
Nick Fury.

"Now your son will be functionally immortal for the next hour or so." I told a woman, pressing a ball of cotton onto his arm, wiping the injected spot with spirit.

"But that is no excuse for you to go gallivanting into the rubble to look for your belongings or jump off a building or anything stupid like that. Jewellery and such is valuable but not more than your lives. Don't risk it, understood?"

"Yes, doctor. Thank you, doctor!" She said, grabbing my arms, tears in her eyes.

Usually, I would have considered it to be a bit much I did just regenerate her son's torn off leg so....

I shrugged mentally and shook her hands off, pointing to the door, or tent flap in this case.

It was almost nightime now and the cleanup was still going on, even with my drones disintegrating debris all across the city to save time.

I yawned and watched the door.

No one came in.


"Next!" I called out, sanitizing my hands, and walked out of the tent.

"I said next!"

Everyone watched me and looked around, but no one stepped forth.

"I think that's all of them." A man said from behind me.

I turned around and saw the one eyed schizophrenic himself.

"Nick Fury. I was wondering when you'd come around for the tour."

"Is that so? I'm afraid I don't match up to the ruler of the universe or whatever the Ancient One is." Fury replied.

"Oh don't sell yourself short. You did manage to convince a Skrull to mimic you and take your place in this meeting with the guy that can collapse realities. It take some charisma to do that. Or in your case intimidation. That's no lean feat." I smiled.

"You knew. Of course you knew." The Skrull muttered and tranformed back into his original form, spooking some of the people around, as they began to reach for pipes, steel and bricks.

Calls and jeers rang out.



"Go away!"

I raised hand at the crowd and shut them up before this escalated to a riot.

"Calm down. I will deal with him." I told them, and snapped my fingers.

A portal opened up and a drone flew out, coming to a stop at my side.

I reached into his comms link, patching it through to one of my drones with a thought.

"Come. Walk with me." I ordered, leading him away from the refugee camp and into the empty streets at the heart of the battle.

We walked for a bit in silence till we got to a secluded part of the city.

I took a seat on a pile of rubble and activated the drones speakers.

"Go on. Say your piece, Fury." I said.

"What do you want from this world? Why are you here?" He asked, straightforward.

"Jumping right into it are we? Very well." I nodded, leaning back onto the flat piece of debris, crossing my legs, as I gazed into the starry sky, now visible in the middle of New York with the whole city's grid being busted by Star's rampage earlier.

"I think you heard me when I talked to Kang, but I know you probably want to hear it from my own mouth.

So here you go.

I came here to revive my wife. It's as simple as that."

"I don't believe that." Fury said, while I searched the nearby space for Fury's real body.

I found it, hidden deep in some secret base under a mountain. Connecting to the surveillance system, I saw him checking out my van, monitoring spies around my kids and gathering witness testimonials against me.

How cute!

As if that will do anything!

"Why help the people of the city? Why defame the Avengers? How does that help you?" He asked.

"You see Fury, unlike you, I am not a monster. There is this thing, humans have, you might not know it, it's called compassion.

Now I know seeing things from a different perspective might be hard for you but that's no real excuse. Let me explain it to you.

Compassion? It's the basis of civilization, where you help someone else for no gain to yourself. Shocking, yes. But not everyone sees every pebble by the roadside as a threat to the planet itself. Some of us are sane and reasonable. And you know, not completely bumfuck insane like you." I chuckled.

"Bullshit! This is just an act so you can take over the world. I know people like you. I know how you think." He said

"Tsk tsk tsk!" I wagged my finger, "You think you know how I think. And that is a grave mistake. Ants should not presume to know what humans think, lest they burn under a magnifying glass."

"Is that what we are to you? Ants?" Fury asked.

"Oh you want to know where I stand on humans? Is that it? Is that why you went through this roundabout conversation?" I scoffed, "What? Do you want to recruit me? Into that little pity party of yours?

What was your recruitment pitch?

'Since you don't like how our heroes work, show me your heroism'?" I mocked.

There was silence on the line for a minute.

"Oh my god. That was it, wasn't it?" I burst out laughing.

"Do I look like an edgy 8th grader to you? Don't tell me that sort of substandard nonsense actually works on people?"

"...What are humans to you?" He asked, with hesitation.

"Back to that? Sure, why not. Let me explain to you what your place is in the universe." I yawned, "Say, tomorrow, Russia invaded the United States. Where do you think they would start? Charlton, Ohio? How about Eureka Springs, Arkansas? Or maybe Flint Michigan?"

Fury was silent for a moment before he sighed.

"I get what you are sayin-"

"Oh do you now?" I sneered sarcastically, "Well let me clarify it for you, just in case. In terms you will understand.

So your widdle bwain doesn't get a boo boo thinking too hard.

You and Earth, are the Flint, Michigan of the galaxy, not to mention the scale of the universe.

Earth is a backwater dump with no redeeming qualities that might interest anyone in the whole wide universe. There is more metal to be mined in the asteroid belt around Mars than is left in your hollowed out crust.

You have no technology or other services to offer. Maybe slaves, but there are far better, cheaper and easier slave species in the universe than weak, pathetic humans.

Your most valuable resources are your wood and water.

And by the way both of those are available in abundance on a billion other planets out there.

So think about it.

What you just did today, will bring the eyes of the rest of the universe on your tiny little planet and the ones who come here, won't be coming for resources, because you have none. The only ones who come here will either be researchers like me, interested in what unique creatures you have and the evil empires who just want more territory, regardless of whether it's worth it or not. And neither scenario will end well for you

The forces I beat today, the Chitauri? They are not official forces of some empire. They are glorified pirates. They are part of the best pirates and mercenaries in the universe sure, but still, not an actual military. Not even the strongest part of their own pirate group. One of the weaker ones actually.

So ask yourself, what will happen when I leave this planet. Because I will leave it soon enough. I have a quadrillion years worth of research notes to go through in the citadel at the end of time."

And nothing to do except research till the next Marvel plot sets up in Thor : Dark World.

But I'm not telling him that.

Finally, Fury sighed and gave in.

"Can I convince you to join Shield? Or at least help us with your tech?" He begged.

"You forgot the magic word~" I teased.

I could see Fury clench his fists in rage at his desk.

"Please, help us." Fury repeated.

"Let me think about it." I smiled, "Nope. Not interested."

"Why?" He asked, his voice lower now.



I couldn't see his face from the angle of the surveillance cameras.

Eh whatever. I already humored him with this talk.

I don't really need to do anything more.

"Perhaps you should clean your house before inviting guests in." I replied.

"What does that mean? Are you implying that there are infiltrators-"

I smiled.

"That is for you to find out, now isn't it?"

"I can force you to tell me." Fury threatened, "You are on American soil. I could have you arrested, tried for crimes you can't even-"

"I'll stop you right there, Fury. If you think you can even put a scratch on me, you're deluded. But you're welcome to try. Just remember, if you do, I'll wipe out the United States. The whole country. Like this. Hell, any one of my kids could do that!" I snapped my fingers.

Fury fell silent.

"What do I have to do to get your help? At least that cure for death-"

"Fury. I know you have your own revival serum in Project TAHITI. And before you ask, yes I know. Every last dirty little secret shield has tried to hide. I know it. I have it. Lot's of interesting stuff." I teased.

"Are you threatening me?" Fury asked, confused.

"What? Threat? No. No, no, no, no.....Fury.

Actually, computer what is the definition of a threat?" I asked.

"A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done." The computer answered dutifully.

"Yup. See, Fury this is not a threat. Threats have intention behind them. A desire to cause harm. No, this is a fact. A cold hard fact of reality."

I smiled deviously, taking over Shield's computers, as my face appeared on Fury's screen.

"I am beyond you. Beyond your gods. Beyond this universe. I don't need to threaten you. In fact, need, is a factor almost completely eliminated from my life as it is now. When I do something, it's because I want to. A whim, so to speak. Or to gain something. Profit motive. Or just plain curiosity. And do you know why I am telling you this?" I asked.

"I'm sure you're about to tell m-"

"Because while you don't matter, my wife does. And my deal with the Ancient One stands. So I will set the timeline in order. Again.

Count yourself lucky. When the time comes I will do the needful. For now, at least. As long as the deal holds. Earth is safe. You can relax. Though you might want to keep on the up and up on world, even if I have dealt with the off world threats for now. I don't intend to meddle in the minutia of daily life. In fact I am about to leave this place to go over the research notes that Kang left me. Do some stuff, run a couple errands. The usual.

And to that end, I will come and meet you tomorrow. With a little gift. Have shield research it. It might just help." I smiled, and cut off the conversation.

But before that, I left a last message.

"Oh and next time, don't send a Skrull."

I blasted open the Skrull's chest and began tinkering with it. Another gift for Fury.

One he won't like.


I exited the portal back to the city and stretched my arms groaning. It has been a long day.

I had already sent Kang his own android earlier, so there was nothing left to do.

I walked back over to the camp and saw Riley and Star already packing up the equipment. Or ordering droids to do it. Same difference.

As I entered the camo I could see some people get on their knees, muttering a prayer.

I sighed.

Not again.

Actually, you know what, fuck it. I don't care. If people want to worship me they can do whatever they want. It's none of my business.

I looked back at Riley and Star and smiled as they spotted me.

"Papa!" Star ran over jumping into my arms.

I picked him up and kissed his forehead, patting Riley's head too.

"Did you guys have fun today?" I asked.

"Yes! Lot's. And I saved so many people!" Star replied, yawning.

Yup. It's time for bed.

"I liked it too. The people here...they weren't afraid. I mean they shouldn't be afraid. They don't know me...the me from before....but them thanking me, being thanked genuinely....it was nice.

I never knew I could do so much....good." She said.

I smiled.

"Well that's great! But don't get soft on me now, okay? We helped them because it was necessary. Not because it was the right thing to do.

If we have to kill them tomorrow....."

Riley nodded.

"I will kill them just as easily. Don't worry Papa." She replied hugging my arm.

"Good. Though I doubt we'll have to do much of anything about them. Now come on. It's time for bed. What story do you want me to read you today?" I asked, opening a portal back home.


Extra chapter for 100 powerstones!

Next extra chapter at 200 powerstones.

I'll post the regular chapter later.

And so ends the Battle for New York.

MC replaces Nick Fury with an android.

A new religion springs up on ground zero.

And MC goes back home for the day to put his kids to sleep.

A nice wholesome ending to the beginning of the MCU.

Next time, Kang disappears, MC repairs the barrier around the world.

And some small interactions with other characters before MC heads into another world for a short power stealing trip.

This chapter is not canon yet and is subject to change if you guys didn't like it or have any better ideas for it.

I'm open to suggestions!

Thanks for reading and bye~

Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee or read ahead go to,
