
Old Memories

Its been 12 years since that day, the day my parents died, I was just standing, while watching the car burn, and I lived with my Grandpa for only 2 years, but we made the most of it, he taught me a language from his past, I`m not fluent with it yet, I remember seeing him do some kind of magic, I can`t remember it because it was a long time ago, but I saw him, the plates were flying and he was just washing them one by one, I thought it was a dream.

When I was at the Park still crying for my parents, a Girl came up to me.

"Why are you crying?"

"I don`t want to talk about it"

"come on! don`t be sad! I`m gonna be your friend starting today!"


"My name is Yuta! what`s yours?"

"its- Its Asaga,"

"Asaga? that`s a strange name? are you from another country?"

"My Grandpa is from another country"

"Wow really? alright then! lets be friends! so you won`t be sad anymore!"

"I would really like that"

I became good friends with Yuta, we would play, have good times, and had fun! but it all changed when 2 years had past.

My Grandpa was dying, I was right next to him on his death bed in tears, I wanted to be with him longer, but it appears that faith didn`t want that, my Grandpa told me his birthplace, Wukosodu! it was a poor village, but he told me that the land was flowing with magic! and they could do a lot of stuff, he told me the 3 basic magic classes, Physical, Element, and Control. it was a great story, but I felt like it was made for me to be happy, my Grandpa then gave me a key to an Old shack up in the mountains, my Grandpa told me to unlock it in 12 years, and I would see the land of Wukosodu. my grandpa told me that Wok means peace, and sod means love, and it was a village of peace and love named Wukosodu! my Grandpa also told me that he spoke with Yuta`s parents to take care of me, I wanted to stay in this house but my Grandpa told me to go with Yuta, because it was better. it was my Grandpas dying wish, so I agreed, soon his Funeral came and I was there crying, and Yuta was by my side. Yuta also cried because she spent time with my Grandpa aswell, I said goodbye to my Grandpa after he was buried and I left with Yuta and her parents.

Yuta tried to make me happy, she would tried but nothing worked, I was grieving everyday for the lost of 3 of my love ones

"Come on! why wont you be happy?"

"Yuta, my Grandpa, my parents! they are all gone"

"But you have me?"

"I guess, but you can`t do anything, just let me move on in my own way"

"don`t underestimate me! I may be a girl but never! underestimate a Girl!"

"I guess your right" I giggled

"see? I told you! I made you laugh!"

"thanks Yuta, your a real friend"

"come on! lets play or your mean memories will come back for you!"

It was a fun time, Yuta was there by my side on everything, she may be a Girl but don`t underestimate her! she saved me from bullies, Saved my food from birds, and pretty much, she was by my side at all times! but I always felt that I was weak, but I always feel that something was inside of me, but I never thought much of it.

many years have past, and Yuta was still by my side, I was also exited when I turn 18 so I can open up the shack up in the mountains, I went there one time, it was pretty run down, but I still didn`t open it, I was gonna open it once I turn 18, until that day happened, the day I finally opened the door, and Yuta was with me, it was really messy and dusty, Books everywhere and a lot of antiques there were picture and a strange map. then Thieves came and tried to steal everything here, luckily I stopped them, but We were defeated, Yuta was about to be killed and that thing that was I felt in my body, was suddenly released, and things began flying around, I was just about to kill the Thieves, until Yuta came and comforted me, I managed to hit the thieves with only the blunt of the wood instead of the sharp edge, but suddenly the books were flipping like crazy! and suddenly me and Yuta fell on a hole that was created on the ground, and suddenly we were sucked in and we were suddenly transported and we were in the sky, and soon, I was in Wokusodu, the land my Grandpa told me about 12 years ago, I felt my adventure was just starting, as I met Ginsada the farmer.

To be continued

Sorry for taking so long to add chapter 2! I had a lot of school work so I decided to continue chapter 2 when summer comes! I hope it some of you were patient.

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