bored they had won, the 40k universe was theirs and the great game was beginning to grow tiresome when "They" (Tzeentch) had an Idea way not to take some random guy from our world and send him to Yugioh vers with them as his Ba what could possibly go wrong watch as him and the ruinous powers cause chaos in Yugioh vers. this is a rewrite of a story I originally had on my Wattpad account

Austin_Scott · Anime und Comics
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Name: Ren Truesdale (He's replacing Syrus)


Likes: the chaos goddess's his big sis, childhood friend yuri, enslaving jackasses that annoy him, candy, meat, money, dueling, toying with people's sanity 

Dislikes: random (Hey don't judge him you spend 16 years with the ruinous power and tell me you'd be sane.) 


Unageing: can't die of old age

Soul enslavement: If he wins a duel he owns that person's soul like a shadow game

super body: you know stronger faster ex.

Regen: If you don't destroyed every last cell he's not dead