
In The World Of Teen Wolf

The story is about a normal person who finds himself in the world of one of his favorite series. (this is my first story in english not my native language)

Dary_Dary · TV
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8 Chs

New life

I open my eyes and see a room that is not mine, this room is very big and tidy, unlike mine, which was relatively small for a guy my size and very messy.

The last thing I remember before waking up here was that I slept in my bed after an exhausting day at work, and now I'm on the floor of an unfamiliar room.

I'm honestly surprised that I'm not freaking out because I'm in an unfamiliar place, but I just feel much, much calmer than before without even a sign that I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

"Where am I anyway" after asking this question to anyone, but as soon as I get up off the ground my head started to ache and suddenly my vision started to darken.

(Some hours later)

I open my eyes slowly and realize that I'm still on the floor of the same room, I sincerely hoped it was all a very weird dream.

After the headache and passing out I now have a bunch of memories of someone else living in a world I thought was fiction but to be honest I only realized that this is the world of Teen Wolf because this guy literally just finished of moving to Beacon Hills as if that was enough for me to believe this is not a normal world my neighbors are Argent's I apparently moved into this house a few days before they arrived.

"Everything's going to be alright no and like there's a monstrous alpha killing people around town, I'm so screwed" after trying to calm me down and failing miserably, and I wish I could say I didn't cry like a scared child, but that wouldn't be true.

After freaking out a little and crying I finally calmed down enough to start thinking about my situation.

I try to think about my life before I moved to Beacon Hills well my name is 16 years old Jonathan Green I was raised from a one-night stand and my mom died in childbirth my dad is an asshole that after I was born gave my grandmother up until now nothing very different from my old life one of the few differences is that after my grandmother's death my father had the decency to give me an allowance so I could live until I was considered an adult it seems In this life my father is a little rich, and he has some responsibility different from my old life since when my grandmother died the only thing he said was that I was going to have to fend for myself from that moment on, a complete idiot.

Another thing that changed was that I now looked a lot like Matthew Daddario and I had a physique that wasn't overly bulky but was very defined not that I was complaining in my old life I was nothing but my height which was way over the top for everything else appearance-related and pretty average at best.

Thinking back to my memories today must be the day school starts and to the surprise of zero people I'm enrolled at Beacon Hills High School I'm honestly starting to think someone is doing this on purpose, but again I woke up in a body that wasn't mine I think it's better to stop thinking about it, I don't feel like having another breakdown.

I looked at the clock on the wall I still have some time before I have to go to school but damn I can't believe I'll have to go to high school again.

But okay let's look at this from the other side I've spent a good part of my life regretting things I haven't done in the past, and now I literally have a chance to start from scratch and this time I have money and a house secured for a while not to mention I'm just very, very handsome in this life.

Alright let's put some goals for me to do from now on the first one I need to start trying to talk and make friends with people no matter how nervous it makes me the second and try not to think about the past but start a new life and the third I exercise or practice some activity after all I don't want to lose this physique.

After all this it's only now that I realize it's been a long time since I watched Teen Wolf there are a lot of things I forgot the only ones I remember are that Peter and the alpha and that Derek is going to kill Peter at some point and turns the alpha after that he will start to form his pack I also remember the alpha pack just thinking about it makes me nervous it reminds me that teacher Jennifer Blake is a Darach who at some point starts making human sacrifices that too forced me to put it but a goal I must achieve that and lose my virginity I don't want to have any chance of getting killed in a sacrifice, Malia is trapped in her coyote form somewhere I have no idea, Allison had died at the hands of an Oni, Stilles ended up being possessed by nogitsune which is an evil fox spirit, The Dread Doctors will create chimeras at some point by, but annoying as it is and all I can remember so far after writing all this down in a diary I'm going to take a shower to go to school.

After the shower I put on some clothes and grab my backpack I confirm that I'm not forgetting anything and walking towards the garage not that there is any car or anything I'm going to get my bike

Even though I have a driver's license and I don't have a car, it looks like I'll have to save money and get a job.

After riding my bike for a while I finally arrived at school after leaving my bike in the parking lot I remember being told to wait that someone would show me where my room is going to be and give me the timetable.

As I get to where I should be waiting, I see a girl talking on the phone.

I should have expected that I was going to meet one of the main characters soon and there she was in all her glory Allison Argent.

It's ok calm down you just have to talk to her without looking weird even though he's probably one of the nicest girls I've ever seen and that for quite a while in my teens I had a crush on her and just didn't act like one idiot.

As she spoke on the phone I was trying to calm myself down.

"Hi! I'm Allison Argent" she says to me, I get so distracted that I didn't even realize she had already finished the call.

I shake my head and reply "I'm Jonathan Green and nice to meet you too and new to high school?" I asked this even though I knew the answer only because I couldn't think of it, but nothing.

She smiled and replied "my family and I moved here recently."

"What a coincidence, I also just arrived in the city, who knows, maybe we could meet the city together" looking like an idiot.

Before I could go on blaming myself she replied "Of course it sounds fun to get to know the city with someone" she said it smiling.

Before I could process what she just said, a guy in a suit walked over and said, "Are you the new transfers?"

We both said "Yes".

He smiled and said "Excellent".

We were walking in, and he said, "Does it look like you two were getting to know each other?"

"Yes, we were planning to visit the city together, by the way Jonathan would you have a pen I could borrow I ended up forgetting mine at home" she said as we were heading towards the living room.

I don't even think about it much, and I already reply"Of course, take it here, and you can call me Jon" I ding as I hand over the pen.

"Thank you, Jon" she said shortly after that we stopped in front of a classroom.

It seems that this is where my school life begins, I can't help but get nervous thinking that inside this room there's a werewolf who still doesn't know how to control himself.

I'm just writing to pass the time and have fun and try to improve my English so if you have any story ideas let me know in the comments

Dary_Darycreators' thoughts