
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasie
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166 Chs


The first world-wide magic competition was held, and wizards from Granzhou and Xuezhou participated. At the same time, a large number of magic theory books and magic props were transported by ship. These were all seized by the cabinet, but later they were all taken away by Lugar.

His reason is that there is nothing safer in the atrium than him.

I don't know whether it's because I stood the Fuehrer up once, or because of the power of the Fuehrer today, most of it comes from the power of his deity devil.

In short, the cabinet has no objection to this.

At present, the atrium is peaceful, and if there is, it is just a theft. There's a police station down there. Let's get this over with.

He had the books on magic theory sorted and turned over one by one.

After reading only the first theoretical book for the enlightenment of magic apprentices, Lugar looked at the wizards now, which are more mature than those two years ago.

With the complete silence of extraordinary power, the relics belonging to magic began to show their traces and were frequently discovered, from which a lot of information for reference was found.

Two years ago, Lugar only knew that the source of magic was born in his mind. Now the magician has a magic circuit.

This is an advanced version of the source of magic, not just relying on the brain to produce magic. They have discovered that the source of magic wears away the soul, which makes Lugar particularly sorry.

Magic circuit, on the other hand, uses a special medical method to implant a strange container in the human body, which can hold a certain amount of brain magic.

When the magic in the first container is full, you can start to implant the second container.

An apprentice can implant four or seven containers to form one or two simple magic circuits before he is promoted to a magician. These one or two magic circuits can enable the apprentice to master a magic before he has a ring.

The initialized magic, after being sorted out by a large number of restored wizards, created or restored three simple magic: fireballs, fireballs and artillery.

Among them, the power of firebombs is similar to that of firebombs in the atrium, and it is also named after firebombs. Fireballs and artillery are the further promotion of this fireball magic.

But put together, it is listed as the simplest magician, but it is because these three magics consume almost the same magic power, and it is how much Moore Green powder the apprentice has in his hand that determines their power.

Very chicken ribs ...

This magic depends entirely on money.

But it's just the apprentice's magic, so you don't have to be so practical.

The magician's magic circuit has as many as three to five, which not only restores the magic very quickly, but also bypasses the damage of magic to the brain and in turn nourishes the soul.

This is with the help of the power of some ghosts.

This magic circuit alone forced Lugar to pay attention to the group of wizards. Because of the magic circuit, the need for talent is almost zero.

This will make it possible to mass-produce wizards.

However, after this magical theory was turned over, Lugar was relieved. Wizards still need talent, provided that the soul is inherently strong.

By comparison, he found that at least the soul strength of the Styx monster of level C is required to start practicing magic.

The soul below level C will collapse or die because it can't stand the damage of magic to the soul at first.


The population of Granzhou and Xuezhou is not as large as that of Zezhou.

At this moment, Lugar understood their plan to hold this magic contest.

They lured the asset owners of the atrium with benefits, which made them feel excited and joined the industry. At the same time, it will also make a large number of magic apprentices present.

A large number of magic apprentices will inevitably lead to a large number of wizards. As long as you can become a magician, there will be no bottleneck before the Third Ring Road.

And a second-ring magician, for an army's auxiliary role, has been great.

Although there will be wizards staying in the atrium, there will inevitably be more wizards going to Granzhou or Xuezhou to seek a higher level of magic knowledge in order to go further.

Put down the magic books, Lugar has found that these theoretical books are only elementary, and they can only last up to the third ring road, so they are not strong enough.

"What an open plan, what a soft knife to cut meat."

Lugar shook his head slightly. The most important thing in this world is a wise man. People who can think of such a plan are terrible.

Because Lugar couldn't help it even if he saw the essence of this magic contest.

The atrium is not his own. It can be said that in order to make the atrium complete in a short time, the atrium at present has become a symbiotic product between huge forces.

Such products only pursue interests. It will only be a benefit.

It is also worth mentioning that the current Lugar is one of these huge forces. "But since I'm in office, this stain can't stay."

Lugar rang the bell on the desk, and soon his clerk and secretary ran in. "Starting today, carry out patriotic education and advocate quality education.

Those with strong patriotic feelings and corresponding deeds can be admitted to an excellent college without exception. Headed by Thorn Thorn College and other colleges, these students are given preferential treatment such as free tuition and miscellaneous fees. As for their losses, ask the cabinet for them. "

After hearing this, the clerk put on a bitter face and couldn't help saying, "Mr. Fuehrer, can they promise this?"

"I don't believe that none of them understand this!"

Lugar pointed to the magic theory books on his desk, and he believed that it was definitely not all in his hand. Those guys are so happy that nine times out of ten they have left some for themselves.


Since the Fuehrer said so, the clerk and secretary naturally won't object any more, and they quickly withdrew. Lugar said it lightly, but the trouble was enough for both of them to break their legs.


The first magic contest was held in half a month.

Thanks to the free delivery of tickets, the hard publicity of many powerful forces, and the hard performances of magicians from Granzhou, Xuezhou and even the region, magicians soon became household names in Zezhou, and at the same time, a large number of people poured into Berners, a city that has not recovered.

However, even after half a month's preparation, when the magic contest was held, it still failed to make all the cities come and watch.

Only one-third of the cities have people coming here specially.

This made several four-ring magicians who presided over the magic contest shake their heads and have to accept this fact. The powerful musket gun has made people in the atrium forget how terrible a single force can be.