
In TVD/TO as Kol Mikaelson

so I am writing this fanfic to improve my craft as well as understanding complex characters so i hope u guys enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------------ Transmigrating as Kol Mikaelson is not something i expected not when I am expected to die by next season I need to live and enjoy this life. I should be unpredictable gotta live up to the legend as THE WILY ONE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ the vampire diaries the originals and the legacies belong to their respective owners i only own my own spin of the story.

ItachiWeasel · TV
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: Prelude to the Ball I

[Caroline's House]

Caroline casually checked her phone, and there it was—a voicemail from Tyler.

Tyler's voice echoed through the message, a mix of regret and determination. "Caroline, it's Tyler. Should've called sooner, I know. But I'm out here, doing what needs to be done. Fixing myself. I'll be home to you soon. Love you."

She hung up the phone.

There was a knock on the door.

On the doorstep of Caroline's home was a box with a note stuck on it. When Caroline opened the door and saw the white box, she took it inside. She removed the envelope stuck on the box and read the elegant writing on the parchment.

Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at 7 pm for dancing, cocktails, and celebration.

In an elegant font.

As she turned over the invitation, she found a beautifully handwritten note.

Save me a dance.


Her cheeks flushed.

*In another place...*

Damon, now a free man, clutched the invitation tightly.

Kol Asked,  "So, my dear rabid dog, you're free. But before you go, let's review my instructions, shall we?"

"Yes, I am to apologize to Caroline. After that, I have to be respectful towards her until I can feel remorse for what I have done. I will be feeling to do  the same to Elena of what have done to Caroline, but unable to act on it."

Damon's face tensed as he continued, "I'll use a vervain-coated stake daily, piercing my stomach. Animal blood is my new diet. And tearing out my liver is on the agenda for unkind thoughts about Caroline or Rebekah."

"Good, good. Adios, my dear civilized dog."

With a fearful gaze and a sweaty look, Damon headed towards the Salvatore boarding house.

Elena entered her car and drove, but she hit something.

She immediately got out to see what she hit, but there was nothing. When she turned around, she found herself face to face with Rebekah.

Rebekah scoffed, "What? Drive much?"

Elena sighed, "Rebekah..."

Rebekah, with a smirk, strangled her and pushed her against the car.

Rebekah taunted, "Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurt."

Elijah intervened, catching Rebekah and pushing her against the car, applying pressure to her throat.

Rebekah, restrained, called out, "Elijah..."

Elijah commanded, "Leave."

Elijah released her, and Rebekah shot him a defiant look.

Elijah questioned, "Are you challenging me?"

Rebekah scoffed, "You're pathetic."

Rebekah glanced at Elena.

With a disdainful expression, Rebekah added, "Both of you."

She left.

Elijah turned his attention to Elena.

Elijah, with a hint of seriousness, stated, "Well... I believe we have a little catching up to do."

[Gilbert's House]

Elena found herself in the kitchen with Stefan and Damon.

Elena revealed, "It was their mother, Esther, who was sealed in that coffin."

Stefan sought clarification, "As in the original witch?"

Damon expressed disbelief, "What? How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago."

Elena speculated, "I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple of connections in the witching community. Elijah said she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus."

Stefan pointed out, "That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds."

Damon, with a touch of sarcasm, remarked, "Anyone else feeling a little used right now?"

Someone knocked on the door.

Elena, puzzled, went to the door and opened it. No one in sight, just an envelope with her name on it. Stefan and Damon gathered around as she opened it. Surprise, surprise—an invitation.

Damon, curious, inquired, "What is it?"

Elena, holding the invitation, revealed, "It's an invitation."

Elena, reading aloud, shared, "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration."

Stefan, confused, questioned, "Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?"

Elena enlightened them, "The original family."

Damon, with a sarcastic tone, added, "It's not bad enough they're moving into town. Now they want a housewarming gift?"

Elena, intrigued, flipped the invitation and discovered a note from Esther.

Elena, sharing the revelation, said, "Wait. There's a note on the back. 'Elena, I think it's time we finally meet. Esther.'"