

The sky is darkest just few hours before dawn. As wolves, we barsk in the glory of this hours before dawn. In the beauty of the moon. We are after all, creatures of the night.

It's time for the celebration and my wolf's continuous pacing in my mind gives me an headache.

I hope this night passes soon.

Stepping up the stage I call every body back to oder then began my speech.

"As you all know, this is a special day for all of us. A day to celebrate, to interact, meditate and restitute if need be. A day to pray to the goddess, request from the goddess and thank the goddess. In all this let's remember that no misconduct is allowed. We are the Heart pack, we live by standards." I said looking each and everyone of them in the eye before proceeding.

"As we wait for the moon to reach its peak, I would appreciate if every member of the pack fall into the planes of arrangement.

As if on cue they all being to fall into position. The betas, deltas and their mates in front, the youths and teenagers following right behind, the toddlers in the very middle and the pack elders at the extreme end. While the warriors form a wall around the pack members keeping an open eye in case any of our young decide to find a more interesting route to follow. Or the enemy chooses today to invade our territory. This arrangement gives room for the younger and stronger wolves to run at full speed without being hindered by the young fragile once or the older and less agile once.

"As per law, the pregnant women and those with pups from a day old to three years old will not be joining us in the hunt or race.

But I have decided that they also need this as much if not more than the rest of us do. So I therefore appoint the female beta and delta of the pack to take you on a less violent, less stressful run. You will be running behind us and yes you will definitely have warriors to surround you as you go.

I see all of them with smiles as pregnant she wolves touch their protruding belly. A future that is to be born. In a way I feel accomplished as an alpha. More pups means strengths in numbers and if we get more males this season, the numbers of our warriors would increase. That to an alpha, can be interpreted as great achievement but deep down I feel jealousy awakening as envy, a trait not befitting for an alpha raises it's ugly head. Something foreign to me, to us, now making it self known.

I had dreamt of having litters of pups with my mate. But I never got a mate not to speak of pups. Now that I suspect what I have been mated to, I don't see my dream of becoming a father coming true anytime soon. Ever.

Taking my position in front of my pack members, I howl long and loud to the moon as it gets to its peak. The rest soon followed suite, creating a melodious harmony as we took off into the forest.

Faster, higher, lighter, that was the the things being echoed in my mind. As my wolves took full control. Now the human side becoming a silent observer at the background.

Through out the years, I never really bothered about my wolf taking control. We were one. Human and animal bound together by heart, body and soul. Our thinking had always been the same, our likes never too far apart same was our dislikes. But today, we both came to the goddess with different mindset,views, agenders and worries. For I worry about how to introduce my mate to the pack, and how do such relationship work? My wolf also worries. Worries about how to protect he's mate. How to get closer. How to hide it from view.

He sees this as a blessing. I see this as a curse. A purnishment of some sort. I could have accepted a vampire. Even an elf. But something without a soul? How possible is that?

I came here with an agender to plead the goddess to change my fate. I mean, my fate could not be so wrong. If I have to be Mateless my whole life, I can deal with it. I would complain no more.

But my wolve was here howling his thanks to the goddess and growling his displeasure based on my views at me.

I came here to wrestle, he came here to celebrate. How could the moon do this to me? To us? Make one whole being split into two. Sowing discord between man and beast.

Looking up, I howl my sorrows to the moon while my wolf howls his praises to his mate. Has the night draws to an end, so does the moon begin to fade. This brought great discomfort to my wolve as he began to whine quietly. Calling out to his mate not to leave. At least not without him. As he howls his lamentation to the moon, my heart goes out to him. If only things were different. If only he knew, that his love story has become that of night and day, light and darkness, no matter how he tries to reach out, they can never meet. It's impossible.

Once again I want to curse the moon. But strangely, I can't see my self doing it.

Oh Goddess...where did I go wrong? Come to my aid. I need your guidance....