
Let the Puppets Dance to My Tune

"No, you freaking didn't. You belong to Slaanesh, not Tzeentch. Why would you betray your master?" William questioned Makato's words as they didn't make sense to him. It is clear to William that Makato is the daemon prince of Slaanesh based on his appearances and the legion of that faction he brought with him to the New World.

Usually, the betrayal within Chaos is somewhat common among minor daemons and greater daemons to gain the favor of their designated gods but to actually backstab any of the gods will be a big mistake. Perfect example such as Skarbrand the Exiled One who decided to backstab the Khorne only to be banished by the Blood God, not because of betrayal but rather the method was 'cowardly.'

"Of course, I belong to that horny bitch of a god, but it doesn't mean I can't double-dip and expand my options while at it, can't I? After receiving this 'body' as my reward, I decided to make a deal with Lord of the Change using my only knowledge about you." Makato said with disgust when he mentioned his current body as his hand twitched. The only thing that matters to him is his desire, and it is clear to William that no amount of damage to the New World and old Earth would matter to Makato whatsoever.

"What did he promise? What did that bird-obsessed copious promise to you for that piece of knowledge?" William asks as he activates his golden weapon in one hand and raises his other hand to fire a wrist-mounted range weapon at the daemon prince.

"Oh, he did promise me a life of luxury and pleasure, but Lord Tzeentch promised me something I want most. He will personally change my destiny and personally put you in the Crystal Labyrinth." The daemon prince reveals his entire plan to William as he raises his two beautiful swords to prepare himself. Two giants faced each other and didn't make the first move, but just as seemly time freeze for a second, William made the first move by firing his heavy combi-bolter at the Makato.

Unlike their previous fight, Makato's fighting style is different as his slim body allows him to move faster than normal eyes can follow. Makato quickly dodges the heavy bolter rounds and gets close to William's melee range. The two beautiful purple blades strike fast as if it was cutting the very air, but as expected, William's energy shield blocked the incoming attack, and at the same time, William counterattack using his golden halberd. Striking Makato's center, William's halberd was about to hit the daemon prince, but the tail intercepted it and quickly pushed away.

"You don't think it was that easy, did you?" Makato said to William as his tail tugged the halberd while William matched with his own strength. Meanwhile, Makato continues his vicious melee attack in close range as he pushes faster and more powerful. William attempts to fire his heavy combi-bolter, but each time he tries to aim at Makato, his sword redirects the weapon away, preventing it from hitting the target.

"You will not win this time. I know everything about that armor and its weakness. Your inventory ability won't save you this time." Makato taunts William as he gains control of the fight at the moment. William's shield holds and absorbs the damage, but as he couldn't effectively attack the daemon prince, all he could do was stand his ground. Unknown to Makato, William forgot to mention that this particular terminator armor isn't the same one Makato previously used.

A few seconds later, William saw the kinetic energy chart fully charged. Hidden away behind the helmet, William activates the armor's ability Makato didn't expect with a smile on his face.

"Have you ever seen the movie Black Panther?" William said to Makato and unleashed all the kinetic energy within the terminator armor. The massive blue shockwave of the kinetic energy blasted Makato as he flew away and landed him hard on the ground, in shock and unable to process what just happened. On the other hand, William steps forward as his armor cools down from the sudden temperature rise, which armor transfers to his combi-plasma, supercharging it.

"I forgot to mention something. This armor may look the same to you, but this is completely different from what you previously had. Yours was nothing but a bare minimum of what my armor can do, and this includes a few additional modifications such as the energy shield and kinetic energy blast you just witnessed. Now, prepare to die for real Makato." William then activated his blank ability and made a sizable null zone. The effect of cutting from the warp energy disturbed Makato beyond anything he experienced as his connection to Slaanesh is wholly gone, and his magical abilities are entirely gone.

From passive regeneration ability to active magical power such as illusion and energy bolt are gone. At the same time, Makato no longer felt any presence or link to the other Chaos being within this world. In other words, Makato is now alone and debuffed by William's ability nearly 90% from what he used to be.

"What is this? What did you do to me this time?" Makato's voice went to a high pitch as he began to panic and could not think properly, for his 'normal' condition went high wire beyond his understanding.

"I cut your connection to the warp and Chaos. When you die within my null zone, your soul can't go back to the realm of Chaos or Slaanesh. As I said just now, you will truly die and be unable to reincarnate. I'm your doom." William struck down his halberd and cut Makato's waist down, including his tail.

"No, please. Don't kill me again. I lied to Tzeentch. He doesn't know everything about you. I only told him only half about who you really are." Makato begs for his life as he is genuinely experiencing pain instead of pleasure. Pushing himself away with his damaged hands, Makato crawled away on the ground as William slowly approached with a red glare coming from his helmet visor.

"You lie. I'm certain you sang like a bird a moment you saw an opportunity. It doesn't matter. I will fix the damage you created, starting with your true death." William raised his weapon over his head to strike down, but just as he was about to deliver the killing blow, something unexpected appeared beyond his null zone. A greater daemon of the Slaanesh appeared from the corner of the building as the Legion of Excess followed behind him.

"I have been looking for you little puppet of the Anathema. I have to repay you back for what you did to my perfect body. Prince of Pleasure wasn't happy of what did to his masterpiece." Keeper of Secret places one hand on his stomach where a large stitches mark can be seen. The very same place where William used his black sword against as he resurrected as Champion of the Emperor during the battle of Fort Stormfist.

'Shit. Of course, Keeper is here as well.' William thought to himself for not bringing his entire army into the capital city as this entire conflict turned into an all-out war against one of the Chaos factions. Putting his heavy foot on Makato's chest and aiming his golden blade at his head, William attempt to finish at least one thorn on his side. Just as he was about to deliver a finishing blow, another surprise appeared beyond his null zone, opposite of where Keeper of Secret is.

Facing Slaanesh's legion, a giant red wrap portal appears, and the first thing that comes out is a gigantic greater daemon William has ever seen. Standing 10 meters tall (32 feet tall), carrying two bloodiest great axes and tattered bat-like wings in his back, the greater daemon of the Blood God roars as his wings stretch and the ground begins to heat up around him.

"Skarbrand hates magic! Skarbrand hates the smell of excess and lust! But most of all, Skarbrand HATES pesky mortal known as Willam!" The greatest Bloodthirster of Khorne and fallen champion of the Khorne bring out the heat of the hate as everything around him engulf into flames, including the very ground itself.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" William said to himself as Skarbrand the Exiled One and his Blood Legion of Khorne made their entrance to the New World.


Hiding in the distance, using magical spells, and on the shadow, a small figure watches as his master's plan comes to fruition. The Changer of Ways and Lord of the Fate gave his faithful servant precise instructions, including a whispering message to the former champion of the Blood God.

To bring two arch-enemies into one location, they will fight until one side falls and the other barely survives. It will be at that moment when the Scintillating Legion will make their move to capture the mortal known as William and begin the invasion of the New World.