
In This Life, I’ll Assist You

"Is it pity?" I asked, my nemesis. “No, it’s interest,” you replied. Your eyes, once bluer than the deepest lake in the Empire, were losing their light. As an assassin, I have spilled much blood, but there was one person I never wanted to kill – you, Sion Belpast, the Grand Duke of the North, my master’s enemy. Yet, I destroyed everything about you, and now, charged with treason, you are dying before my eyes at the scaffold. I mustn’t cry. I don’t even deserve to. The only man who ever defeated me in combat, the only one who treated me, the monster, as human, I confessed to you. “I respected you.” “White butterfly, may your soul emerge from the darkness.” With those words, you died. But I couldn’t harbor any doubts. My master, the Duchess of the South, Medea, who took me in and raised me when I lost my memory, her bidding was always right. Tomorrow, my duchess will become the adopted granddaughter of the childless Emperor. The future Empress of the Empire. But that night, as I announced the death of the Duke of the North, she stabbed me in the heart. She whispered in my ear: “The real granddaughter of the Emperor is you. You are the lost princess from your childhood.” My whole life was built on a lie. I died and returned to the past, where I met you again, Duke. In this life, I will keep you hidden and make you the Emperor’s successor, to atone for my past life. May I stay by your side in this life? Join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emmi99

Skylume11 · Geschichte
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

The Northern Duke simply asked calmly, "Is the deceased known to the South?" But upon hearing these words, Medea's face flushed red.

This was a turnabout of her own words from yesterday, questioning if the Yellow Caterpillar had ties with the North. Yet, Duke Belpast's expression remained too serene to be considered a retort.

It was Rahert who erupted in anger.

"Duke! How dare you make such an accusation without evidence!"

"Duke, an unfounded accusation? I was simply empathizing with the concerns expressed by the Lady yesterday and sharing them in the same context. In light of such a grave matter, we must explore all possibilities thoroughly. Are you not willing to fully cooperate in the investigation?"

Rahert was left speechless.

"As a shield of the Delpast Empire, we in the North risked our lives fighting for the people of the South. Surely the Southern Duke, who should be safeguarding the South's security, is not unaware of this."

Rahert's face turned from red to a deep purple.

"I, too, have done my best for the people, but…"

"Is this the price of risking our lives? The lives of myself and my lieutenant?"

Caught off guard, Rahert glanced around at the onlookers before speaking.

"We shouldn't be discussing this here. Let's go inside. After such a long and arduous journey, especially after that great battle, we can't just stand here."

"I cannot enter. This place doesn't feel safe. As the leader of the North and a Duke of the Empire, I must protect my subjects."

Each of his words was irrefutable, and every sentence provoked the inferiority complex of the Southern Duke for not protecting his own people.

'Was the Duke always like this?'

The Northern Duke I knew in his lifetime was not one to boast about his achievements or point out others' mistakes.

Because of this, he became the target of covert attacks from those who wanted to air their nonexistent grievances or non-existent achievements, especially from the Rahert family, who coveted the North's legitimacy and authority.

Rahert spoke up.

"Look here, if you keep this up without evidence, I'll have to get angry. What kind of insolence is this, bringing a dead stranger to my door?"

Then the Northern Duke's expression turned icy.

Sir Arcadia Nugent stepped forward.

"A suicide note was found on the deceased, claiming that Sir Arcadia Nugent intended to poison you, Duke."

"And it was written on paper made from a tree not found in the North," added Belpast.

Rahert ran his hand over his face, then glanced at his daughter, not quite looking but not ignoring either.

Medea stood tall and confident, facing the Northern Duke without losing her smile.

The Duke, too, with a faint smile, said,

"Such a grave matter surely requires a thorough investigation by the Southern Duke. Hence, I have sent a dispatch to the Empire. It seemed right to share this widely, to gather wisdom for finding the true culprit and solutions."

"What, what?!"

"By now, a knight from my estate in the Empire must be meeting with His Imperial Majesty. Probably along with the Minister of State Affairs."

Rahert staggered briefly, overwhelmed.

The news he wanted to hide the most had reached the very place he least wanted it to go – the Empire.

I glared at Rahert.

He always maintained the role of a victim in his relations with the Northern Duke. But now, he was publicly exposed in an incident where he could only be the aggressor. An incident involving an attempt on the life of an Empire's Duke.

'Now, what will you do, serpent's tongue?'

"Please, do not doubt our Southern hospitality, Duke. I truly regret such an incident occurred. It's embarrassing that our security is so weak… I am sorry."

For the first time, Rahert bowed his head to Belpast.

Two days had passed since the Black Caterpillar's corpse was displayed in the center of the Southern Duke's castle. The Northern Knights guarded it vigilantly, effectively occupying the front of the Southern Duke's castle.

This sight brought a peculiar satisfaction to me.

Additionally, rumors reached my ears that Rahert was bombarding the Northern Duke with gifts, supposedly as a gesture of apology.

On the third day, Rahert's display of penance reached its peak.

With no one claiming to know the Black Caterpillar, and the body beginning to decay, the South, complying with the North's request, decided to cremate the corpse publicly in front of local citizens and all castle employees.

I, having hidden the still unconscious Yellow Caterpillar in a corner of my room, also went out to witness the ceremony.

The Black Caterpillar's body lay on a pile of oil-soaked wood. The Northern Duke sat on a high platform chair, watching solemnly, while the Southern Duke stood below.

"I, Kramnel Rahert, Duke of the South, have decided to execute by burning the man who plotted to assassinate the Empire's shield, Duke Sion Belpast! Even if the Duke does not wish for it."

Rahert slightly bowed his head towards Belpast, seated higher up.

"If there is anything the North needs, I am ready to offer it as a sign of friendship, even if it's my only daughter, Medea, haha. So, Duke, whether it's the blue salt fields or my pink diamond mines, whatever you desire, I will grant."

Rahert laughed heartily.

Whispers began among the employees next to me.

"Taking the Duchess as a wife would be good for the North, right? Becoming in-laws with the South might even earn the Emperor's favor."

"I'd ask for the pink diamond mines."

"Our Southern Duke is so generous. Despite not being his fault, he's willing to make such a grand gesture."

It seemed like Medea's plants were among them, raising their voices loud enough for the distant citizens to hear.

'If Belpast asks for mines or salt, he'll seem greedy. He won't ask for Medea. Offering anything he wants… What a performance.'

Just then, Duke Belpast raised his hand, silencing everyone.

"Very well, Duke. After the burning, I will tell you my one wish."

With Belpast's words, Rahert once again displayed a jovial smile.

The Black Caterpillar's corpse began to burn, soon reducing to a handful of white ashes.

I couldn't take my eyes off the Caterpillar's end. It seemed like the fate of someone whose life had been wrongly taken.

'I am no different from the Black Caterpillar.'

After the ceremony, Rahert called out.

"Duke, have you decided on your one wish?"

"Yes, I have."

"What is it?"

Duke Belpast paused, his gaze directed towards where I was among the citizens.

Duke Belpast, whatever it is, let it be something precious for your future.

I nervously waited, head bowed, knowing it was a chance he had seized even at the risk of poisoning himself.

"Give me the woman with the half mask, the confidant of Lady Medea."

I doubted my ears.

Was that deep voice really Duke Belpast's? Was it someone else?

I looked up, only to be startled again.

Sion Belpast was looking directly at me.

"I want the woman standing there in the half mask."

He pointed straight at me.

"What is he doing?"

"Why would he want that monster? What's there to see in such an insect?"

Those who knew me began to murmur.

Before I knew it, my mouth fell open in shock as I gazed at the Duke. It was then that it happened.

"That cannot be!"

"No, that's not possible!!!"

Rahert and Medea almost simultaneously shouted out. Their tone was not just assertive, but aggressively so.

I returned to my room on the first floor of the underground, almost as if fleeing.

[Are you saying you won't keep your promise? You declared in front of all these citizens that you'd grant me any one thing I wished for.]

Duke Belpast's words echoed near my heart.

'Will they really let me go? Truly?'

It was then that the door was flung open violently, and someone entered my room. Turning around, I was struck hard on the cheek and fell to the ground. It was Medea.

She stood over me, not lowering her hand that had just hit me, fuming.

"You… the epitome of ingratitude. How did you manage it? What did you whisper to the Duke for him to desire you?"

Medea seemed to have lost her senses in her rage.

At that moment, I was glad I had hidden the Yellow Caterpillar in advance.

I licked my lips slightly. Blood oozed from a cut inside my cheek, but I felt no pain.

I looked at her, smirking internally. The affection she always claimed to have for me as a 'friend' was nowhere to be seen.

"You must refuse! Say you'd rather die than go! I… I will not let you go."

Medea clenched her teeth, her eyes blazing with anger.

I faced her without feeling any anger or emotional turbulence. I simply observed her emotions dispassionately.

Knowing who I am, she can't afford to let me go.

She must be regretting not having killed me sooner, as her father suggested.

Medea raised her hand to hit me again.

It was then.

"Does the Duchess have the authority to not let her go?"

Duke Belpast stood at the door of my humble room with a chillingly cold expression.

In this normally dim corridor, his black hair shone deeply under the flickering torchlight. His clear blue eyes seemed even deeper due to the intense shadows.

Duke Belpast looked at Medea almost mockingly.

"I was taught by the former Duke that the Belpast House does not go back on its word."

He then looked at me.

Seeing his gaze, Medea spoke bitterly.

"Duke Belpast. If the pink diamond mines are not enough, what about the Rahert gold mines in the upper part of the Empire? Anything else is fine, but not this child."

"What's the reason?"

Duke Belpast's eyes narrowed as if amused. Medea swallowed hard.

"She's been my friend since childhood, long before she became my subordinate. So, I cannot send her to the cold North where she has no ties."

"I see. So the Duchess keeps her friend in this underground room, nameless and subject to physical punishment."

Duke Belpast's calm words made Medea clasp her hands tightly. She was trying to maintain composure, but her lips quivered as she spoke.

"Why her? Please explain it in a way I can understand."

"This nameless girl advised me to be wary of poison. It allowed me to surmise that there was someone in the Southern Duke's household capable of using poison. That caution saved my life, as I only vomited blood instead of dying. This girl is my lifesaver. Do I need to say more?"

I was frozen by Duke Belpast's frank admission.

Medea turned to look at me. Her eyes were as hot as burning coals.

"What nonsensical talk… Bella."

Her voice trembled.

I looked at Duke Belpast. His expression was unreadable, whether he intended to rescue me from this place or leave me to die here. I was dumbfounded.


I made up my mind.

"Duke Belpast, I have something I wish to discuss with the lady, just the two of us."


This novel has been translated up to chapter 66.

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