
To Diagon Alley...Gringotts

We came diagon alley through the leaky cauldron. Father says that during Hogwarts season Floo Network are very busy. You have to report prior to it, to reserve your time of travel.

We came straight to the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. We were guided to our accoount manger goblin, Jeeziol.

Jeeziol: Welcome Lord Fox, how may I help you?

Father: First, open Logan Fox a trust account. Second, make him the heir to the Noble and Ancient house of Fox.

Jeeziol did some paper work, made a magical contract for making me the Heir.

My father read it very carefully, signed it and gave it to me to sign it.

It read, "I, Lord of Noble and Ancient House of Fox, here by judged Logan Fox to be the Heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Fox."

Then there was my father's signature. Then it says, "I, Logan Fox, accept to be the Heir to the House of Noble and Ancient House of Fox and live up to the motto of vita vivet et non poenitet (live life with no regret.)." and I signed below it.

Just as I signed, I felt like something touched my whole body and I knew it was not living as I can sense presence. I looked at my dad.

Charlie: It was family magic. It left a magic signature in you, every magic leave its trace and it can be used to judge if you are Heir Fox or not. Only Lord and Heir of the same family can trace each other though.

Then my father gave my Heir ring, which can only be equipped if it can trace your heir magic trace. He said, "Ring is to show others of your status and warn them to be cautious to do you any harm, otherwise, they will think you do not have any background."

I carefully checked my ring before wearing it. It had a very powerful looking man standing side by side with fox of same height as him. There was a very bold FOX engraved on it. Then I equipped it and felt like a stab in my finger. It was to trace the Heir Magic.

Then their was paper work for opening my trust vault. We went to my trust vault after it was opened and agreed amount was transferred into it. It was to check where my vault is and its vault number. It was also to register my magic signature in my vault, so that I can get a two way enchanted bag, on bag in the vault with money that may be needed in emergencies, and other to take out small amounts from it.

I took one bag and put 100 galleons on the other bag for emergency. And finally, took another 500 galleons for shopping.

After making out of the bank.

Charlie: As promised, let me get you an elf. Treat it well.

And then we move towards Knockturn Alley. There was a store called 'Free House Elves'.

I was excited about it. It will do all the daily works required in the trunk I will be keeping.