

"You found your mate?

That's great news! I thought the secret was going to be something bad so why do you look like your mate died" he asked striking a wrong nerve.

My face said it all. He should know better than to make such statement. I'm sure my eyes were glowing.

"Oh no, don't tell me she really died."

He continued anyways totally oblivious to the fact that my wolf is so close to ripping him apart. Of cause that's a lie. He definitely knew, but the sadistic bastard cared less.

"I don't no okay I don't know and that what killing me." I finally said with a deep sigh dejectedly. All killing intent gone. There was no winning with Victor and it was not just because he's the alpha king, but because he's the king of morons and insensitivity. He just doesn't know when to stop. More like doesn't care.

"Why don't you know? Isn't she in your pack? What happened? What are you not telling me Joel?" He asked all at once. This shameless gossip.

"Stop calling me Joel. I have told you countless of times to call me Joe." I said in an irritated tone.

"But I like calling you Joel, Joel." He said with a stupid provocative smirk.

"It's Joe to you Vic." I say right back which made him scowl.

"Don't you dare." He glared at me but I flipped him a bird.

He was just about to say something when we both felt someone elses presence in the room making us both turn our heads in the same direction.

"If you to want to act like pups and roll in the mud, you can do that all you want but do it anywere asides in my home ." A female voice said in a reprimanding tone making us both growl in dissatisfaction.

"Don't go flashing your Fang's my way or I'll rip it out" she said flashing us a smile that was not quite it which somewhat sent chills down my spine.

"Now stop glaring daggers at me will you and tell me what got both your pants in a twist." She requested, or more like commanded.

"Babe It's Joe, he has quite an interesting issue don't you Joe?" Victor shamelessly suckup to her not minding how I felt.

"Victoria keep your man on a leesh or God so help me... "I began to say but got interrupted by Victor.

"You should be happy I'm good to you Jeo. You know I'm not a good person." He said as he walked up to his mate, holding her in his arms lovingly. This made me all jealous and angry knowing I couldn't do this with my mate.

"If you call pulling my strings to the limit being good to me, then don't waste your good intentions on me and leave them for your mate to enjoy." I glared at him which he only responded with a grin.

Has you must have noticed , yes it was Victor's mate, Victoria that came in. And yes they share the same name. Which is one reason he hates being called vic cause he knows it's an inside joke that means he his a female. It's a mirracle they don't have similar character. If anything, Victoria is a better version of my stupid cousin.

"Joel what's wrong. You don't look too good. Mind sharing a little of your burden with us? Or maybe just with me cause we both know how Victor can be." She said with a gentle smile as she detached herself from Victor's grasp must I say with great difficulty.

"Why does she get to call you Joel and I don't

"Because you are an ass and she is a better version of yourself Vic." I retorted with a smirk.

"Can we all be serious for once.?"

"There is apparently a lot on our plate with the rogue and the missing moon issue and now with the looks of it, something seems to really bother Joe." Victoria tried to reason with us both.

"Fine. I'm sorry for being incentive bro. It's just I cant miss the opportunity sometimes. You know bad habits die hard. He apologized sincerely this time.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for what happened at the meeting too. I just haven't been my self this days. I confessed with a sigh.

"What wrong Joe" Victoria coarse

"It's a crazy story Vic. More crazy than whatever you've witnessed before. I told her.

"Tell us." They both say in unison

"I found my mate."

"Congratulations Joe! that's good news. I don't see why that should be a problem. Victoria says.

"I said so too" Victor told her.

"Shut up Victor." I shushed before I continued to explain.

"It's a problem. A huge one cause she went missing." I announced.

"How? When? That's horrible. I can only imagine what pain your wolf is in now." Vic said sympathetically.

"Trust me you can't even begin to imagine." I said while shaking my head in dismay.

"But have you asked your guards to search for her? You know me and Victor can help." She suggested.

"You can't" I answered.

"Why?' Victor asked confused.

"Cause I'm mated to the moon Vic..."

"Ugh? The moon as in "the moon" Victor asked in disbelief.

"Yes Victor. The same moon that vanished from the sky, that moon"

"No way..." They both said in a whisper

"Said the same thing too when I found out." I told them.

"This is crazy." Victoria said shaking a head in bewilderment.

"I told you it was."

"I don't know what to say to make you feel better Joe..." She said solemnly

"I don't know what to do to make me feel better too." I say dejectedly.

"Come here." Vic says opening her arms wide in invitation which I gladly accepted. Victoria has a way of soothing people. I felt a little better in her embrace. I would have loved to stay longer if it wasn't for the deadly growl I heard from behind.

I'll only be this generous this one time cause you look like you could use a hug. Next time I'll have your head." He growls out.

"All talk." I say with a grin.

Which earned me another growl

"Shut up and get down your high horse will you. Come here and join the hug. Vic reprimanded. Which made victor grunt. But he still joined the hug anyways.

You're lucky, I love you Joe..he said with a growl.

"I don't want your love asshole."

"Boys!" We both heard a warning from Vic.

"Sorry " we both sheepishly said in unison.

It may not look like much, but this is the best moment I've had in a while.