
God In The Golem.

I opened the Binder's tome, and lay it prone on the plastic stretched out onto the floor, in preparation of exactly this.

Picking up the paint can Yue had dropped and the one I took to the mirror realm myself, I emptied them both onto the opened book, soaking it in the blood.

At first, there was no reaction and for a moment I thought I had picked up the wrong book.

But then slowly, like a credits crawl, words began to appear on the page, lines and diagrams, foreign letter and english ones. Some latin too.

The pages started to flip about as of an unseen hand was speed reading through them and the book came to a stop at the centre of the binding, where the straps and strings appeared to strain and the pages pulled by their own weight parted like the dead sea before Moses. Then, the stitching suddenly seemed to blur like the space around it had merged and melded into the page itself and someone had turned the graphics way down, as it rippled like the portal earlier.

The page ripped and the space tore as a hand emerged from it, a man grasping at any chance at a shore in a storm. It grabbed the edge of the book before another arm tore out from the pages, the thinning, grey hair and a head. Inch by inch, the Binder tore his way out of the book, contorting his body in weird way to fit through the tiny opening, his tattered robes slipping up..... Aaand it's too late.

Yue gagged and I turned away from the sight of saggy balls and a shriveled sausage between his legs as he gave an apologetic look and finished climbing out and shirked his robes again, flashing us for a second time as crumbs of caked dirt and shredded paper littered the room.

"Why again?!" Yue asked distressed.

"Dude! Come on!" I scolded him, casting Lucier's Cleaning Charm to get rid of the mess.

If only there was a spell to cleanse the mind of that sight.

I'll need eyebleach for that shit.

"Worry not. The Binder does not feel or derive any sexual pleasure from such a thing." The Binder said, in third person.

Because of course he did.

Why should he not be annoying in a dozen different ways? Why should anyone?

I snorted.

"Hmm... The Binder wonders if the Binder is even capable of feeling sexual attraction anymore?" He wondered.

"That's not remotely the problem!" I tsukkomi'd.

"The Binder thinks Jay Walker is an impatient man. This was not what the dragon told The Binder.

The Binder wonders if he is worthy of godhood at all?"

"Well I'm certainly more worthy than the troglodytes you apotheosized all those years ago. At least I won't chuck you to rot in a dead world. If you help me that is."

"The Binder notes that Jay has a propensity for sadism. It is not a sign of virtue. The Binder has learnt from his past mistakes and hitting The Binder's sore spots lowers the Binder's opinion of Jay."

"Maybe the Binder should watch his words." Yue stood up for me, a blue flame dancing on her palm.

"The Binder does not fear death. In fact, The Binder welcomes it. It is atonement for the Binder's sins. A welcome respite after ages upon ages of cursed existence." He shot back at her, glaring her down.

"Which is why we won't burn you if you don't help us!" Yue immediately caught on.

The Binder's eyes went wide and I chuckled.

Smart girl!

I patted her head and she made a cute noise.

"No need." I told her, pulling out the memory extractor.

"I was being polite out of courtesy but at this point, I don't really need your consent." I smiled evilly.

"The Binder says the little girl shouldn't speak out of turn. It is not yet decided! The Binder suggests a negotiation. A Word As Bond." The Binder was panicking now, but I ignored him.

With a flick of my wrist, I caught the Binder in a telekinetic grip, extracting a tissue sample to study his curse, before planting the memory extractor on his head.

With a thought, the memory extractor activated and the lights on it flashed, downloading a copy his mind into the database.

"Now then...." I let out a malicious chuckle, "Back you go into the book!"

I crossed my fingers, making a gesture, using Lucier's Cleaning Charm again, this time on the book.

The charm glittered on the book as the smell of rose water permeated the room for a second time, wiping away the blood from it.

No sooner had that happened, did a suction force burst out from the book dragging the Binder back into it all the while he screamed and begged.

"The Binder requests you to stop! The Binder says this is not faiiiiiir!"

With a plop, the book slammed shut, and the Binder was once more trapped inside.

I scoffed.

"Should have taken the offer when I was being nice."

Yue nodded with a humph.

"Now then, let's see what the big spell is all about, shall we?" I smiled.

I pulled out my glasses and wiped them clean before pulling up the data on the god making spell from Binder's memories.

The spell was simpler than I had expected. Not the whole spell. No, the creation of the stone organ, the sacrifice of a monstrous super god and the sealing of it's power, it's divinity into the stone organs....that was a gruelling multi day process of exceedingly complex magic and ritualistic procedure.

But that was already done and the stone organ was in my hands. Then the last part, attaching the divinity to yourself was the easy part.

Just a small spell to connect it to you lifeforce and shove the stone organ into your chest.

Easy peasy lemon squeazy.

There was a problem though.

Connecting your lifeforce to the stone organ means that while you get the power of a god, your life becomes intertwined, almost parasitized upon the stone organ and it's divinity.

In a real god, if you remove their divinity, they still remain immortal and nigh unkillable. They just can't use magic anymore.

However, in a false god like the one made via the stone organ, if the stone organ is removed from you, you die. Instantly. No immortality retirement package for you, like the one afforded to actual gods.

So putting that thing in my body is out of the question. No amount of immortality will protect me from the Nameless God from gutting me and wiping me out in one move.

Does that mean the stone organ was useless?

Was there no point to this whole chore?

Not quite.

The answer to those questions lay in the details, in the careful wording of the spell.

The nature of the spell was such that only the lifeforce attached to the stone organ is destroyed upon it's removal. That means, so long as I can isolate a portion of my theoretically infinite lifeforce, perhaps make a container for a bit of my true chi, disconnected from my self from the rest of me, then I can not only access godly power but also survive it's loss, not that I'll allow it to happen, of course.

And the easiest way to do that is to make a golem.

The recipe for a golem was easy.

It had two ingredients - living clay and the caster's life force, or in this case, since this was a chinese spell, true chi.

Of course the casting of the spell required a few more ingredients but they were easy enough to find and I had several on hand.

Incense, sandalwood, palm oil, etc.

"Yue, get me some living clay will you? And while you're at it, shape it into a human-ish form."

"We're making a golem?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yeah. The false godhood makes you dangerously dependent on the stone organ. The consequences for removing it can be ...deadly." I said, with theatrical glee and Yue giggled cutely.

"This is a substitute for Jay?" She asked, figuring it out almost instantly.

"Damn. You're smart!" I praised.

Yue puffed up her chest in pride.

"I am an all element genius at magic, after all!" She gloated.

"Oh right! You were a genius huh? Hmm.... Maybe I'm just so used to people being stupid that I just assume the position." I wondered.

"....Jay, rude." Yue huffed.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean you, just other people, y'know?"

"Still rude."

"I suppose...." I just shrugged, "Let's get to business and make a puppet god!" I oumped my fists and Yue mirrored my actions.



I burned some incense and began to chant as Yue moulded the living clay into a humanoid shape with her tiny hands around the stone organ.

The arms, the legs, even the penis, which was surprisingly accurate to the real thing.

"How do you know what my peen looks like?"

I narrowed my eyes in suspiscion and Yue just smirked mischievously and licked her lips in response.

"That's not an answer, Yue."

I only got a blush and a giggle in response and I sighed.

What did you do, Yue?

That is sexual assault!

I huffed.

Even in the novel, Yue was very perverted, sexually assaulting Hajime every chance she got.

But I let it go for now, choosing to focus on the pseudo-apotheosis.

Yue on the other hand finished an eerily realistic sculpture of me, lathering it with a mixture of ash and palm oil, before carving out channels and magic sigils onto it's body.

Then she dripped some of my blood onto it, letting it flow along the channels and sigils.

Simultaneously, I finished the chant and activated the spell.

Magic congealed onto the clay body, and the golem squirmed, like a cheaply made default animation of a T-1000 terminator, just mud instead of metal, tiny waves humming on it's form as it slowly transformed into my likeness and a new energy radiated out from it.

It's eyes lit up with a heavenly glow and I could feel the sheer reality pouring out from it.

Yup. This was a god alright.

This was the thing that separated me from the true gods of this world.

The same thing that separated Jim Jaspers from Franklin Richards.

The primary function of a god seed and the whole reason I needed one despite my true body being a million times more powerful than any of these puny gods.

The ability to produce your own reality.

Sure, I could make worlds and realities before, but I did so by pulling material from the boundaries of the multiverse or generating it via quantum entanglement.

I couldn't create reality out of nothing.

Not until now.

I reached out to the golem and pulled at it's power through my connection to it and felt my body flood with a surge of divine energy like I had never felt before.

My eyes glowed a blinding white and i began to float of the ground ever so slightly.

"Jay?" Yue called out to me, worried.

"Is it working properly?"

"Oh yes. The sensory feedback, the link the power. It's all good. It's better than good, in fact...." I grinned, toying around with the power when an idea occurred and I turned to Yue.

"Why don't see for yourself?"

I reached out to Yue and touched her forehead, casting a halo upon her as her body began to squirm and pop, a veil of golden energy sinking into her as she grew, taller, older, even bustier, her hair falling in long cascading hems of gold.

"This....." Yue looked down at herself, as tears pooled in her eyes.

She looked back up at me, and instead of the happiness I expected, I saw rage and shame, and even a hint of betrayal?

"Yue?" I asked, "Is something wrong? Don't you like i-"

"Turn me back." She ordered, her voice cold and distant, "Now!"

That look.... Shit!

Did I mess up somehow?

Didn't she want to grow up? Didn't she hate her childish body?

What happened?

I thought she wanted to be able to grow up and... And...

"NOW!" She screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

And I obliged, undoing my work.

And without a moment's hesitation, she gave me a look of disgust and stormed out.

"Yue?" I called out to her but she didn't listen.

I was left in the classroom, alone.

I sat down on a bench and sighed.

What's up with her? Why is she....

Did I do something wrong?

I shook my head.


I have access to god power now.

That's what is important.

Of course, there was still one more thing to do.

I turned to the laptop and connected to the computer.

"Computer, send drones into the mirror world and run a thorough for Chaos Magic. I want every inch of Northeastern America scanned and logged. And if you find any traces, and I mean any traces of Wanda at all, contact me immediately. And get this golem into containment."

"Understood, sir. A moment please." The computer replied in a butlerian etiquette and a portal opened up dragging the golem and the rest of the materials out of the classroom as I began the final cleaning procedures to erase all traces of me being here and what I had done.

Once I'm done with this, then I'll go and find Yue. Sort this out.


The extra chapter for keeping this fic in the top ten as promised.

With this we are back on schedule!

All promised chapters have been delivered!


This chapter....

MC gets god power.

Yue gets mad.

Tell me what you thought of this chapter?

Next time, the finals and new love.

Next extra chapter at 200 powerstones!

So donate your powerstones, me lads!

Let's get this fic to top ten.

Thanks for reading and bye~