
A fusion of Dragonmaids.

Card Name Change Dragonmaid Tervesen = Dragonmaid Lorpar.

Dragonmaid Laravidae = Dragonmaid Nudyarl


The holograms that had disappeared when the man tried to flee returned.

Now knowing that I'm in Yu Gi Oh Gx, I can understand what situation I'm in.

In this case, I only discovered this because of two names, Jaden Yuki and Alexis.

If I hadn't heard their names I would still be lost, but thanks to that I managed to connect the whole situation I'm in.

This man appeared in one of the episodes. I don't remember the his name, however I remember that he is a fake shadow duelist, at least until something supernatural happened in the dorm and he disappeared.

The supernatural in Yu Gi Oh is usually not good at all. So the situation is now more serious than before.

I look at the cards in my hand, I have a move I can make on the next round.

"I place a card face down and end my turn." I say it out loud after I finish my move.

"My shift. I buy a card." The man said with his distorted voice again. One clear difference between the him now and the one before is that he looks less nervous and more serious.

"I Summon Spell Card Pot of Greed, which allows me to draw two more cards." The card he took this turn was the Pot of Greed, I must say is good luck.

"Your defeat will come and your soul will be mine." The man consumed by evil smiled, which worried me.

"First I Summon my Spell Card, Ritual Of The Matador. It allows me to Ritual Summon Archfiend Matador by Tributing a 6-star or higher monster from my hand or field. I Tribute Skull Archfiend of Lighting and Ritual Summon my Archfiend Matador in atk mode." A big, skinny monster appeared on the field after the man sent his monster to the graveyard. The strangest thing about this monster is the grotesque face protruding from its chest.

The monster has 0 atk and 0 defense and that's what worries me. Ritual monsters scared me a lot in Master Duel.

"I haven't finished my shift yet, don't worry." The smile on the man's face became even scarier.

"I summon the Spell Card, Falling Down. This card is very special, if I don't have any Archfiend on the field, this card would be destroyed, but since I have Archfiend Matador on the field that won't happen." I have an ominous feeling.

"Falling Down it allows me to equip one of your monsters with it and in doing so I take control of it. I choose your Dragonmaid Lorpar." Just when I thought the situation was still under control, his next move made me break out in a cold sweat.

"I would definitely lose if your turn came around, as it would take 800 damage for my Falling Down card, but that won't happen as I'll be using your Dragonmaid the way all your Dragonmais should be treated." The man's dark laugh startled me, however the lull coming from my deck made me calmer.

"I tribute Dragonmaid Lorpar to Tribute Summon my Archfiend Commander in atk mode. Tremble before my monster." A purple caped demon appeared in place of my beautiful Dragonmaid.

"When my Archfiend Commander is Tribute Summoned I can activate its special effect. Its effect allows me to specially bring back a 6-star Archfiend from my graveyard to the field in defense mode. And I bring back my Skull Archfiend of Lighting." There are now three monsters on the his field.

"Your defeat will come, you will be able to survive this turn, but not the next." I look confused at the game, I don't understand what he's talking about.

"Big words for something that's impossible for you to do, your Archfiend Commander only has 2500 atk and my Dragonmaid Nudyarly has 2600. I don't understand where that confidence comes from." I reply as I look at the battlefield.

"Hehe, don't worry. Archfiend Matador, attack Dragonmaid Nudyarly." The giant and grotesque monster attacked my beautiful Dragonmaid.

I looked confused at what happened next. Just nothing, he didn't even take damage his monster has 0 atk he should have been defeated by now.

"Hehe. I'm done with the battle phase." As soon as the man said that, my Dragonmaid was destroyed.

"What... What happened here?." I look confused at the man.

"When my Archfiend Matador fights another monster, I take no damage and the monster that fought it is destroyed at the end of the damage phase. My next turn will be your defeat." I look at my empty field and the field full of my opponent's monsters.

I was almost feeling a sense of despair when the lull came from my deck.

Yes, I still have that letter.

With the calm I managed to clarify my thinking.

"As it's my turn now, because of your Skull Archfiend of Lighting you take 500 damage." The situation may be complicated, but it's still in my favor, I'm not going to let him mess with my head.


Only 100 life points, I going win.

"Come on boy, soon your soul will be mine." The man said with his red eyes shining with joy.

"I buy a letter." I smile when I see the letter I won. Yes, the victory is mine.

"I summon Kitchen Dragonmaid." It's the letter I just took.

Kitchen Dragonmaid is a beautiful woman with bright red hair. Its red tail attracts a lot of attention, especially with the blue thorns adorning it, its bright blue eyes and horns give it a special charm, but what will most attract the attention of any man is certainly its two giant mountains.

"When Kitchen Dragonmaid is Normal or Special Summoned, it allows me to add a Dragonmaid monster from my Deck to my hand, but in doing so I have to send a Dragonmaid card from my hand to the Graveyard." Some may think the effect of this card is bad, but it allows you to make a simple move that will save anyone.

"I bring the Dragonmaid Tinkhek from my deck to my hand. By the effect of Kitchen Dragonmaid, I send my Dragonmaid Tinkhek to the graveyard." With the effect of my Kitchen Dragonmaid, I can definitely finish the duel at this point by bringing my Dragonmaid Tinkhek at the time of battle.

My opponent's life points wouldn't hold.

However, something in my deck calls me to summon her. And I believe in my deck.

"I haven't finished my turn yet. I activate my Spell Card Dragonmaid Changeover. This is a Fusion Card, it allows me to Summon a Dragon Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck using field materials or my hand. I use Palor Dragonmaid and Dragonmaid Laundry room in my hand to summon by fusion..." Yes, she called, she asked and I summoned her.

"My great House Dragonmaid."

In the field appeared a beautiful woman with black hair dressed as a maid. Unlike the other Dragonmaids she is the only one who has glasses. She also has a different aura from the others, a "boss" aura.

Her tail has three different colors, black on top, red wine in the middle and white on the belly.

In addition to his black horns, there was something else that caught my attention. In her hands was something like a wing?.

In short, this is a beautiful mature woman.

"Master." And she bowed to me as a soft smile graced her face.

That was the same voice that helped me so far.

"It's you..." She just answered me with a soft smile.

"Now is not the time to talk Master. We must defeat him." With a smile she looked at the monsters and the soft aura that adorned her changed to something more fierce.

"Yes. You're right. Let's get out of here, it's about time." I give her a confident smile.

"Impossible...." The man just looked at the Dragonmaid in despair.

3000 atk.

But I won't just attack. I feel my Dragonmaid's desire and for that I need to do something more.

"I activate my Dragonmaid Tidying trap. It allows me to choose a dragon monster I control and a monster you control it or in your graveyard and return it to our hand. I return my Kitchen Dragonmaid and its Archfiend Slayer to the hand." Thanks to that I no longer have to worry about him defending himself.

"I now activate my House Dragonmaid's special effect. Whenever one or more dragon monsters I control return to my hand except during the Damage Step, I can choose a monster my opponent controls and destroy it. I choose to destroy the your Skull Archfiend of Lighting." My opponent's defense-mode monster is gone, leaving only my House Dragonmaid and her Archfiend Commander on the field.

"No... Impossible... I will not lose, I will never lose. I will win, I must win."

"House Dragonmaid, attack the Archfiend Commander." The beautiful black haired woman ran towards the huge demon before cutting it in half.

0 hit points.

"Noooooo" The man fell to the ground, as if he had lost all strength.

When I thought about breathing a sigh of relief, the cockroaches/slime/aliens started to consume the man.

"Can you save him ?." I anxiously ask my Dragonmaid.

"...I can." She gave me a complicated look, but seeing my anxious gaze she sighed and ran towards the man.

"Leave, now." The House Dragonmaid approached the man and with a single command drove all the monsters away.


She took hold of the man and approached me, before punching a hole in the dome that held us, this only with her hand.

"Thanks for saving us." I take a sigh of relief before thanking my Dragonmaid, she gave a soft smile.

"Master, it may take a while for us to meet again, I used a lot of strength today. I believe you will not abandon us Master." The House Dragonmaid brushed her hand across my cheek before starting to disappear.

"Get out of here as soon as possible master." She said before disappearing.

"Don't worry, I will never abandon them." I say with determination seeing the Dragonmaid's sad look. I don't know if she heard before she disappeared, but I did engrave that determination in my heart.

Because she disappeared, I didn't see the beautiful happy smile she gave me.

Seeing the monsters approaching, I quickly grab the man and step through the crack the Dragonmaid made.

I just fell to the ground and the dome started to shrink until it was as small as a little ball before disappearing.

"Fortunately I have the Dragonmaids on my side, who knows what would have happened if I had stayed inside." I wipe the sweat off my forehead with my hand.

The man completely lost consciousness and was lying on the floor.

"And so can someone explain to me what's going on here?." A cold voice spoke behind me. When I turn around I see 4 people.

The trapped girl, who I now know the name of, Alexis.

The little duelist, Syrus.

The card inventor, Chumley.

And the protagonist Jaden Yuki.

All staring at me. Alexis coldly. Syrus and Chumley fearfully. And Jaden Yuki curiously.

"Damn it."