
In The World Inside Worlds

A guy who died ends up in a world he didn't expect, he only gets one advantage thought that is his experience Bar....... What will he do now that he doesn't know what to do in another world... What can this Experience Bar really do???? I dont own anything but my own OC

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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4 Chs

[1] Gaining Exp......

'Well this isn't what I wanted.' I thought as I looked around my new room, this was really making me feel weird and all honestly this wasn't something I ever dreamed of. I was currently looking outside my room while watching the world but in the right side of the corner of my eye was an experience bar.

I didn't know what it did but it was there since a year ago when I came to this world, I was no longer Damon Black that was once an average person on Earth but instead I was Dex Everly. This person wasn't rich nor poor and he came from a middle class family who gave him a monthly allowance for what he needed, that made me question some things but I held my tongue.

Another thing was I no longer looked like my past self instead I looked like a young Kit Harington just instead of brown eye I had light sky blue ones, that made me sit in front of a mirror for a month. After coming to terms with what I knew was something I couldn't change I started to look for clues to see if I was in a special world but other than the lack of some celebrities it was the same.

That didn't mean that stuff wasn't happening in the background but I wasn't like those dead guys from Fan-Fics and novels who were super geniuses before I died. Here's some words if you are so smart how in the hell did you die. Anyway it has been a hard year that is all I am saying, this constant experience bar wasn't helping (Exp Bar).

Sighing I moved to my computer and started looking through anything that could be helpful again but I was just going to have to resign myself to the fact that I wasn't in some special world. While thinking that my phone vibrated with a notification it was from a buddy who was offering to take me to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, while I knew him form memories that was just it.

I went to reject but decided against it since I came here my money sent from my 'Parents' has piled up and it would be good to use it, plus I'm eighteen and fresh out of high school why not. Sending a conformation he sent a thumbs up and told me he would book my ticket for me, he was a typical rich kid but he treat the past person well doing things like this.

Sighing I left out to go by something to eat I have been holed up for a week and I needed to eat something that wasn't take out for one, after putting on my converse I took off. Going downstairs I headed towards the farmers market that was going on down town, as I walked something popped in front of my right eye and I was shocked.

'0.01Exp Killing Worker Ant' My Exp Bar moved up even if it was only slightly, looking down I was standing right next to a ant hill. My thoughts ran quickly and I came up with the only thing that was the cause of this, it was like a video game in order to gain Exp I needed to kill something.

I didn't even think before smashing my foot on the ant pile my Exp Bar shot up a little more but it still wasn't even at 1% yet, well they were ants. Another problem occurred though my shoe was now filled with ants who were biting my foot like crazy, with everyone watching I kicked it off and danced around.

There were some very attractive girls watching too but it looked like my shot with them has ended and I will never get another one, whatever though I found something more important. Forgetting my food I ran home and filled two jugs of water before going to find more ant piles, luckily around my building there was plenty so I was set.

After four ant hills, killing five caterpillars and two rats that chased me I was able to gain 5% on my Exp Bar, I only stopped for two reasons 1. out of water and 2. because people kept staring. After throwing away the jugs I went to the Farmers Market like I planned, I decided to go ahead and continue this tonight when I wouldn't have an audience thinking I'm crazy.

------8 hours and two pizzas later

I was walking around at nearly eleven the streets were deserted but the bottom of my shoes were filled with green and red blood, lucky me who killed a squirrel, though it took forever. The little thing was fast and I felt a little sad abut killing it but they were everywhere who was going to miss them, the jackpot would have been a bees hive but they are already on the decline no need to add to it.

Now I was sitting at a bench looking at the 85% in the Exp Bar, after going twelve blocks and running through a park this is what I got and I was tired. As I was sitting there a dog walked out of an alley growling at me, my first thought was free Exp but I shook that thought off.

Then again here it was growling at me and slowly stalking forward, nope couldn't do it, without a thought I ran with it chasing going straight to the park. If it didn't stop soon I was seriously considering killing the thing, while I ran it picked up speed and tackled me.

Well no need to be a nice guy anymore, I used my hands to keep it from biting me while looking for something to hit it with, this thing was crazy trying to take my neck. Getting a rock that was the size of my palm I hit it in the eye, it whined and that moment I didn't stop but went in and beat it repeatedly until it stopped all together.

The park was quiet again and my hands were covered in dog blood, not wanting to be a total ass I picked it up and carried it into the woods on the side. As I walked the Exp Bar kept filling slightly and after gaining 10exp from killing the dog then I was close to getting to level two.

Finding a good spot I used a pointy rock and my hands and dug a grave for the dog who gave its life to be my Exp Points, wiping the sweat from my brow I placed the dog inside and left. After a full night of running around I took out my phone it was two o'clock and I was tired after making the dog grave.

Looking at the Exp Bar it wash flashing and full but I didn't know what to do since there was no options and even standing here saying different things didn't work. Oh well then, I was tired anyway and started heading home I needed a good shower and some sleep I left tomorrow for New Orleans.

After showering when I got home I went straight to bed the flashing stopped when I closed my eyes and I was out like a light. I was hoping to get to sleep but instead I ended up in a white space and there was a screen in front of me showing......

This is based off of him jumping from his new world to others for missions he wont be staying in them though just his own, no Harem I only have one girl in mind.

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts